
Revell Dornier 335 In Progress

Started by Allan, May 04, 2007, 06:23:43 PM

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Brian da Basher

Mighty fine progress there, Allan! That red tail is very striking.
Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian
Here's the light sanded and ready for masking. I've annointed it as well with the OZ equivalent of Future.

Allan in Canberra

Brian da Basher

Excellent work on the light Allan. Even more impressive when one realizes you did this in 1/72.

Brian da Basher

P.S. You're one of the folks who've inspired me to do more cockpit detailing in my builds. Of course, the more detailing I do, the less of it can be seen when the model is finished.  


HOLY MOLY! That came out great Allan!   I love this board, I'd have never even guessed something like this was possible.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )


thanks fellows
more photos along soon
Allan in Canberra


Hi fellows
It's time to decide on the ordnance for my Dornier and this is what I have to choose from. Any suggestions? I've got lots of what looks to be 1/48 50 cal machine guns if anyone needs some.
I've put some instrument panels in the cockpits and they really make them look more realistic. I've got to matt down the grey paint around the cockpits and then mask the canopies. I've decided not to scratch build some headrests--too lazy--see you in court!
I've goofed with the front cockpit: if the crew member was sitting in the cockpit his head would be in the breeze, but with the canopies on it will not be so noticable

Allan in Canberra


Nice work Allen...quite a selection you have there...you could put it all on ! :)


Looks good aAlan!!

nice to see this one progressing! B)  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Brian da Basher

Wow you've got a regular armory there Allan! My vote is for the twin-podded underwing guns. I think they'll add a real menacing look to this bird. It would be quite a B-29 killer with such armament.

Brian da Basher


thanks fellows

I tend to go for the pods as well, but I'm going to have to be bloody careful to position them so they don't interfere with the radar and Hinomarus

I think I'll add twin fuel tanks as well

Allan in Canberra



The Do-335 had a pretty heavy armament anyway (not sure exactly what was proposed for the A-12 variant, though I think it would have retained at least the nose 30mm Mk103 and 15mm MG 151/15s).  Though if you want to vary from this, I would go with either the single cannon pods (30mm MK108s or 20mm MG 151/20 from a Bf-109G/K I believe) or the twin cannon pods (MG 151/20s from a Fw-190A-8?).  The rocket tubes (look like WGr21 rockets from a Bf-109G) would also be interesting - just the thing to attack B-29s.  I wouldn't worry about the drop tanks given the Do-335 had a good range and could always fit an extra tank in the bombbay.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Hi fellows froma chilly Canberra
More photos of some of my ideas for Dornier ordnance

they're not too over the top, are they?  what do you think of the fuselage cannons/machine guns?
and now two shots to show you what I have done so far--the central belly mounting can carry a large fuel tank or a bomb--I'll decide later  and the cannon pods will require a little thinned-down putty to blend them with the wings

Allan in Canberra



It really depend on the level of realism you are after - if you want it to be a semi-realistic whiff then I'd only go with the wing twin pods.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I like the twin cannon pods under the wing.  The fuselage side ones leave the impression more of something from a graphic novel, anime, or something similar ("Wingman" novels, anyone?  B) ).
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin