
Designed A Float Plane

Started by kitflubber, February 19, 2007, 11:03:02 AM

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I got this sudden urge to design Float Planes and Seaplanes lately. I have fleshed one out in 3D (Strata) software Friday. I have been designing more this weekend.

Here's a link to PhotoBucket, where I have some quick renders:


The Rat

From one whiffer seaplane builder to another, I LOVE IT! Looks like a challenge to turn into plastic, but it will look wicked cool!  :wub:  :cheers:  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


I'm thinking a cessna body, with a bunch of scratchbuilding?  Sir Baz?


I added a new render of the plane with paint job on water (under same linkas above) -- I spent all afternoon adding seams and detailing, and it does not show up (sighs).


Thanks for the nice comments Rat.

I have built another digital model, still rough, of a more sporty float plane, one with a lifting body and stubby wings.




Both of those are very cool! Are you going to try and build a plastic model or are you going to fine tune your renderings? Look forward to seeing more :)
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Blackops, I am not sure how to start making them real, physical models.

My coworker has really gotten into making paper models: there's a guy giving away his own designs, you just download them, cut them out and assemble. They are surprisingly good. That guy uses some software that converts a 3D file into flat patterns.

Or I could just carve them by hand... :(  


Actually my dream would be to have a 3D printer -- they will be within reach of ordinary citizens ina few years. (Or I could just convince my boss at my design studio that we really need one now!)


Damn, I just saw a review of one on the net yesterday, and I can't remember where.  It was made by Sears, and hooked up to a PC...it looked like a Lathe/Machining Press, sort of a small CNC.  Will keep on looking.

 Edit:  whoohoo!



OK, I did a better render of the first plane, sitting in calm water, did better texturing and there is haze in the distance.



I like what you've done, don't worry about not being able to build it in a real world kit, heck I couldn't build it in a 3-d render  :lol:

Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


I have been thinking about the pontoons -- why can't they do double duty, as floats and as lifting surface in the air? Here's a link to my idea.



Interesting concept, Tom.  I was yapping with a friend last night about that idea, and the only negative was the drag efficiency...but ground effect craft don't go fast enough for that to matter, so it should work perfectly. In fact, it could either reduce the required engine size, or extend the range of the craft.
 Cool stuff.



I wonder if they'd have any lower drag that regular shaped pontoons... part of my thinking for the chines or strakes on the bottom corners of the pontoons is to accentuate the ram effect in WIG flight.

More images of the second plane with the new pontoons here:

