Helo Armament

Started by Maverick, March 22, 2007, 06:54:51 PM

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Hey All,

Whilst rummaging thru my profile stuff in an effort to put some order into my references, etc, I came across an interested artwork of Ka-50 weapon fits showing FAB type dumb bombs and RBK and KMGU series cluster bombs.

Is this just a case of the Russkies saying "look at what we can hang off our helos" or is there some tactical doctrine re the use iron bombs and CBUs on helos?  

Sounds like a frickin easy way of getting shot down if'n ya ask m!



Ka-50s fit conventional bombs ;)  Dunno what its for, but they do use kinds of bombs that spread out tons of landmines <_<  


Guess that explains the cluster munition carriers... thanks B777.

Now all I've gotta do is work out why they're hanging dumb bombs.



I know that during the Cold War polish Mi-24 crews were trained in conventional bomb operations.

I have also read articles about wars in post-USSR republics in the early 90's. They did mention using Mi-8 as "conventional bombers".

If conventional planes are unavailable, why not?


Ka-50s are very maneuverable, and this allows them to do loops and steep dives. If you dont have a fighter available, you could allways send in a flight of black sharks to hit perhaps a bridge or say building...


Still a nasty thought overflying your target in a helo, nice & slow and a belly full of lead even if you get ur load dumped!

Mav :o  


QuoteStill a nasty thought overflying your target in a helo, nice & slow and a belly full of lead even if you get ur load dumped!

Mav :o
KA-50s arent that vulnerable. Remember, no rotor shaft for the tail rotor, no advanced gearing in tail, lots of armour around engines, rotors and cockpit. And they pack alot of punch ;)  :wub:  


Heavily armoured... yes
armed to the teeth... yes
no tail rotor... yes
nimble as a hummingbird... yes

Gonna get the poo-poo (with an english accent) blown out of it if it sets up for a diving attack (gimme) or overflight... Yes!

Don't care what the helo is, hang ur @ss out there long enuf and it will get blown away!...  And bombing runs mean hanging ur @ss out there.

That's why we have stand-off weapons, a'la JSOW, Maverick, JSSAM, etc.



And they've built what, eight service examples?

Also just because they've flown it around on sales demos armed to the teeth, looping and rolling does not mean it would fly a combat mission with that profile. Its called sexing it up for the punters, in this case procurement officials.

The Kamov contra-rotating rotor system is as vulnerable as any other helicopter rotor system, a balancing act of forces easily disturbed. Physics rules helicopters.



Whether it be a CTOL/VTOL fixed wing A/C, or a conventional/coax helo, physics rules it all!

The Coax guys just have to be more careful, thats all.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.



Yes, the Russians definitely do use "dumb" bombs from their helicopters.  The Mi-24 could carry up to 1500kg of convential, chemical or other bombs (nuke anyone? :lol: )  Examples included four FAB-250 (see below for pic).  Likewise, the Mi-8 could also carry the same.

As for the Ka-50, I've also read that it can carry not only four FAB-500, but also four KAB-500Kr EO/TV guided armour piercing bombs (see pic below)

IF you want something out of the ordinary, how about this pic of a Mi-24 with what looks like 4 torpedoes!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


A glorious soviet navy hind to operate off assault carriers? I like this idea! Cabin could be used for sonar operaters, or in a AEW version, a radar operator?



I was aware about the LGB or EOGB stores, just seems kinda odd rigging a helo for 'dumb' bombs and the inherent risks of overfly the target etc.  Maybe they were considered when bombing Afghanis and other civilians etc, who didn't have AAA assets except for small arms?  Nasty 2 b sure, but then again the 'Evil Empire' wasn't the nicest bunch in the day.

As for naval, now that's better, I reckon a Hind rigged up as an asw/aew bird would be quite nifty.



During the Soviet involvement in the 'Stan, two Afghan Hinds defected to Pakistan and they were carrying 250kg (FAB-250 I suppose) bombs.



Makes sense for that area, heard they had pioneered the concept of dropping dumb bombs off helos in the 'Stan, but at the end of the day pre-Stinger or captured Dushka, it's only small arms ur worrying about so it's not quite as fraught with danger.  Of course that's when the Taliban were the good guys, lol!!
