
Ki-100 In-progress Pics

Started by matrixone, August 17, 2007, 06:40:48 PM

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Matrix, I'm really diggin' the weathering.  :thumbsup:

I know all about modeling slumps  :wacko:  I've been blah lately, I think part of the problem is we've been doing some cleaning and going through stuff around the house and my supplies are here and there and hard to get to at the moment, really puts a damper on any creativity when you don't have easy access to your stuff.

I guess I'm gonna have to suck it up and get back to it, I've got to work on my JASDF Raptor before the deadline next week  :o

Looking forward to seeing more progress on this, glad to see your slump is over :)
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


QuoteI guess I'm gonna have to suck it up and get back to it, I've got to work on my JASDF Raptor before the deadline next week  :o
Damn right you are soldier!  :salute:  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Thanks once again Jeff G,

Yeah those modelling slumps are awful but at least its over for now, can't wait to get those decals put on the model so I can finish the weathering. :)  

Yes I know most Japanese planes were not as badly paint chipped as many modellers make them out to be but I wanted to have a go at doing one with extra heavy weathering on it. Besides this model will be a whiff and if any JMN types don't like it thats just too bad! :D


Brian da Basher

It's great to see you back at the bench, Matrixone. Those slumps can be frustrating. That's some really convincing weathering. Impressive! You reminded me of something I read regarding paint chipping on Japanese aircraft. Apparently while many late-war Japanese aircraft had badly worn paint (due to poor quality control), the ground crews would usually take extra care to ensure the hinomorus were as pristine as possible by touching them up in the field. Many crews paid religious attention to them as a sign of their devotion to the emperor.

I'm looking forward to enjoying your progress.
Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian!

Yes you are correct about the hinomorus being kept in good condition by the ground crews. I will lightly fade the markings on my model and then add some roughly painted touch up areas with a slightly different shade of red to represent the touch up work by the ground crews, it may not work like I think it will but its worth a try.

The decals are almost all on the model now but can't get new pictures today maybe I can next weekend. Also the canopy framework is painted now and when it is dry it will get some paint chipping on it. The propeller is now weathered and ready to add to the model, and the wheels are being painted right now.
Next weekend all the decals will be on and dry enough to finish off the weathering process...something I am really looking forward to.

Here is another pic from last week...notice the small dents I added to the drop tanks.

And here is a picture of a much larger than usual spider I saw last Sunday, yes it is a bad picture but there is a good reason for this. As I was getting close to the spider with the camera it suddenly moved just as I was about to press the shutter button and I was so startled I almost dropped the camera and wiped out the models on my photobase by nearly knocking it over, oh yeah I just about sh*t my pants too! The picture does not give a good idea of the size of the creature but it was freakishly huge.



Looks like a wolf spider. You know you were over due for a good adrenalin rush  :lol:    
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Jeff G,

I think you are correct, it looks like a Wolf spider but this one was the biggest I have ever seen. Where I live you must watch out for the Hobo and the Brown Recluse spiders...they could cause some nasty wounds with their bites. Lately there has been two sightings of Black Widow spiders something very unusual for this area.



it looks like the Tegenaria domestica....no worry :)
3 seconds and its over :)



What do you mean ''three seconds and its (gulp!) over??? :o

There are a lot of those spiders around here, few get very big like the one I tried to get a pic of (whew!). :lol:



Here are some new pics of what the model looks like now...

And the undersurfaces...

Only some light weathering remains to be added before final assembly and spraying the clear coat, should be done this week for sure.
The weather is supposed to be clear on Thanksgiving day so pics of the finished model should appear by Friday.

Then its on to the Ki-83 for the Piston Perfection GB.


Brian da Basher

That's some impressive, expert work on the paint chipping, Matrixone! It certainly looks the real deal!
Brian da Basher

Daryl J.

That old Arii/Otaki kit looks pretty good!  

Daryl J., preparing to tune in again on Friday


Thanks Brian and Daryl J.!

This was my first try at using salt for doing the paint chipping effect and it shows much promise, with more practice I should be a little more precise at where the paint is to be chipped off.

This was not too bad of a kit to build, only a few spots needed putty and sanding. I like the rivet detail it has however the JMN types will turn up their noses at it for that reason...its their loss.



Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Masterful results again Matrix. Another stunning masterpeice for your collection.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die