
Hot Off The Bench..

Started by bluntie, October 10, 2007, 03:07:09 AM

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Hi all,
Heres my take on the dear old Airfix Dominie,in its self a great little model of a very attractive aircraft, also this is the first time i have built a wheels up A/C ever! and it sure did simplify things,never quite realised how much time goes into fiddling about with undercarts.
So its straight out of the box,pilots and all, arials are scrap P/E and card ,decals out of the spares bin, and the whole thing based loosley on on the Beech Guardrail.

1983,as part of the joint defence agreement New Zealand sends 3 aircraft from the newly formed #5 surveilance flight,based in Port Keats 250 km west of Darwin the RNZAF *Taniwha's over fly the sensitive waters to the north during the shakey ceasefire that saw a breif pause in Konfrantasi 3.
Packed with electronic eavesdropping devices aircraft 64 was able to confirm a massive troop build up prior to an amphibious assault on Bathurst and Melville islands in may of that year.

*pronounced ;Tan-ee-fa.
According to Moari mythology a Taniwha is a spirit that inhabits lakes and streams,to call upon a Taniwha is a dangerous thing,if your intentions are not true and just the Tanipha will use all of your hidden fears,secrets and weaknesses to destroy you. .. seemed a fitting name.
Cheers Steve. ..oh, and welcome back JHM  :salute:  
my hovercraft is full of eels


Yipes Steve!!

Always loved the HS-125/Dominie and the Guardrails always had that 'different' look about 'em.  The combo is simply brilliant!!  Too cool for school!!!




This is a very beautiful airplane, and your mods are awesome!!!

Understood only by fellow Whiffers....
1/72 Scale Maniac
UUUuuumm, I love cardboard (Cardboard, Yum!!!)
OK, I know I can't stop scratchbuilding. Someday, I will build something OOB....


Glenn Gilbertson

Great backstory and modelling - I like it!
:salute:  :thumbsup:  


Very nice! Painting the antennas in a contrast colour is a good idea, makes for a striking look.  

Captain Canada

QuoteAirfix Dominie,in its self a great little model of a very attractive aircraft

You got that right ! And it's about time you built a model wheels up....took you long enough ! Mind you, you don't get to do touch-and-goes, just plain old 'overshoots' with the built up model. Very nicely done, I might add. Love the way she looks with all those lumps and bumps.


And once again, my cry goes out to have a link on the homepage to pics/ articles of specific types. I'd love to see all of the built up types in contrast to one another. Who else has built a whif Dominie ?

:wub:  :party:  
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Great modelling  :thumbsup: A nice, simple idea and an excellent finish  :wub:  :wub:  

Mike Wren


:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:
:bow:  :thumbsup:  :bow:  :thumbsup:  
Will die without understanding this world.


That is totally coolio!
:wub:  :thumbsup:  


Superb is the word I was searching for !  :cheers:

Jeffry Fontaine

Well done sir!  I beleive you have managed to get the right combination of real with the WHIF incorporated into this model.  Very nice indeed!
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


Awww shucks guys :wub: (draws circle in ground with big toe)
my hovercraft is full of eels


Just last month I turned downa job offer flying Hawker 1000s because of the awful schedule.  Seeing this model makes me wonder if I did the right thing (just for a second though!).

Great looking model of a classic aircraft   :wub:  
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Dork the kit slayer

Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    
