Re: Spinners' Strike Fighters Thread

Started by SPINNERS, February 07, 2008, 02:38:33 PM

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Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - 311 & 312 Squadrons, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1971

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK07 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK08 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK09 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK10 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK11 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RNLAFA-4GSKYHAWK12 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

Tidied up the nose a bit, got rid of the camo behind the intakes and added some shading to the Skyhawks distinctive afterthought rudder (Heinneman always intended to fix it). New squadron decals for 311 (top) and 312 Squadrons.


Douglas A-4E Skyhawk - No.860 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service, 1971

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK05 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK06 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

KONMARINEA-4GSKYHAWK07 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

Quite an easy one this. I've simply used the stock USN Grey scheme but overpainted the hideously garish intake warning markings and drawn in a couple of panel lines before adding some basic decals including the 'D' for Karel Doorman although the ship in the picture is a wee bit bigger!


Bell Airacobra IA - No.17 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1942

RAFAIRACOBRA01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFAIRACOBRA02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFAIRACOBRA03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFAIRACOBRA04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

The P-39D was released recently and was quickly followed by the P-400 used here to create a SEAC Airacobra IA. I used to love that old Airfix kit of the P-39Q and think I've still got one in the stash.


Nakajima Ki-101 'Spirited Warrior' - Imperial Japanese Army Air Force, 1944

IJAAFP-39SAIRACOBRA01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

IJAAFP-39SAIRACOBRA02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

IJAAFP-39SAIRACOBRA03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

IJAAFP-39SAIRACOBRA04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

IJAAFP-39SAIRACOBRA05 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

About three years ago I did an IJAAF Spitfire (on the current Page 41) and when a 'what if' P-39S was released recently, by the SFP1 Dev A-Team (DAT), I thought I'd use the same markings on it to create an alternate Ki-101. The P-39S is very inventive but is still clearly an Airacobra - no bad thing in my opinion as I've always thought it looked cool. Anyway, I've included the original backstory for the P-39S below.

It is 1944 and there are plenty of P-39 airframes and plentiful Packard built Rolls Royce Merlin engines. The Bell design group added the Merlin engine, added a supercharger scoop like the P-51, replaced the car-doors with a sliding canopy and removed the dorsal scoop to come up with the P-39S.


Bell P-39C Airacobra - 1st American Volunteer Group, 1942

AVGP-39DAIRACOBRA01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

AVGP-39DAIRACOBRA02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

AVGP-39DAIRACOBRA03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

AVGP-39DAIRACOBRA04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

AVGP-39DAIRACOBRA05 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

The USAAC P-400 skin given the AVG treatment!


North American P-51D Mustang IV - No.17 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1945

RAFP-51DMUSTANG401 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFP-51DMUSTANG402 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFP-51DMUSTANG403 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

RAFP-51DMUSTANG404 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

A few Thunderbolt Mk.II's had NMF finish whilst in SEAC service so I thought I'd try it on the Third Wire P-51D - a lovely 3D model. I thought I'd use the blue from my SEAC roundel for the identification bands - just to be different.


North American P-51D Mustang - 586th Fighter Regiment of the Air Defense Force, 1945

SOVIETP-51DMUSTANG01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETP-51DMUSTANG02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETP-51DMUSTANG03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETP-51DMUSTANG04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

OK, I'll admit it. I've got a crush on Lydia Litvyak. I've also got a crush on the Mustang so I'm happy to combine the two.


Hawker Tempest V - No.350 Squadron, Belgian Air Force, 1946

BAFTEMPEST501 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

BAFTEMPEST502 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

BAFTEMPEST503 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

BAFTEMPEST504 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

BAFTEMPEST505 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

BAFTEMPEST506 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

A nice Tempest V was released yesterday by the prolific 'Veltro2K' so I've wasted no time in giving this Hawker thoroughbred the Belgians!


(Alternative) Petlyakov Pe-8 - 890th Bomber Regiment, Soviet Air Force, 1943

SOVIETB-17EFLYINGFORTRESS01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-17EFLYINGFORTRESS02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-17EFLYINGFORTRESS03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-17EFLYINGFORTRESS04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

After putting some Soviet red stars on a plain B-17E skin and taking the above screenshots I thought I'd just better check whether the Soviets did actually operate the B-17 and, whilst they didn't use them operationally, they acquired no less than 73 of them! So this simple 'what if' can be one of the following;

1. The Petlyakov Pe-8 design took a different direction (slightly smaller).

2. The US supplied B-17's under lend-lease.

3. The interned B-17's were used operationally.


Pfalz Flugzeugwerke D.XXXII - Jasta 25, Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte, 1936

LSKHURRICANE5C01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LSKHURRICANE5C02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LSKHURRICANE5C03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

A bit of a 'speed build' this one and based on a World War One without US intervention that went on and on and on...

The lozenge pattern on the nose is at a different scale to the remainder but it's a lovely camo!


Consolidated B-24J Liberator - Soviet Air Force, Manchukuo, 1945

SOVIETB-24JLIBERATOR01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-24JLIBERATOR02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-24JLIBERATOR03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-24JLIBERATOR04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

SOVIETB-24JLIBERATOR05 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

The WW2 four-engined heavies are being done justice and a sweet B-24J was released recently and the standard USAAF OD/Grey scheme makes it easy to do a Soviet Liberator.

From Wikipedia;

Soviet Use

Only one B-24 was officially delivered to the USSR according to the Lend-Lease agreements, stranded in Yakutsk while flying a government mission to the Soviet Union in November 1942. In addition, 73 Liberators of various models that had force-landed on European airfields were recovered and 30 of them were repaired and used by the 45th BAD.


Focke-Wulf Ta288 Tornado - JG3, Luft'46

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO01 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO02 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO03 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO04 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO05 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

LUFTTa288MiG-17FRESCO06 by Spinners1961, on Flickr

This is the MiG-17 masquerading as Kurt Tank's swept-wing Ta288 Tornado! I've added a mottled layer to the upper surfaces of a basic silver scheme matted down to make grey and added some pretty basic markings.


McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2 - No.6 squadron, RAF Near East Air Force, 1973

No input from me here except for taking the screenshots but this is a sweet 'what if' Desert Camo for the FGR.2 by 'sundowner' who is a real F-4 nut! Sometime over the weekend I'll show a couple of shots of his FGR.2 in Jaguar/Buccaneer style wraparound camo.


McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2 - No.19 and No.92 Squadrons, RAF Germany, 1982

No input from me (except for taking the screenshots) these are 'sundowners' wraparound RAFG Phantoms... let down by me not having a black gunpod in my install at the moment!


Heinkel He-177 'Greif' - Soviet Air Force, 1946

For the Motherland!

The He-177 was revamped recently with two cracking Luftwaffe skins by 'Charles' and I've simply overpainted the Luftwaffe markings and added some basic Soviet markings plus a propaganda slogan to the nose.