
Ki-100 In-progress Pics

Started by matrixone, August 17, 2007, 06:40:48 PM

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Thanks Jeff G!

Yes the engine is now covered up by the cowl never to be seen again. Thats why I don't bother buying aftermarket detail sets, sure they look great but once the model is assembled often the engines or cockpits can barely be seen to admire all that extra detail. ;)



Here is another good book to have in your collection, the author also took the pictures that are in the book and he had the wisdom to write notes about the colors some of these aircraft wore, very interesting stuff!




I can't wait to see the finished model on this. I'm quite a fan of both Italian and Japanese WWII aircraft and especially the schemes they wore. Just glad to see that you are aplying your fantastic skills to them


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Thanks for the kind words Chris!

I don't know why but I have an urge to build some Japanese (and Italian) planes now, maybe I want to try other camouflage colors and patterns...I just don't know, but one thing I do know is this is fun! And thats the whole point of the hobby. :D



QuoteI just don't know, but one thing I do know is this is fun! And thats the whole point of the hobby. :D

Absolutely  :D  :thumbsup:  
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Well said Matrix

Allan in Canberra


After a long modelling slump I started working on my Ki-100 again, I wanted to try using salt as part of the weathering process on this model and it worked okay and want to try it on more models.
Here is what the model looks like now...

Here is a b/w test pic to see how the paint chipping looks compared to photos of captured Japanese planes.

I used Alclad II on the wing roots of the two Fw 190s in the background and intend to use salt on the wing roots on them too. As they are now they are almost too nice looking to mess up with paint!



My God!!!
That weathering is the best I've ever seen, its excellent!
:cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  


Thanks BaderBusCompany!

There will be plenty of weathering to be done yet, I have to add the decals before I can do any more weathering on it. It would look bad if the markings were clean and unweathered, I want the markings to have a painted on look to them and in order to do that they will get messed up a bit to match the rest of the paint work.




You're just going to have to spill the beans about just how you managed to paint on the yellow leading edges just so perfectlly!!!

Allan in Canberra


Good to see you back in the saddle and churning out another masterpiece  :thumbsup:  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Thanks Allan and Nev!

Sadly there is no secret in painting those yellow wing leading edges and white fuselage band, I used Tamiya masking tape cut into thin strips to lay down the outlines and used cheaper masking tape to fill in the rest of the area to be masked off. If you have not tried Tamiya tape you should because its THE best tape for modelling I have ever used.

Its good to be back! I can't explain why I lose interest in model building from time to time but it happens. :(
The good news is after a gloss coat on the Ki-100 I can start laying down some decals on it, something I like to do nearly as much as painting. :wub:



Thanks Matrix and

I'm cheering you on.

Allan in Canberra


Beautiful job so far.  You really set the bar for some of us here! :cheers:  


Thanks noxioux,

I want hurry up and get this model finished and out of the way so I can join the Piston Perfection GB.
My two 1/48 scale Fw 190s and 1/32 scale Mc 202 can wait until next year to get finished up.
