
Modern Skyraider ?

Started by Archibald, May 09, 2007, 10:57:48 AM

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Lol, shoulda checked before posting  :dum:

For props, id suggest some C-130H type props. These where also to be used on that fancy P-51 COIN aircraft...


I'll probably use C-130 props, simply because I had  4 of them!
Hmmm a modern ju-52 with the three others T-56...  :D
I won't add a toilet to this modern Skyraider, sorry  :rolleyes:  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.

Runway ? ...

Skyraiders found. I'll Pop them in the post after work.

Archie, I don't think my reply to you worked. You can have these for nothing, after all who else would want a Skyraider without an engine ;)


Yeah, but this kit  probably cost some money   Alas its price is still unknwon to me ;)  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


As Heller/ Airfix Skyraider tailwheel is uttershitte,  I plan to replace it a Crusader nosewheel  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


these may be of assistance:


Here is a PDF from the R-R site:
T56 Fact Sheet PDF

Orion mounting:

C-130 mounting:

Something to bear in mind is that the R-3350 engine used in the AD-2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was 80.82 inches (2.06m) long.
The T56 is 146 inches(3.7 m) in length, in other words it is 5 and a half feet (1.67m) longer, about 23mm in 1/72.

This photo gives an idea of how far back into the airframe the power-plant related bits go on an AD-4W:

You could finagle things by mounting the T56 nacelle forward by 10-13mm and bring the exhaust out the belly about the same distance aft of the firewall. Or maybe a bifurcated exhaust with exits above each wing ala the Wyvern?

Cheers, Jon


Thank you very much for all these precious informations John!!  :cheers:  

Some question about Herc' nacelles...
First, why is there 3 intakes ? (two big, plus a much smaller one, -this one beeing much bigger on the Hawkeye-)
What's the small flap below the Herc engine nacelle ?  (which seem to be fixed open in Heller kit, you can barely see it in the first photo I've posted)

I'm curious...  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


QuoteOr maybe a bifurcated exhaust with exits above each wing ala the Wyvern?

That's exactly what I want to do! Bifurcated intakes, that's the word! Thanks to your indications, I'll fix those intakes into the "good" place (after some calculations!)

Your photo of the Skyraider is very interesting, it match my idea of "cutting" the forward fuselage just after the cockpit (and get ride of these two small intakes, above and below the engine). This is more or less where the "black" part is on the photo...
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


How about adding JATO bottles and perhaps a jet engine like on the skyshark?

:cheers:  (from thomas whos watching music grand prix)


Archie I'm lovin; this idea! I'd love to join you with a 1/48 build!

Now all I need to do is find me some 1/48 C-130 nacelles and props as I have a spare A-1H from ye-olde Monogram...
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Go, Damian, go!! "Plus on est de fous, plus on rit!"  
It could be interesting comparing our results, particularly how we solved the exhaust problem  :cheers:  

I've watched the Wyvern, and this confirmed my thinking about the exhausts... I feared they disturbed airflow over the wings roots, but that aparently not the case. So I know where to set my D-shaped exhaust now (combining John infos, some calculations and the Wyvern exhaust).


Mr Runway, I'm still waiting your price offer...  :unsure:  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


Here's some calculations I've made, and a sheme...

The 370 cm long T-56 is 5.1 cm long in 1/72 scale. But the spare Heller send me is not a full T-56! It's the forward part of the nacelle only (quite logical, the rear part beeing... part of the wing!) . So my spare is 3 cm long only.

Here's my plan to cut the nose... not only I want to get ride off the engine, there's also a part of the fuselage which will go away.

The T-56 is too short about 2 cm. To solve that, I plan to set the exhaust 2 cm behind the new engine. This put it just below the canopy...

Hope its clear enough!  :cheers:

King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


QuoteGo, Damian, go!! "Plus on est de fous, plus on rit!"  
It could be interesting comparing our results, particularly how we solved the exhaust problem  :cheers:  

I've watched the Wyvern, and this confirmed my thinking about the exhausts... I feared they disturbed airflow over the wings roots, but that aparently not the case. So I know where to set my D-shaped exhaust now (combining John infos, some calculations and the Wyvern exhaust).


Mr Runway, I'm still waiting your price offer...  :unsure:
Off hand I would have followed the Wyvern example too as I have never really like the Skyshark exhaust arrangment.

Now who to hit up for spares??? :D

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


QuoteSome question about Herc' nacelles...
First, why is there 3 intakes ? (two big, plus a much smaller one, -this one beeing much bigger on the Hawkeye-)
What's the small flap below the Herc engine nacelle ?  (which seem to be fixed open in Heller kit, you can barely see it in the first photo I've posted)
Just going by other aircraft, the main intake for the Hercules nacelle is right under the propeller. Looking at pictures of the front of the Hercules, I see a second intake on the bottom of the nacelle at about the point where the contours of the main intake and the nacelle around the prop blend together; that's the intake for the oil cooler.  The third intake appears to be on the side of the nacelle and looks like it's for nacelle cooling.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


I understand better... air intake for the engine, oil cooling, structure cooling... very well!!  :cheers:  

Now I wait Mr Runway Spads (did I mentionned that I loved spads ?)  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.