What are the rules?

Started by Ollie, November 09, 2003, 06:56:27 PM

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Sounds great to me mate, she's a nice ship....

any idea who's going to own her and what your airgroup will be?

can't wait to find out... :D

Plus you get all those "bonus" russian planes to go into the spares box for a soviet naval build  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  - a whole bunch of fulcrums, flankers and helixes, right?

hey lancer, it wouldn't be entirely unlikely for the russians to sell her to an arab nation ya know...or india....and strictly speaking, india and a *FEW* arab countries can be counted as allies (although our allied arabs are rarely the same ones that are russians ally themselvs with, eh?)

unless the russians sold the iraqis a tblisi class ship? now that iraq is liberated, would they buy american/european a few years down the line? probably...

good luck with her lancer, there's a LOT of mileage in this one - can't wait to see what you come up with!

all the best,

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Captain Canada

Is that picture of a Tblisi ? If so...what scale ? I'm thinking of getting a giant a/c carrier, like the new yankee ones, or the Enterprise, but making it CDN with Flankers etc.

Cheers !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Quotei still want them to have a "real carrier"....arse.
Alrighty then....arse?

I had an idea about different trainers 'n light attackers as replacement for the Sk 60 (SAAB 105), among them the "Heineman HotRod".

So...suck on this girlie :wacko: :

The RSwN decided not only to buy one or two A-4(M?) for evaluation, but a full squadron. In the they process they lend/lease a carrier, say an Essex-class, for sea trials of the A/C + to "properly investigate" the technology, ie developing their own sea variants (Sea Viggen etc.).



good call Amphion old chap, i knew that you'd see the light at some point.... :D  :D  :D  :D

the "arse" wasn't aimed at you BTW, merely an utterence of frustration at the insurmountable odds of me finding a suitably believable heap of bullshit to give teh swedes a reason for owning a honking great carrier...

there's a way...

if the UN decide to "chip in" with the swedes on this "peacekeeper carrier" idea, then not only would it be a bit cheaper on the swedish budget, but there could even be "guest" squadrons onboard the ship....

Amphion/thorvic - how many squadrons of fighter, attack and helos would there be on a nice midsize carrier (one big enough for viggens/gripens/105s/etc)???

just say (he said, guessing, and probably guesing wrongly) there was room for ummmm....5 squadrons (2 attack, 2 fighter, 1 helo), then there would be the swedish contingent (the home team :P ) making up 1 attack, 1 fighter, and the helos, and then the other UN members (the away teams :P ) could make up the other fighter and attack squadrons....

eg, during the kosovo conflight sea viggens (AJ and JA) would possibly have been accompanied by a squadron of RN sea harriers, and a squadron of US hornets....or a squadron of Mig-29k's and a squadron of french crusaders....or even spanish harriers and us navy intruders...

see what i mean?

bit silly, but hey...


all the best,

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.


Oh Toad...

i think its 1/720....

cheers!  :cheers:  
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Captain Canada

720 ? Too small....need to have 350 scale stuff.

And how about a Swedish Greenpeace Carrier ? No, wait, that was the Swiss, wasn't it !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Toad san,
The Tiblisi is eithe 700th or 720 th scale. I can't quite recall and the catalogue is upstairs at the moment.

Ben mate,
I've a few ideas sprouting about what to do with her, but I'm keeping them under me hat right now.  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Quote720 ? Too small....need to have 350 scale stuff.

Hey Toad

Trumpeter have the Admiral Kuznetsov due out next year in 1/350 as well as the Nimitz and its aircraft, so Flankers and Helix will likely appear as well. They are also doing the Sovremeny class destroyers in this scale which should go well agianst your Burkes


Thor B)  


Quotethe "arse" wasn't aimed at you BTW, merely an utterence of frustration at the insurmountable odds of me finding a suitably believable heap of bullshit to give teh swedes a reason for owning a honking great carrier...
No worries mate  B)

But keeping with the Essex size (I say these because in the late 70's these where in reserve and would easy been available), there qouted for 80 A/C. Sounds a bit high for me but can be A-4 size A/C, fewer if Sea Viggens.

But OK, we set the size of a sqd to 12...hmmm...and we want two fighter sqd's and two attack sqd's (so as many as possible can be apart a play ;) )....hmmm....and some helos too.....(doing math here  :dum: )....60 A/C right? Then we have room to grow.

I like the thought of "guest units", this could be any nation even composite units (commonwealth, german, scandinavian etc.).

The size of the ship is enough I think. It's got cats 'n arrester wires, the A/C need to be altered accordingly though (buffed up U/C and hook).

As for markings you either keep original markings (maybe a change to "sea" camo), or I know that when Swedish AF flew the Tunnan for the UN in Congo it had a white square with black letters "UN" as "roundels" and the UN flag as fin flash.


QuoteBut keeping with the Essex size (I say these because in the late 70's these where in reserve and would easy been available), there qouted for 80 A/C. Sounds a bit high for me but can be A-4 size A/C, fewer if Sea Viggens.

The Essex's were pretty much knackered by the 70's thats why the US retired them and put the ASW squadrons on the Supercarriers. Only Lex and Oriskany were of much use. Personally i would have thought  the Swedes would have gone for one the UK light fleets in the 60's or maybe Centaur, as sehe could have been updated with a Hermes style angled deck and new steam cats. The Air group would of course be smaller but well within the capabilities of the SeaViggen. Sweedish Buccanneers for strike role as they would look cools in a grey & green type of lizards camo carrying the SAAB anti ship missiles. There low level capabilitis would be handy around the sweedish coast and into the North Sea, with Sea Viggens flying Escort.


Thor B)  


QuoteThe Essex's were pretty much knackered by the 70's thats why the US retired them

well that's a bit blunt Thor...i'm sure you know what you are talking about thoughm and that gives me the chance to "give" (ah, but that i had that much money!) the swedes a new build carrier....

not sure that i'd put the Bucc on there though...and just for now, although i do like the guest squadrons on a UN carrier idea, i really really really just want to make a swedish carrier for the naval of the swedish airforce.

boring, i know....but i have a thing for saabs, and i just wanna do that....


so tell me more about it thor and amphion, my old muckers, new build carrier in the mid sixties for the swedish navy (improbable i know) - what would it look like? similar to hermes? bit bigger? bearing in mind that it'll be a mainly viggen air wing once we get into the mid 70s, but maybe throw in lansens and maybe tunnans, (if the deck/cat was able maybe drakens), and 105's later on....

i think what i'm asking is, what kit should i get and then mash around to build my carrier....the planes i can play with in 1/72 and 1/144, and they won't break the bank, but at $30 i don't wanna buy the wrong carrier!

thanks guys...

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.


QuoteBen mate,
I've a few ideas sprouting about what to do with her, but I'm keeping them under me hat right now.

good idea lancer, it'll keep 'em nice and warm....  :D  
"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Captain Canada

Thanks for the info, Thor...I guess I ought to wait for my 'big carrier' purchase to grab that Kuznetzov. Flankers, SHARs and Cormorants ! I like the idea of keeping SHARs on board a large carrier, as I want them to be interoperable with my sub and BBV.

Cheers !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Speaking of subs, hows that James Bond SHAR carrying one of yours coming on?
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

Captain Canada

Slowly but slowly !

Since I'm doing it as a 'waterline' type, I've chopped the bottom hull up to add it to the top, to make it loooonger ! It would have been nice if I just would have used the 350th scale one to begin with ?!
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?