
Wif- Escort Crusiers And Ddls- Austraila,nz,canada

Started by roughneck06, February 27, 2007, 09:57:22 PM

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I welcome comments/thoughts on the wIF of Aus, NZ, Canada building " Escort Cruisers" based on the early RN designs from the 1960s and the abortive DDL. Assume in addition to ASW Helos, a small number of Kestels or Harriers are embarked on the Escort cruisers. My thoughts as to aquisition are as follows:

Aus: 2 Escort Cruisers and 6 DDLs. ( keep 3 CFA DDGs as historical, perhaps cut # of historical Frigates)
CAN: Same ( keep Tribals, cut some historical Frigates)
NZ- 1 Escort Cruiser and 2-3 DDLs. ( keep @ 3 Frigates)

Also- perhaps AUS and NZ aquire some Knox class FFs. ( say 2-3 per country)

Overall-improves ASW capability and gain some limited air power in addition to Historical and Air Defense/ASuW????


How would you accomodate the increased airwing?

Larger rear deck -similar to the Jeanne d'Arc Class:

or perhaps a more traditional side mounted carrier style deck?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


The Escort Cruisers would be ideal for the job to replace the WW2 cruisers previously used. Providing a useful VTOL platform for Helo's and possibly Harrier type aircraft coupled with the weapons fit of a guided missile destroyer.

I suspect the SeaSlug/Sea Dart option would likely be replaced with US Standard missile system and the Twin 4.5 inch  DP gun by the US 5 inch on the RAB ships. They would make ideal flotila leaders for the existing destroyers and ASW escorts, providing ASW Helo support for the whole group, C&C and area defence.

The JMSDF are supposed to be beuilding something along similar lines to replace their Haruna class ships which were large ASW destoyers with the rear half of the ship dedicated for ASW helo's. The new ships are supposed to be more like mini carriers with a through deck above a small hanger and a comprehensive Island.


(a drawing of the later format escort cruiser that eventually evolved into the Invincible class can be found on Richard Breedals website under the CVA-01 category)