
Not A Whiff Yet...

Started by SebastianP, November 04, 2007, 06:24:19 AM

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As a break from my more work-intensive projects (I ran out of putty...), I picked up a Spit and an Me 109 in 1/72, both from Italeri, at my local shop the other day. Yesterday I sat down and more or less assembled both of them in a single session, without bothering with paint (both pits can be painted from outside easily).

Then the ideas started flowing, and there are a lot of them...

The first and most obvious is to swap the decals of the two kits - an Me-109 in invasion stripes, and a Spit wearing the leopard-spot camo? Cool. Maybe not cool enough, though.

Second, I've got a pair of Typhoons in production, which means a lot of extra decals. The Me-109 and a Spit with their respective nations' Typhoon schemes? Cool. Or opposites? Also cool.

Anyone have any other ideas?



for the Bf-109, perhaps if germany was allowed to keep its luftwaffe in 1946, and aircraft didnt have to be scrapped, they could participate in korea? Supporting french troops in vietnam?


spit with typhoon engine german colours?


Well, the Me-109F-2 (which is the version I've got) was pretty much obsolete by 1944 already, so I don't think it would have held on until Korea, really. That's more Me-262 territory, if anything. Or FW-190 - one of those is on my shopping list.

The Spit idea makes me go "blink-blink" - it's not a Hawker Typhoon that would be supplying the parts and decals for this, but a Eurofighter.... I suppose you *could* cut the bottom of the rear fuselage out of a Spitfire to put in the EJ.200 engine, and add side-mounted, overwing intakes, but where would you put the fuel to feed it?

A whiff concept scenario popped into my head after writing my previous post, and I thought I'd share...

Edit: I cut and pasted the idea to the Alt history section, comments go there please.



Maybe an up-engined, beefier version somewhat in the direction of the Able Dog Skyraider?  Heavily modified for license-built R-3350's.

Or perhaps a turboprop version, as was tried with the P-51?

Never let plausibility get in the way of a good whiff. ;)  


I've added three more WWII aircraft to the collection in the last couple of days - a Dora-9, a Hellcat and a Typhoon, all from Heller. The FW-190 took half an hour to build, and fit better than either of the Italeri kits. I could care less about the raised panel lines since no sanding is required. I just came home with the other two, but I'll be building them this afternoon.

Silly Heller left out the paint guide for both the Typhoon and the FW-190 though, so I have no idea what scheme to use. All the more reason to come up with something of my own, right? :D


(post-script - the Typhoon kit not nearly as nice to build as the FW-190 - that one needs actual work. The Hellcat looks comparatively huge, and due to the engine construction, you can't build it before painting some parts, so it'll have to wait until I'm in a painting mood...)