
Ta-154a Moskito

Started by noxioux, April 14, 2007, 09:35:07 PM

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So, I was being very disciplined and NOT buying anything but glue at the hobby shop.  Of course, you have to look on the bargain table, just in case. . .  Well this new girl I've been seeing picks up this box that I hadn't even seen, and hands over a ProModeler TA-154 for $19.  I couldn't stand not to buy the kit.

So, about the girl, you gotta wonder about the hand of fate making her pick out the one thing in that store I couldn't resist. . .

The TA-154 is one of my favorites, even if it was a stillborn project in reality.  It's always compared to the DH Mosquito, but I've always thought it was a lot more like the F7F Tigercat, which I think is a real beauty.  I can't wait to get cracking on this one.  I've already cracked the box open and had a look.  It seems to be a pretty nice kit at first glance.  Nice engraved panel lines, and not much flash at all.

Markings?  Suggestions anyone?  I'm leaning toward a nicely whiffed carrier-based version. . .

Daryl J.

Johnny Raincloud says:   Wing warp can be atrocious, prop shape is off, fit is dicey.  In other words: It's perfect for Whiffing!   B)  B)  B)

Glad you got the kit,
Daryl J.


QuoteI'm leaning toward a nicely whiffed carrier-based version. . .

I'm liking your leaning.  Maybe fitted with torpedo and rockets as a Kriegsmarine counterpart to the Beaufighter - call it a Ta-154T.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Son of Damian

Where talking 48th right, cuz I have the Revell 48th Moskito which I'm pretty sure is the same as the ProModeler kit. I mean there the same scale and have the same box art.  

Many moons ago someone was doing a whiff moskito on HS's plastic pixs forum, IIRC they were doing an Italian dive bomber and the only pics I have it is about 80% complete.

Some ideas...

Finland - heavy fighter, night fighter, schnell bomber - the Finns operated numerious German aircraft and in a number of cool schemes

Hungary/Romania/Italy/Bulgaria/Turkey - same as Finland

Sweden - maybe they get there hands on one, test it, copy it, put it into service

Switzerland - bough 109E's and got the Germans to give them some G's in exchange for destorying a Bf 110 with SN-2 radar, maybe they got the Germans to give them a few night fighters with older Litchtenstein radar to counter night incursion into Swiss air space.

Spain - facist ally, maybe Germany gets Spain to produce some weapons where they won't be bombed

Portugal - another facist country yet Salazar was no Franco

Japan - Germany shipped a number of there front line aircraft there for evaluation

Romans - used for multi roles in the numerious wars against Mongol, Zulu, Aztec, Inca empires

Aztec/Zulu/Mongol/Inca - captured from Romans

Now about this girl, she goes with you to your LHS (doesn't complain?) and picks out a bargin. She sounds like a keeper to me ;)  ;)

"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


Just so you know the fit on the PM Ta152's nose drove me nuts lots O PSR my friend <_<  
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


I've built a few of these, and actually just bought another for whiffing...looks like timing was perfect, love those ideas !
 The Dragon/Promodeller kit (same kit, different boxes) has only one major flaw, and that is the pronounced wing droop. It isn't a flaw in the moldings, but in the initial design of the molds, so you are going to have to shim up the wing at the root with some plastic card. Sounds tough, takes about ten minutes.  And, if you are going to do a carrier version, maybe the droop would be good? (maybe even accelerate it, like a corsair? hmmmm, I like that !)

 Looking forward to this build, we can do a mini group build !  It really is a stunning kit, and when you are done, and you step back, your jaw will drop...what a great looking plane!


I'm part way through hacking apart the Revell 1/48 Ta-154 for my Secret Santa build, but I've got to admit part of me thought it was a shame to tear it to bits.  With only a handful being built, it'd make a lovely whiff in it's own right.  Carrier bird sounds great!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


I have built that Ta 154 kit and had severe wing warp issues on the right hand side, it took many attempts soaking the wing parts in hot water to remove the warps.
The nose area on the fuselage was a tight fit but it eventually closed up enough to where I could glue so it was not much trouble. I lengthened the oleo portion of the front landing gear leg a bit, the kit part is just too short.
By far the worst problem with the model is the CG, I added what I thought was more than enough lead to assure it would sit correctly and not become a tail sitter but I guessed wrong! Only after adding the resin Cutting Edge props did it balance correctly, I was lucky that time!

The Ta 154 kit is very good, it just takes a little extra effort to build.

The decals in my kit shattered after putting them in water, I tried to use some of the stencils but they just would not work so I used Fw 190 decals to finish my model.

Dragon is producing a Ta 154 Mistel kit this year and I hope they corrected the wing warp problem because I will get at least one of those kits, maybe two!



from what it sounds like, they are using the same molds...sigh.

  For the nose sitting, I don't even weight at all.  Putting a stiff piece of wire into the tire at a slight angle will hold even the heaviest bird down.


Sounds like this chick is a keeper ;)

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


If I was doing a carrier-based version, I reckon I'd swap the liguid-cooled engines with annular radiators for a pair of BMW801s or such, but that's just my preference.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


This is what I did with mine

As displayed at the Exhibit of Captured Enemy Aircraft, Farnborough, November 1945.
The only thing I did with the kit was to add a brass spar, as the wing sags noticeably without.
Terry :wacko:  :wacko:  
IPMS Seattle 'President For Life'



You can't tease us like that!!! We demand more pics.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!



   For the nose sitting, I don't even weight at all.  Putting a stiff piece of wire into the tire at a slight angle will hold even the heaviest bird down.
Hi Cthulhu77,

I don't really grasp this. Do you mean anchoring the model to some sort of base?

Allan in Canberra


I just want to say you guys give me a great be evil whiffer chubby.

elmayerle, great idea!  I might have to cast about for a few more of these kits.  I had no idea it would spark this much interest.