
Il-10 On Steroids

Started by McGreig, April 19, 2007, 09:15:27 AM

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That's looking gorgeous so far.  My compliments.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

Eddie M.

Good looking work! B)  I am enjoying the show. B)
Look behind you!


Thanks for all the encouraging comments.

Not as much progress over the weekend as I'd intended. Still, every little helps. The cockpit interior is now done (although very little will be visible through the armoured Il-10 canopy) and the undercarriage added.

One of the Wyvern u/c legs is missing and I had a momentary panic when I realised that the Il-10 u/c legs were too short for the contra prop. I eventually adapted u/c legs from a MiG-29 and I think that they look OK.

Next stage is to fit and seal the canopy and decide on the weapon load. As it has two large cannon in each wing, I'll probably just add a single torpedo on the centre line.

Daryl J.

That thing just looks right.   Great job on proportions.

Daryl J., enjoying this build.......

Brian da Basher

That's got "Russki - Hurtski" written all over it! Excellent!

Brian da Basher


Progress slow but steady, with an emphasis on the slow part.  :huh:

Once again, it is the non-whiff bits of the model which have given the most trouble. The KP Il-10 canopy required three coats of Johnson's Klear before it was reasonably smooth and transparent and, as you can see from the filler around the base, the fit to the fuselage could charitably be described as poor.


However, with the canopy, cannon and undercarriage all installed, the next stage (after some final filling and sanding) will be painting the main airframe. In keeping with my tradition of changing my mind with every post, I'm now thinking of an overall light grey scheme, not that different in shade from the primer, although I haven't completely decided against two tone grey

Brian da Basher

McGreig, all that hard work on the canopy was well worth it! That rear gun really completes the look wonderfully! I've gotta vote for the two-tone scheme as I think it will add that last bit of Wow!

Fantastic work!

Brian da Basher


Beautiful work McGreig, can't wait to see this one finished. What type of filler did you use around the canopy? As for paint schemes, have you considered Middle Eastern, possibly Egypt or Iraq?



I have been lurking around this post up until now! All I can say is!

Can't wait till it is finished!  :wub:  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


QuoteWhat type of filler did you use around the canopy? As for paint schemes, have you considered Middle Eastern, possibly Egypt or Iraq?

The filler round the canopy is thick Humbrol paint.

I let a tin of Humbrol 34 Matt White enamel sit for a while until the pigment has separated out and then I pour the oil off, leaving about half a tin of very thick paint. This has the advantage that it can be applied by brush to very precise areas but is also thick enough to fill small gaps. When dry it can be sanded smooth.

While I use Squadron White Putty, or similar, for major gaps and reshaping, I use the thick paint method for virtually all normal constructional filling, such as wing root joins and fuselage centre lines.

Also, where I use putty I always cover it with a coat of the thick paint before sanding. I've found that this helps to avoid small pinholes and the slight step or edge that sometimes appears between the putty and the plastic when it's sanded down.

And yes, I have considered Middle Eastern schemes, particularly Iraq, which I think would suit this machine. However, as I'm unlikely to build another (unless I buy the Trumpeter Wyvern in a fit of temporary insanity) I've decided that this one should be finished in a Soviet scheme, which limits my options a bit, although the two tone scheme is now the front runner again!


QuoteAnd yes, I have considered Middle Eastern schemes, particularly Iraq, which I think would suit this machine. However, as I'm unlikely to build another (unless I buy the Trumpeter Wyvern in a fit of temporary insanity) I've decided that this one should be finished in a Soviet scheme, which limits my options a bit, although the two tone scheme is now the front runner again!
IMHO, Soviet camo options are a lot:

In Korea (soviet crews in korean markings) you have beautiful schemes.
From Korea to about 1970, bare metal.
Since 1970, any combination you can imagine of 2, 3, or 4 colours from: sand, brown, light green and dark green.
Will die without understanding this world.


McGreig, thank you for the response, a very interesting technique; I'll have to try it some time.


Ian the Kiwi Herder

This is superb, simply superb..... and re-defines UGLY in a very positive way !

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


*#*#*#*!!!   :angry: Managed to knock the canopy off when masking it for painting!

More of a setback than a catastrophe, but it took longer than I expected to fix, so no new pictures yet. However, damage is now fixed and masking done, so final painting should be getting underway soon.