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The 500 Phantom Group Build

Started by Radish, May 14, 2007, 03:22:04 AM

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Next week is PHANTOM week :lol:

Lots to finish!!! Ready for the Avon Show at Yate :rolleyes:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


OK...two real F-4S awaiting decals tomorrow.

Tonight I have 6 F-4S versions to paint....some have been twiddled with.
One is SAND PRIMER all over.
5 are GREY PRIMER all over.

The aim is to paint all of them in variations of some of the German experimental schemes, and whatever else I fancy.

Then I'll fit decals to the scheme AFTERWARDS :lol:

Should be fun :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:

Two have had their u/c done just....just need tidying up a bit...easy, and some detail painting.
Then I'll "do" the seats, and it'll be straight onto the camo.
Painting 2 at a time.
Remember, wifey's away and daughter is out, so no stop on a through-the-nighter!
Also, I promised the Morning Team at where I used to work a cake around 8am.

The timetable is therefore modelling from now until later, then a late-evening/early morning shower, some shopping (I need to get eggs and everything else), some baking, some modelling, a cake delivery, and then some kip :blink:

We'll see, eh?

Decals tomorrow...probably tomorrow night!! :cheers:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Bollocks to that plan.

The white u/c on a sand one and a grey one are done, the camouflage (a version, inspired by the Luftwaffe) is done on both....

SAND, tan, Midnight blue disruptive...


GREY, blue-grey, and black disruptive.

The other 4 GREY ones have received a heavy grey wash, that's now drying.
Some repainting in medium grey, then crayon, then repainting and "voila" (I hope) a USN-type low-viz scheme.

Then....paint metal areas.

Then, paint wheels, exhausts.
Tomorrow....spray missiles white.

The decals are sorted and selected.

Sandy/tan/midnight blue....Iraq....this has a huge conformal underfuselage tank :wacko:

Grey/blue-grey/black......Dutch single-seater

the other four usn-type low-viz greys are:





he, he, he, he :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Gods I'm knackered!!

Good fun though.

NEXT TIME I shall build ONE, finish it BEFORE starting another!!
There's models and decals EVERYWHERE!!! :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


QuoteOne small word Radish....



Whatever Radish brings to Yate, I'll photograph and post them.
F-4 Phantom SIG Leader


What a gentleman :cheers:

The "original" 6 real ones are now 2 real ones and 6 what if ones....."might" get another one done, but it'll not be finished.
No....not "Finnish" but Polish. :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Finally got myself organised, chaps....

a word of advice, NEVER decal 8 aircraft at once....

the tally is now: a single-seater, grey, black, blue/grey camouflage..... Dutch
F-4S.....sand, brown, midnight blue...Chinese Nationalist
F-4S...grey....Argentine Navy
F-4S...grey....French Navy
F-4S.....grey....Saudi Arabia

There were to be two REAL ones, but I need more time for them, and will do them ONE AT A TIME!!! :lol:

I just hope no decals silver!!
Transparancies and wheels tomorrow.
Then....DONE!! :drink:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Hey dudes...200 posts in this topic!!

I'm already planning more "daft ones" although real ones should be built too of course.

There's the 19 Sqn one with the big Booster Rockets...the F-4 is done, just awaiting the inclination for the boosters, etc....

Ausie Navy

more RAF of course :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Well my loves, the good news is none of the decals appear to have silvered, so we're OK.

BUT....the cat crapped in the unility.....locked in over night, silly me, so having cleaned that up I don't feel an awful lot like modelling. Having cleaned and sprayed every known chemical, opened windows, etc., it still whiffs as if a gorilla has farted, so I'm going out!

I'll have less time to complete, so will choose two to finish and bring along.

I've chosen the ARGENTINE NAVY one and the EF-4S from Denmark.
If I can, I'll finish the French one too, but I'd rather be certain of finishing at least TWO Phantoms!!

An essential note:

100% Gorilla Fart= 25% Narses Fart.....but remember, it's all in an enclosed space so pretty "biological", right!! :ill:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


QuoteFinally got myself organised, chaps....

a word of advice, NEVER decal 8 aircraft at once....
ONLY 8?  Feh, that's nothing  :lol:

Looking forward to seeing pics of these, Radish!  

:cheers:  :cheers:  
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


I took the Argentine Navy and Danish F-4s along and Ted took their piccies.....

he suggested an F-4F in the scheme I used on both F-4s taken..

I presume Ted"Rhino"  meant the F-4F-"Ice" updated version?

Thinking...other versions of the F-4F are.....

"Dice"...twin fluffy ones in the WSO's back seat :lol:
"Mice"..twin aerial humps at the top of the centre windscreen...makes it look mouse-like from the front :lol:
"Nice"...highly decorated one
"Rice"....built/modified by Messerschmiitt for Thai use (defending the paddy fields) :lol:
"Weiss"....designed by Dr. Von Scott "Seig Heil", of Rocky Horror fame for Janet"Slut" Weiss and her fiance Brad "Arsehole"Majors....this is black-ish, and apart from Rocky Horror logos, at one time wore the slogan "Dammit Janet!" :lol:
"Vice"...operating over Hamburg with lots of "red lights" :lol:
Zeiss.....modified by Messerschmitt for Swiss photographic use :lol:

So there! :banghead:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


How about a Swiss AF version, armed with cuckoo clocks as the LR weapon, and for close in defence, Toblerone bars.
F-4 Phantom SIG Leader


Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Yeah Radish, but if you do it, no weathering, and it'll have to be finished on time :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  
F-4 Phantom SIG Leader


Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen