F-4 (F4H-1)(F-110) Phantom

Started by Glenn Harper, July 11, 2002, 01:21:58 AM

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Quote from: overscan on October 11, 2011, 10:42:50 PM

98KU Navy advanced interceptor, F-4J modified AWG-10, Sparrow III and AIM-47 (1967)
98LD/LE/LF F-4J with AWG-9, Phoenix (1967)
98LK F-4J with enlarged wing, Phoenix (1968)
98LL/LM/LN F-4J with AWG-10, Phoenix (1968)
98MC F-4 for ADC, AWG-9 or ASG-18, AIM-47B (1968)
98MQ F-4E with F-15 systems (1969)
98MS F-4E with F-15 wing (1969)

I wanna see drawings of these, especially the last two  :wub: :wub:

Frak it, I may just get a few extra kits of both and have at it.
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Extra engined Soviet Phantom  :o

Will die without understanding this world.


First approximation

To fix the problem with F-111 cockpit width: longer fuselage ...

... or broader fuselage. But then ... add a 3rd J-79. :wacko: Two posibilities.

Will die without understanding this world.


Will die without understanding this world.


My stealth Phantom (Mine+GTX's)

In my opinion, British, Canadian, or USAF markings make things look so much better...


Just had a thought, combining the Yak-38 with the F-4. A sort of V/STOL Phantom.
Great designs :thumbsup:



Another whif project could be the originally projected F-4F for Germany: it was supposed to become a single-seater! I have never seen drawings or such about it, but it still sounds interesting.

Martin H

You mean the F-4E(F), that was a very simple conversion. I built one a number of years ago. All they intended to do was to plate over the aft cockpit and fill the space with either an extra fuel tank or avionics.

I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.



The Germans wanted to do the samething with their Tornadoes, have them as single seaters in the maritime attack role.
Great model and drawings :bow: :bow: :bow:


How about a Swedish Air Force F-4 or RF-4 paint in the Viggen camo pattern?

Steven L  :cheers:


I've seen pictures of SUU20 pods fitted to F4E phantoms in Veitnam for night interdiction work on the Ho Chi Mhin trail. added to the gun in the Nose would give fire support.
Now if you fitted a 3rd SUU20 pod on the centre line pylon would it work? would it have clearence over the Nose gun? And if fired would it have caused any Aerodynamic issues?


I'm building at present the front half of a F-4D and the rest from a F-18 in 1/72 scale. I did have a look at using the F-111 & F-4 combo but the upper fuselage spine of the F-4 dosen't blend in to the F-111 cockpit very well.


I wonder if the RAF had continued with the F4 K/M instead of Tornado F3 what updates would the RAF have carried out?

Could Blue Fox/Blue Vixen been added to the Airframe?