
Couple Of Freshies

Started by bluntie, May 23, 2007, 11:57:05 PM

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:bow: That natural metal finish is so beautifull - stunning quality  
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Really top notch, 5 stars. :bow:  :bow:
:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
We need more
Will die without understanding this world.


Top shelf man

Really comin along!!
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Brian da Basher

Yoswa that's some impressive paintwork, Bluntie! I think you've captured that worn look of later-war Japanese aircraft perfectly!

Brian da Basher

Captain Canada

Wow ! Is that ever impressive ! Nice work, Bluntie !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

Wow, do I ever feel like a freakin' amateur now!   :bow:
That is soooooo realistic.

I've tried to capture that rainbow effect of overheated metal but mine always ends up looking like a pile of wax crayons melted onto the model.

With your "in-progress" pics and technique explained, maybe I will do better next time, thanks!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Daryl J.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

...and you masked with vegemite??????    :lol:     Do please explain.

Daryl J., from a land of marmite-challenged creatures


QuoteThanks guys. Does anybody do a 72nd scale kit of the CA-15 ? I might try the Sea-15 with the aforementioned kits. It'll kinda be a CA-15.....

They haven't been made for nigh unto 10 years, but at one time there were limited run kits of the CA-15, radial-engined early CA-15, and an air-racing version with contra-props available in 1/72 (somewhere I've got 'em both).  I know Wings 72 did a 1/72 vacform and ISTR that there were others.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


hi every one ,and again thank you all :wub:
                                                               Yep you read that right George and Daryl,VEGEMITE! as a masking medium ,this was the result of a series of very interesting experiments by Gekko 1, nip over to 'Hints and Tips'and look under 'Vegemite experiments',Richard does a far better job of explaning how this works than i ever could... and dont forget 'ya saw it here first! :thumbsup:
Well i got the decals on 'Frankenplane' this morning and i must say the thing looks O.K., just the aux fuel tanks and bits to finnish so i will have the pix up over the next couple of days..However i seem to have suffered a bit of a setback on the boomer,,when i use Humbrol matt paints i always cut it 60/20/20 ,so thats paint,thinners and gloss clear. i have done this for years with no problem,the addition of the gloss clear lets the paint flow much better from the airbrush,it also lets the paint 'self settle' on the model,[2 or 3 coats] and when it dries it goes off smooth and hard with just the right amount of gloss to accept decals . but this time as it dryed it went to dust! i realy dont know how to explain it ,it was like the sort of thing you get from too higher air pressure or not thinned enough,when wet it looked smooth and shiny, but as it went off it went very matt. and after 10 hours when compleatly dry i could rub it off back to bare plastic with my finger.. so the best i could do was try and strip it and start again, has anyone had this before? i binned the paint and thinners and used a fresh batch of each,this time no probs!
So i dunno,could have been the paint, the clear or me...the up shot is the Boomer is painted but the finnish is not what i was hoping for :(  its o.k. ,but i was aiming a little higher than usual on this one,oh well as they say ,ya get that....again thanks for all the kind comments..... and the new emoticon dudes :salute:  
my hovercraft is full of eels


Hi all,well heres the end result,not quite what i was aiming for,and i think i can blame the paint stuff up on 'lill ole me..prior to painting i had cleaned the brush and tips out with prepsol so i'm thinking there was enough residue left in the system to adversly affect the mix, oh well next time i will be a bit more thorough..
This is Boomerang A46 116 as it looked on the morning of may 2nd 1944, piloted by P/O Ron Paxton 4 SQN RAAF, 6 Boomerangs took off on an armed recconaissance sweep of the Ramu river,Half an hour after take off Ron Paxton and A46 116 dissapeared in fine weather near Gusap.despite an extensive search over the following weeks no trace was ever found. the model is photographed on an original silk pilots map of the area in question. most probably P/O Paxton would have carried the same example.p/o Paxton and 116 remain missing to this day...

And heres the Frank,pretty pleased with the way it came out.the little dragon decal on the tail is one i have had floating around for ages,this i thought was the perfect place to use it.

Thanks for looking..Bluntie.
my hovercraft is full of eels

Brian da Basher

Woah those are absolutely gorgeous, Bluntie! I'm not sure how you think you "stuffed up" the paintjob on the Boomerang. It looks great to me! That Frank is stunning and I think the dragon decal on the tail was a great idea! Excellent work!

Brian da Basher


Tremendous - the Boomerang is a fitting tribute to brave men

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

John Howling Mouse

Very nicely executed, especially the blended contours on that Frank (flawless in "aluminum" yet, which would show every possible flaw)!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Bloody nice Bluntie!!!

I especially love the turbo prop Frank! B)  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


thanks everyone. i was trying for a much more subtle finnish on the Boomer,it worked to a point i 'spose ,maybe when mr Special Hobby gets around to releasing their Boomerang i'll try again, The Frank on the other hand was successful test bed for the Vegemite experiment.thanks to Richard for that brilliant idea! :cheers
Whats next? dunno yet..but after my first real go at plastic bashing turned out to be much less daunting than originaly thought i might have a go at something a little more ambitious.  thanks again.   Bluntie.
my hovercraft is full of eels