
Revell Dornier 335 In Progress

Started by Allan, May 04, 2007, 06:23:43 PM

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Nice to know I'm not the only one who decorates his fingernails to match my latest build  :lol:

Lookin' good Allan, I am really looking forward to seeing the finished paint scheme, heck I can't wait to see those yellows and reds again :)
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Thanks BlackOps
I won't be touching the grey for a few days--want to make sure it dries completely.
What I have in mind is something like the way Corsairs and Hellcats were painted with the navy blue on top and a lighter blue, say RLM 76, above the Japanese grey I have just applied.
And yes it would be nice to see the Dornier in all its glory, but we and I need to be patient. Mustn't rush these things.
Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Oh man is that looking good Allan! I love all those guns! Looks like it could punch huge holes in anything it came up against!

Bravo on taking your time! You've got so much invested in this project and now you're in the home stretch! I know your patience will pay off big time!
Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian
I've commenced the tedious masking and it'll take a few days.
Allan in Canberra


Looking very wicked! Nice stuff!


Hi fellows
Here's the Dornier all masked and so ready for more paint, hopefully this arvo.
I like to mask with tape and newspaper held in place with staples. I'll use WEM RLM 76 as it seems to be a little bluer than PollyScale enamel. I'm hoping for a bigger contrast between the RLM and the undersurface color, so have plumped for WEM.
Another tip is to slide the end of a toothpick under the tape to make it slightly proud of the plastic and thus produce a feathered edge.

Allan in Canberra


Here's the RLM 76 on some of the uppersurfaces. I used WEM enamel which might have been a mistake as it went on a little too thick--but then again it's probably because I'm such a lousy airbrusher. Should have used Lifecolor.
Royal blue on top next once the 76's dry after a few days. Just have to pray there's no overspray on the undersurfaces.

Allan in Canberra


Here's the Dornier after I laboriously masked the plane prior to getting ready to spray on a coat of Humbrol 14 dark blue. I've used a small brush to paint those areas of the fuselage that might be hard for the spray to reach.

Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Nice work, Allan! I see you're taking the patient approach. Very wise. I think this one's going to be a stunner!

Brian da Basher


Hi fellows
Here's the plane just in from the garage where I sprayed on the Humbrol blue using my double action, internal mix, Taiwanese Iwata lookalike brush for the very first time! The paint went on very well and the brush was quite easy to clean, even the needle. I've been told it's important to put some lube on the needle, but I've used a little skin oil rubbed from my nose instead. It's a free supply.
There is absolutley no comparison with the crappy Chinese Paasche H knockoff I've been using to date.
What was I really afraid of, I ask you?
Tomorrow perhaps another light coat of blue and then later on in the week maybe some streaks of white or very light gray here and there on the upper surfaces to simulate waves as this Japanese bird will do a lot of flying over the sea.

Allan in Canberra


Here's the plane just after the second coat this morning. Not appreciably different to the preceding photos, it's true, but now the blue completely covers the upper surfaces. Bits of dust here and there but I can wear that.
Now to let it dry thoroughly and then put on some whiteish streaks.

Allan in Canberra


Allan, you must have nerves of steel to be so patient!  :)  
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Thanks BlackOps
I'm looking forward to putting on the white streaks.
Any ideas?
Allan in Canberra


Hi fellows,
And here she is with some white here and there on the uppersurfaces applied with the airbrush to resemble waves or maybe clouds--take your pick. I used Tamiya acrylic flat white and it went on very well. The airbrush behaved itself.
After that I pulled off the tape and you can see the result.
Yes, it looks pretty good, I know, but let me assure you that it needs some touching up with a small brush or perhaps with the airbrush. Such as the yellow and particularly the white areas--they need to be remasked and repainted.
So I'm not finished yet by a long shot.

Allan in Canberra


Looking quite nice!  Yeah, once you use a good airbrush, the other one's get tossed, don't they?

 Love the colour scheme...great build, sir!