A-1 (AD) Skyraider, A2D Skyshark, SB2D-1 (BTD-1) Destroyer

Started by Matt Wiser, November 03, 2004, 11:57:57 PM

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Matt Wiser

Here's some what-if Skyraiders from various sources:

Argentina: Argentine Navy wanted A-1s alongside its Corsairs when it got into the carrier business; refused by U.S.

Brazil: Navy wanted A-1s as well, Brazilian AF (which had control of fixed-wing Naval air until 1995) wouldn't go along.

French Navy: French AF had Skyraiders in Algeria, Chad, and Dijbouti; Navy wanted A-1s for its carriers, but Govt wouldn't go along. Would have been in combat in Suez in '56.

Netherlands: Considered operating A-1s alongside Sea Furies from its carrier in the 1960s, but ASW became primary mission.

Canada: Could have had A-1s for its carrier, but had Banshees instead.

Australia: Potential operator for its two carriers in the 1950s-early 60s.

Royal Navy: Operated AD-4Ws as AEW aircraft in 1950s: could have had the attack birds at the same time. Would have been in combat in Suez in '56.

Israel: Could have had AD-4 and -5 variants if the U.S. had been more willing to sell to Israel in 1950s.

U.S: If WW II had lasted into 1946, fleet service would have been in December 1945-Jan '46. First deployment would have been for Operation CORONET (the invasion of the Kanto Plain) on or about 1 Mar 46.
Treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect; but always have a plan to kill them.

Old USMC adage


It's a bit more of a stretch, but how about a COD derivative similar to the JR2M Martin Mercury derivative of the AM-1 Martin Mauler?  I can see some definite options there.  I do have some data from the LM Aero historical gallery on the JR2< if anyone's interested.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Desert Camouflage variations of two/three colour upper surfaces and blue undersurfaces.
Operated by France, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Saudi arabia, Ethiopia

South East Asia-type camouflage of grren/dark green/tan or sand with light blue undersurfaces.
Operated by France, RCAF, West Germany, Cambodia, Thailand, RAAF, RNZAF, South Africa, Rhodesia, Spain

NATO-type camouflage of Dark Grey/Dark Green with light grey undersurfaces
Operated by RAuxAF, France, West Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Austria, Italy, Spain, RCAF

Naval camouflage of Extra Dark Sea Grey over Sky
Operated by RN, Dutch, Belgians, West Germany, Portugal, Spain, Italy, RAN.

USAAF version in Olive Drab/Neutral Grey.....Europe '46

USN/USMC in the 3-colour blues-white scheme.
FAA version all-white but plan-view in Dark Sea Grey. Also used by Portugal in this scheme.

Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

Martin H

QuoteSouth Africa
Got one on the go at the moment. SAAF bush cammo. Just the sort of thing for operations in Namibia/south west Africa.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


QuoteIt's a bit more of a stretch, but how about a COD derivative similar to the JR2M Martin Mercury derivative of the AM-1 Martin Mauler?
I thought the RN used an ex-AEW Spad for COD service, they took out the radar gear and put extra passenger seats or cargo bay in. Or am I confused with another a/c?

I remember that beautiful Flying Ambulance someone did last year, fantastic stuff.

Nick B)  


Nick, it was John Howling Mouse who did it, and he won Canada-o-rama with it!



No, but you can win our congratulations when we see your hard-won effort!



Yeah, when you think about it, the Skyraider wasn't really widely exported - even in the early jet era, it was still a potent type that the US might've been hesitant about supplying too widely abroad.

A speculative Israeli and two Salvadoran schemes:



Matt Wiser

Chris, you just nailed the reason why Argentina was refused the AD-6 (A-1H). The U.S. considered the aircraft too potent for the Argentines. (Beagle Channel problems and Falklands were the obvious reasons for such a refusal...) The reason the Aeronavale never operating them was the French Govt felt that since they had TBMs, F4U-7s, and SB2C-5s, why bother? The French AF needed them, so they got them.Never thought of El Salvador getting them-Hondurans in '69 would have felt their wrath, not to mention the Gs from '79-90. Philippines could have used them to deal with the Huks in the '50s as well. ROK AF was another possiblity in the 1950s.
Treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect; but always have a plan to kill them.

Old USMC adage


QuoteI've a Hasegawa one that's going to be a FAA one in the Pacific.  Overall midnight blue (ta Halfords).
FAA Pacific Fleet 1946 - Skyraiders, Bearcats and Tigercats, maybe late model Corsairs....

Or on board Triumph/Ocean in Korea (Firefly alternative)

For a Suez one, obvious alternative to the Wyvern
It's not an effing  jump jet.

Martin H

QuoteHey, Martin, what's this SAAF fetish all of a sudden?
Has to do with a chat i had at last years Elscar show with Phil Cater of the SAAF SIG. Lots of ideas were swapped, some will/have made it into plastic/resin ect

One that might fall by the way side is the SAAF Hunter thats waiting to be decaled. Turns out the SAAF had one. Albeit an ex Rodiasian one used as a weapons testbed. Kinda burst my bubble a bit
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.

Bryan H.

How about Indian Navy Skyraiders?  Or Bolivian AF with the cool camo that they currently fly on their T-33's?  Or Peruvian AF with the desert camo?  Or Japanese ASDF Skyraiders with all the different special squadron markings?!?!  Or reverse engineered Soviet/Warsaw Pact Skyraiders?  Or Portugese Skyraiders for use in all those rebellious African colonies.  Or Skyraiders for a Fijian air wing?  or Skyraiders in widespread use for the Air National Guard w/ loads of unique sqdn. markings?  

Just a few ideas...

:cheers: Bryan  

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


Quotemmmmm A Spad with a turret?
The XSB2D-1 would be closer to a turreted AD, especially as the BTD-1 single seat derivative was built to compete against the Curtiss XBTC-1, Kaiser XBTK-1 and the Martin XBTM-1. The BTD-1 didn't make the final cut so Douglas proposed the XBT2D-1 to stay in the competition, construction of fifteen prototypes was authorized as an amendment of the BTD-1 contract. The Navy was impressed with the resulting aircraft and a production contract was signed on 5 May, 1945.

The BT2D-1 was re-designated AD-1 in 1946.

Cheers, Jon

Jeffry Fontaine

A-1 with A-10 wings would be the same logic and argument for the P-51D with A-10 wings.  Using the 1/72nd scale A-10 wings on the 1/48th scale kit.

A-1E (AD-5Q) EW conversion with the EA-6 tail pod mounted on the vertical control surface and carrying the ALQ-99 jamming pods under the wing and fuselage.  Envisioned as an interim EW aircraft before the introduction of the EA-6 Intruder.

A2D/A-2 Skyshark with A-10 wings would be the same logic and argument for the P-51D with A-10 wings.  Using the 1/72nd scale A-10 wings on the 1/48th scale kit. 

A2DQ/A-2 Skyshark with AD-5 Fuselage to create a multi-mission aircraft as a replacement for the AD-5/A-1E, A-1F, A-1G Skyraider.  This could be in the form of an AEW version with the radar mounted on the belly, the electronic warfare version equipped with ECM pods, and the tanker version with refueling store and additional fuel tanks.   

A2D/A-2 Skyshark (Skyshark TGARS.1 or Skyshark GARS.1) in RAN and RN markings.  Perhaps the RN version with yellow Suez invasion stripes applied as an alternative to the Wyvern and performing the same types of missions. 
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"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


A-1 Skyraider with T-56 turboprop and An-2 floats, to be used for CSAR in Vietnam instead of helos. I plan to build this one in the next future...  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.