Maverick's Build Thread

Started by Maverick, October 16, 2007, 05:27:09 PM

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Mav, for some reason i am having trouble seeing the pics, are you using the same host as in your profile thread?


That's a rog Arc.. each update loaded ok


Probably my connection then, all I see is a little gray box saying "Attached Image". :(  


Nice to see some old stuff posted Mav!

I think my favorites are the SH-2 and teh Widegeon.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Brian da Basher

Those are some sweet builds, Mav! I particularly like what you've done with the He-100, the Ascender and the Dark Shark. Nice work!
Brian da Basher

Captain Canada

QuoteFinally, one of those atrocious Asian knock-offs in the guise of an F-16B.

What are you talking about ? That kit was an exact copy of the ones the Chinese built !


It is very striking in that colour scheme. Don't the Navy use them now for adversaries ?

The little Kaman is my favourite. Looks it would have made the perfect a/c for such a job.

Always liked G.91s....and again, another plane I've never built ! The Dark Shark is a weird one....always looked right in profiles and such, but when you see the model it just doesn't look right. Maybe it's the big square wing of the Skyraider I'm expecting to see ?

The arse-ender is flipping wicked. Did they take over for the P-51Bs in 43 ? That is one sweet looking bird. I bet it'd look even better w/o the canards ?


CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Thanks for all your thoughts guys.

All the builds were way before joining this site and even before major 'net time, excepting the RoG stuff.

I think NSAWC is still using Vipers for adversary training.  That is if they haven't been 'downsized' like everything else.  The kit itself was a dog to say the very least.  Kilos of putty and just barely acceptable results in my opinion.  Dirt cheap, but not that cheap that I'd go there again!!

The Dark Shark was the big brother to the FR-1 Fireball.  They swapped out the radial for a turboprop which accounted for it's generally odd look.

The Ascender has been a fave of mine for ages.  The kit wasn't too bad, very early days for MPM, with etched stuff out the ying-yang and a vac canopy to boot which I could do without.  I believe they've re-released it with resin for the cockpit and some other goodies.

The Seasprite has always been a fave helo of mine.  Airfix's kit is brilliant and one that I'd happily build again & again.  I'm keen to find the Fujimi LAMPS project with the honking great radar off the nose as I think it just looks too cool for school.

Once I start digging again, I'll post up some more.  I have an Adversary MiG-29 that missed out on the first photo run for starters.




Hi Gang,

Another few from the 'boneyard'.  First up, Esci's (remember them?) AC-47 Spooky, modded up as a Coast Guard ship.




now a view of her underside, we've got from fore to aft:

Nose Radar,
Trainable searchlight,
Search Radar
Ventral observation port.

I swapped out the radials for Tu-2 units and added some jet pods for extra kick.


Next up, the adversary MiG-29 for the lads at NFWS 'Top Gun'.  It's the first incarnation of the Hasegawa -29.


Now this one's a fuzzy bunny child to say the least.  It started as half of an Idea knockoff of the Monogram F-82.  The nose is from an Academy P-40, outer wing panels are Jetstream and the rest as they say is hysterical.


Next cab is Italeri's Super Bug marked up as a VMFA(AW)-242 ship.


Now for KP's XFY-1.

I ditched the nose prop, added a Matchbox Lightning Intake, FFAR packs to the original intake areas and gave her a second seat.


Finally, Matchbox's HS-125.

Originally I had intended it to be a real world ship in primer & undercoat after seeing a photo of same in a mag.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get the look just so and finally decided that it would become a maritime recce bird.  Once again, no thoughts hit for a scheme, so I went with a demonstrator look.  The kit's decals were woeful, having suffered during their existence but they were all I had at the time.

Mods here included a nose radar, LLTV, Airshield for an Airdrop door, observation windows and not seen here, some centreline and wing racks.

As with most if not all of these, they'll end up visiting the caustic soda bath and get rebirthed once I get back into full time modelling.




Airdrop? On a HS-125? Anything you chuck out that door is going to end up in the engine!  :P