Shackelton Wingfold Construction Has Started !

Started by seavixenxj494, November 05, 2007, 02:35:14 AM

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Hi all , i have taken all of you comments into account and have made a modification to the wingfold and started to design the wing fold itself , i also had a though of taking the out board engines of and adding two small jet engines possibly another two bristol siddeley viper engines from a jet provost , or an engine from a vampire? anybody have any other ideas , i would be very gratefull for you veiws.



QuoteHi all , i have taken all of you comments into account and have made a modification to the wingfold and started to design the wing fold itself , i also had a though of taking the out board engines of and adding two small jet engines possibly another two bristol siddeley viper engines from a jet provost , or an engine from a vampire? anybody have any other ideas , i would be very gratefull for you veiws.


The later MR3 Shacks actually had Vipers built into the aft fairings of the outboard engines if thats any use ?

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships

Captain Canada

Neat stuff ! That's be one cool bird to see take off and alight on a carrier !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Very cool. Now, when are you going to start on the aircraft carrier it goes on?


Who said it had to operate from a carrier?  MAybe it could operate from special mountain caverns - the wing fold helping to fit.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


QuoteWho said it had to operate from a carrier?  MAybe it could operate from special mountain caverns - the wing fold helping to fit.
Perhaps not a carrier so much as a specially designed HAS?  That'd explain the wing folding as a means of getting the HAS size down to something affordable in the necessary numbers.  

In all honesty, this is one time when I think the Grumman "rotate and fold back" approach would definitely yield a stronger, and lighter, wing than one with this many hinged joints.  I'm not saying this couldn't work, just that, IMHO, it's adding complexity and weight to the overall aircraft.  I suspect some of this comes from seeing just how un-necessarily complex some folk want to make things.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin