
Couple Of Freshies

Started by bluntie, May 23, 2007, 11:57:05 PM

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Captain Canada

Way to go, Bluntie......I just stopped at my LHS on the way home from work and grabbed a Boomerang ! There goes my Stirling build.......

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Mossie there was nothing wrong with the Buffalo my great uncle actually flew them before and at the begining of WWII but by the time they saw action in the pacific the Buffalos were out of their leauge against the newer Zero. Yet the Finnish air force had a far different record with them against the Russians and were later used succesfully against the Germans when Finland signed a peace treaty with Russia and joined the Allies ;).As you can tell I have a Peculiar fondness for the Buffalo and have no qualms about defending it's reputation B)
Sorry to get off topic Bluntie :unsure:
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


Daaaaaang! I really need to work on my splicing skills! Very nicely done.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Good on ya captain !!
                              i can see a RCAF sea boomerang already!.. as for the silver bits, i sanded down the entire airframe because most of the panel lines are incorrect,and besides that the real aircraft was exceptionly clean,a couple of years ago i had the oportunity to crawl over Guido Zuccoli's airworthy Boomerang and realy you had to look very hard to see the few individual panels,when C.A.C. was awarded the contract for these aircraft it wasnt on a lowest bidder basis,it realy was a matter of national pride and as a conciquence the aircraft that came out of C.A.C. were very very well constructed....ahh yes the silver bits ,bare metal foil ,i find it is thin enough to give just a hint of an individual panel as on the cannon bays ,the small circular inspection panels and wing fuel tank fillers, also when paint goes on the BMF it will dry slightly lighter than the surrounding areas with a light sheen.so you can get some nice variations in colour and texture,and as the boomer will be finished in overall foliage green it is important to break up the colour as much as possable,lately i seem to have gone off the whole pre shade thing as being something of a fad ,sure it has its uses but the more i look at period photos or real aircraft the less i can justify it.besides i have seen plenty of beautifly built and painted models that have been wwaaay overdone with this technique, so i thought i would try something new.
Thanks BlackOps ,my first time at slicing and a dicing ,i just made sure every thing was properly lined up and with heart firmly in mouth went for it..the wine helped 'tho..thanks Daryl...i like Buffalos too Panzer :cheers:  
my hovercraft is full of eels


Quotei can see a RCAF sea boomerang already!

I've been thinking of doing a Sea Boomerang for sometime now - my idea is to do it as a hastily developed concept to operate from an equally hastily developed RAN aircraft carrier circa 1942.  I'm thinking of something along the lines of the HMS Audacity - the role would be to escort convoys from/to Australia.  Maybe when Special Hobby release their 1/48 Boomerang.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Captain Canada

Yes.....my Sea Boomerang is all but done. But I didn't paint it too much tonite, as I was busy daydreaming. To relieve the stress of the Stanley Cup Final ( you guys have no idea what it's like to be a CDN hockey fan this time of year..... ;) ) I decided to do a little colouring. Yes, it's a photo from a download from the site of a scan, so the quality is poor....but you get the idea. Once again, Bluntman...thanks !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


WOAH !!CAPTAIN !! SCHWEEET!!,those are just crying out to be built :cheers:  
my hovercraft is full of eels

John Howling Mouse

Bluntie, you've got to send me a PM next time you post something as cool as your latest updates!  Can't wait to see the paint fly!

Todd: very doable-----am sure you'll follow through with great success.
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.



Love the idea of some Canadian Ca-15s!!!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Captain Canada

Thanks guys. Does anybody do a 72nd scale kit of the CA-15 ? I might try the Sea-15 with the aforementioned kits. It'll kinda be a CA-15.....

Anyway, let's get this thread back on topic. Bring on the updates, Bluntie !

:wub:  :party:  :cheers:  
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteThanks guys. Does anybody do a 72nd scale kit of the CA-15 ? I might try the Sea-15 with the aforementioned kits. It'll kinda be a CA-15.....

Anyway, let's get this thread back on topic. Bring on the updates, Bluntie !

:wub:  :party:  :cheers:
CMK do a (1/72) resin kit. I've seen prices here in Oz running from $40-$50.

There is also a paper/card model (1/48) out there and some balsa plans as well.

There is also a bit of anticipation of a resin 1/48 scale kit coming from Kiwi Resins.

Regarding the Boomerang, I understand a 1/32 kit is on the way from Montex (there are shots of the protoype over on Large Scale Planes). I also recall seeing that Special Hobby or CMK were planning a 1/48 Boomerang.

Also, you'll find occasionally find the 1/48 LTD Boomerang pop up on E-Bay.

Hope this helps.
Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.


Hi Bluntie,
As a new boy here I`m gradually going thro` the forum and finding my feet. It`s a great site this. It`s like having a huge magazine with loads of interesting articles and new ideas that are leading me in umpteen different directions at once and I NEED to build some of them. But I must finish the half dozen or so projects I have on the go before I start anything else. The 109TL was supposed to be a quick 5 day project just to relieve the stress.

As to the Boomerang, I never realised that this little fighter had so much developement going on with it.

Your Frankenfurter sorry fighter has me intrigued and I can`t wait to see some paint on it. Excellent job :thumbsup:

regards Gary[8-]
H-O-G = Head Out of Gestalt-hands on autopilot
WORK! The curse of the drinking class.
"Guard well your spare moments. They are like uncut diamonds. Discard them and their value will never be known. Improve them and they will become the brightest gems in a useful life."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson )


Hi there HOG,nice to have you on board, yep the humble little Boomerang has a very interesting but short history! and i agree this is a great place to hang out, decent bunch of people with some pretty impressive skills,..even the Canadians are tame :D
anyway,just a couple of quick shots, i got the first coat of Tamiya x11 on and as expected found a couple of nasties here and there ,so sorted those out and got a nice clean silver finnish to work on,i had allready sprayed and masked the black anti glare panel,but still had no real firm direction to take on the cammo. i wanted to have a go at the 'vegemite experiment' so i could to get a typical Japanese random demarcation line,also i felt i needed to do something about the exhaust to make it blend in a bit better,time for another experiment, i sprayed a couple of bands of clear blue,clear orange and Tamiya smoke thus,

then some Maskol like so,
to try and get the effect of a hot turbine exhaust like this,  

The rest of the airframe was masked with tape and vegemite,which i found great for making worn paint and scratches, and sprayed MM Japanese army green

On the upper surfaces i drempt up a roughly geometric design with maybe 20% of the natural metal showing,again Japanese army green and u.s. helo drab,

Next time the decals and odds 'n sods will be done and we can see what this beastie comes out like! ..thanks for looking, i'm off to do some more on the boomer.       :cheers:  
my hovercraft is full of eels


QuoteThe rest of the airframe was masked with tape and vegemite,
Did he just type that?  Has anyone tried masking with Marmite or Jello yet? Whtever next, using Future as a floor polish?  :D  


That top view is plain evil!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!