
Spat Plane Finished!

Started by matrixone, May 13, 2007, 05:47:41 PM

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From page 191 of Luftwaffe Colours Stuka Volume Two:

''From 1 September 1939 to September 1943 1,269 Stuka aircrew were listed as lost in action, a mere handful in comparison to, for one example, the 50,000 men of RAF Bomber Cammand killed in action over Europe in this war, or the 60,000 British soldiers who became casualties in just one day on the Somme in an earlier conflict. Each casuality was a tragedy of course, but the dive-bomber proved a very economical weapon of war with a punch way, way, above its weight because it was accurately delivered rather than randomly dispensed. There were never more than 360 Stukas in total over all fronts at any one time, and yet their achievements were prodigious. No other bomber of the Second World War, which flew from the first day to the very last, achieved so much, so accurately and so economically. That is the TRUE measure of the Junkers Ju 87.''

On to the pictures...



Here is the text to the attatched photograph of Rudels Stuka.


John Howling Mouse

Oh boy, that's just all-round pleasing to the eye!  I think your photograph background is way better than my handpainted one!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Thank you JHM!

You are better off painting your own backdrop, the 'store' bought backdrops look good but are not very durable and tend to wrinkle up in the sunshine. My next backdrop that I will paint will more closely resemble some of the backdrops I have purchased. On my backdrop I painted last year (theV2) I was not happy with some of the colors I chose and the horizon was a little too low which left too much sky and not enough ground to work effectively with my photobase.

Here is another pic from todays photo shoot, it does not show the Stuka very well but I decided not to delete it and post it.



You may have had to aquire a taste for Stukas but I've always thought they were cool, this is no exception, beautiful work Matrix!  :wub:

This one seems like you just started it yesterday!
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Brian da Basher

Yet another stunning build, Matrixone! You've really done yourself proud with this beauty! I'm very impressed by your weathering. You've captured the look of a well-used bird perfectly! Thanks for the little history lesson. I had no idea so few Stukas were in service at the same time. They certainly made a much larger impression than their numbers would indicate.

Brian da Basher

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that Matrixone's "period" B&W shots look more authentic than the real thing?


Absolutely sweet build M1!!,

I've always loved the look of the later Stukas, especially with the honking great 37mms underneath.  I remember Dad reading a biography about Hans-Ulrich when I was in High School back in the 70s.  The guy was some serious pilot, to say the very least and even had a light Soviet destroyer!! to his credit.  I for one am glad that he made it through the whole shebang.  You read about so many pilots and other serving troops, sailors and airmen who make it through right up until a few days before the end, then kabang!!, somebody accidently shoots 'em, they have a crash or some other freak accident.



The sobject is absolutely COOL, but your model and photo are just perfect. As usual
:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Will die without understanding this world.


Thanks for the kind words Jeff, Brian, Mav, and ysi_maniac!

Hope you liked my venture into the world of spat planes, it might not be my last though...I might get the 1/32 scale Hasegawa Ju 87G AND the EagleCals decal sheet too, the Stuka bug has bit me very hard! The thought (and challange) of detailing and weathering an accurate large scale Russain front Stuka is too much to ignore. Now where to put it after its built!? :blink:



Very well done Stuka...you captured the wing weathering perfectly.  :wub:  


Thanks very much Greg!

I expect to have the Me 262 bomber done this next weekend, I will post pics if I do.



Stunning JU87, nice one Matrix and very cool photography too.

all the best.

i'm not here, i'm a figment of someones imagination

Eddie M.

Two words. Awesome! B) Inspirational!! B)  B)

You never fail to deliver a crowd pleaser. Beautiful work!
Look behind you!

Daryl J.

Ossum!     Very well done factory kit indeed.
Daryl J.


Thanks Gregers and Eddie!

I enjoy taking pictures of my models as much as building them, I have been a little depressed for a while and have not made any improvements to my photobase or backdrops for almost a year now but I have many things planned to add to my pictures including ground vehicles, more and better figures, and some buildings...expect better models pics from me but I can't exactly say when that might happen! :wacko:

Now that the Stuka is out of the way I can start building that P-40, you will like what I have in store for it. :)
