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Century Series Questions

Started by Iranian F-14A, February 21, 2007, 01:13:22 PM

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Iranian F-14A

Would it be possible for any of these aircraft to carry newer model AAMs? Not nesscarily ASRAAM and AMRAAM,but at least Sparrow and Sidewinder.Also,in the Voodoo's case,what about putting 2x AIM-54 Phoenix missiles under the belly,somewhat conformal where the AIR-2s were placed and would wing mounted AIM-9s or AIM-7 work on the F-101?
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter


AIM-9s yes.  The others, probably not.  The AIM-7 might have been adaptable to some of them, but for sure not the AIM-54.  The Phoenix was part of the AWG-9 weapons system, and required the computer and radar in the F-14 (and F-111B) to operate.

You could mount an AIM-9 on your car if you had the right power supply and launching switchology.  It's independent of the carrier platform in its operation (witness it being fitted to the Nimrod).

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


I have a feeling that you probably couldn't mount anything under a Voodoo's wings. They were pretty small considering the size of the rest of the beast, I'd think you'd need every inch of them to give the required lift to get it off the ground.

As for the AIM-54 Phoenix, I think you'd have better luck stashing them in an F-106 weapons bay rather than doing a Genie type mounting on a Voodoo. I think the Phoenix would be a really tight fit lengthwise for the Voodoo's rotating weapon palate.

One thing I wonder is if you did a Voodoo up in RAF markings, could it carry a pair of Red Tops like AIM-4 Falcons?

Also, could you put a load of Firestreaks in the weapons bay of an F-106, again AIM-4 style?
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QuoteI have a feeling that you probably couldn't mount anything under a Voodoo's wings. They were pretty small considering the size of the rest of the beast, I'd think you'd need every inch of them to give the required lift to get it off the ground.
Actually, mounting a pylon under a wing has almost no effect on its lift capabilities. You're not destroying the lift anywhere but the tiny footprint of the pylon.  And the missile itself will add a small amount of lift to the mix.  Voodos in Vietnam often carried ECM pods on small pylons.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


Great minds think alike ! Three days ago, after a quick search on "Airliners.net"
I thought about a Greek, upgraded F-106 (low-cost alternative to the Mirage 2000C in the 80's).
Greek paint sheme are coooool and I have tons of Greek decals left by my Mirages...

Au fait... would it be possible to fit some AMRAAMs under the wings of an F-106 ? I suppose the 'winders would go on the ventral bay (instead of the AIM-4s)
Even better : AMRAAMs on modified wingtips  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


How about AIM-47s in internal bays? It was smaller than Phoenix, almost same range, and a big bang (read:nuke).
Baldrick: I followed Mr Da Vinci's instructions to the letter.
Blackadder: Even though you can't actually read.
Baldrick: No, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.

Captain Canada

I'm pretty sure that with todays technology, you could mount just about anything on those old birds ! Especially the 106, with it's internal weapons bay.

A modern Voodoo would be too cool......especially with AIM-120s !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Jeffry Fontaine

QuoteI have a feeling that you probably couldn't mount anything under a Voodoo's wings. They were pretty small considering the size of the rest of the beast, I'd think you'd need every inch of them to give the required lift to get it off the ground.
Actually, mounting a pylon under a wing has almost no effect on its lift capabilities. You're not destroying the lift anywhere but the tiny footprint of the pylon.  And the missile itself will add a small amount of lift to the mix.  Voodos in Vietnam often carried ECM pods on small pylons.

The F-101A/C and RF-101A/C were both able to mount a pylon on the wing to allow carriage of an ECM pod for the nuclear strike mission (F-101) and for reconnaissance missions (RF-101).  The pylon was small and the ECM pod was similar to the early ALQ-87 or ALQ-101 in size and weight. 

So carriage of the Sidewinder would be no problem on the F-101.  Also consider that the early F-4C Phantoms that were deployed to SEA were fitted with the AIM-4 and due to the pathetic performance of that weapon the AIM-9 Sidewinder was adapted to the F-4 with minimal fit issues and it was used successfully in combat on the Phantom.  As Jennings stated, the Sidewinder could be mounted on almost anything that could carry it. 

Take a look at the AH-1J Sea Cobra, it was able to carry the Sidewinder AAM and Sidearm ARM.  OV-10 Bronco was also able to carry the Sidewinder. 

The Navy even considered using the AIM-7 Sparrow on the SH/UH-2 Seasprite and there are images of the aircraft fitted with a Sparrow.  The AGM-12 Bullpup was also tested on the H-34.
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Iranian F-14A

Here kinda the general layout I was going with.Sparrows on the inboard and Sidewinders outboard.Maybe do away with the internal bay and install launch rails over it and just add another fuel tank/avionics where the bay used to be.

I suppose some air to ground weapons could,possibly be hung where the former weapons bay was.Maybe a couple Mk.82s or something along those lines.Of course,I'm not sure that it'd be able to pack the AIM-9s,AIM-7s plus the air to ground weapons,but still an idea.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever-1984
Current projects:
OH-58F Kiowa Warrior
S-70C Civilian Hawk
HAL Light Combat Helicopter
S-64 Skycrane Firefighter


This is all sort of academic, isn't it?  It's a Whiff... you can do anything you like.  The F-101B/F didn't have a radar that would have supported anything like an AIM-7, AIM-54, or AIM-47 (neither did the F-106).  None of this could have, or did happen in real life.

The 106's weapons bay was pretty shallow for anything that big, but if it will physically fit on the model, have at it!

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


On the other hand, the D&S book on the F-106 has side views of alternate radar installations considered for the F-106, including a testbed for the F-15's radar, that would work with the AIM-7.  You'd need to modify the nose contours, but it's plausible.  You'd likely have to use a folding fin AAM in the weapons bay, it's not that deep, going by pictures.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Daryl J.

Why not Whiff weaponry?

Daryl J.  


QuoteWhy not Whiff weaponry?

Daryl J.
Pyewackets in weapon bays?
Baldrick: I followed Mr Da Vinci's instructions to the letter.
Blackadder: Even though you can't actually read.
Baldrick: No, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.


QuoteWhy not Whiff weaponry?

Daryl J.
Pyewackets in weapon bays?
You'd fire Siamese cats? Sounds like a good idea!  :cheers:  


QuoteWhy not Whiff weaponry?

Daryl J.
Pyewackets in weapon bays?
You'd fire Siamese cats? Sounds like a good idea!  :cheers:
No, Pyewackets.

But thanks for the mental image - cat on a booster.
Baldrick: I followed Mr Da Vinci's instructions to the letter.
Blackadder: Even though you can't actually read.
Baldrick: No, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.