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P-47 SuperBolt

Started by John Howling Mouse, February 08, 2008, 05:02:41 PM

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Ed S

I'll give you credit, JHM.  That cut and paste job turned out pretty good. And not as much work as I originally expected.  Looks like a winner. 

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.

John Howling Mouse

Thanks, Guys. 
Brian, I did consider the fillet and did up a test in Corel Photopaint but the added height (from the side) of the fillet detracted from the ultra-sleek effect I was going for.  Before the Out-Laws came over tonight, I did up this quick and dirty photo-sketch of the amount of stretch I'm shootin' for, including the revised tailfin.  I'm also going to go with a nose-cone on the prop instead of the [whatchamacallit] style prop hub a T-Bolt normally has.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


pretty svelte for a jug.  Smooth.  So are you not lengthening the fuselage?  Or did I miss something. . .

It's gonna be sweet, that's for sure.

John Howling Mouse

Quote from: noxioux on February 09, 2008, 06:11:43 PM
pretty svelte for a jug.  Smooth.  So are you not lengthening the fuselage?  Or did I miss something. . .

It's gonna be sweet, that's for sure.

Yessir, I will still be lengthening the fuselage in two places in order to get the look you see in the above photo-sketch.  Should end up about 3/4" longer overall.

Oh, and I think I must be the only guy who didn't know that Jugs also flew off aircraft carrier(s) during WWII:

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

It looks like a "muscle car" version of an FW-190 for sure Mr Howling Mouse! You know, this would make a wicked looking racing plane.

How about smoke ring camo and French roundels? South East Asian Escadrille 1951 maybe?

Brian da Basher


QuoteI think I must be the only guy who didn't know that Jugs also flew off aircraft carrier(s) during WWII

Yep, we've been keeping it a secret from you all this time! ;D


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Great stuff!!!! Always love you builds.

Hacking up a P-47 kit is going to cause some JMN's die a little inside! ;D
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


It looks sh%t hot to me Baz as it is, it changes the looks tremendously, I love it. Are you going to use an R-4360 in it too? You'd just need to extend the cowling then instead of the fuselage.

If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


That looks great, Baz! Can't believe that worked so well. I wish I had thought to post this earlier, and I need to test the theory myself. I'm thinking, if you made an angled cut, instead of a straight one, then just tilted the lower half up to the upper, you could avoid having to mess with the taper. If you wanted to get really into it, you could use a little simple math to figure out the exact angle needed, the use a compass to mark lines on the fuse before you cut it. Although I'm not sure how you could translat that to the vertical cut, just the horizontal. Need to do some more pondering first. I've got a Hasegawa 1/72 P-47 in the stash I may try it with for a test. If you don't mind me "borrowing" the P-47 hack, that is. Keep up the good work.


Ian the Kiwi Herder

OK, now we alredy know this is going to be stunning, simply 'cos Mr. Srieking Rodent is both the architect and the contractor. But if he were to sub-contract some ideas, I might be tempted to add an 'N' style fin fillet (as opposed to the late 'D' style already mentioned), squared off stabs, four 20mm instead of the eight fifties, and most important..... TIP TANKS..... ohhh yeah and SVnAF camouflage and markings !

But that's just me !

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)

John Howling Mouse

Thanks for all the ideas, folks.

kitnut617:  I was thinking of a larger engine.  I'll look up the R4360 you've mentioned but I think the forward fuselage extension plug will be inserted just behind the cowl.

jeffryfontaine:  I do have a T-Tail and Tri-gear modification planned for another type but now you've got me thinking... (always dangerous).  While there are a number of potential finishes and operators, I am going to stick with USA and going the extra crazy mile to actually polish the gaps to the point where I will apply a NMF finish.

SinUnNombre:  I know exactly what you mean.   See this link for a similar treatment I did to my "Sparrow" RCAF trainer  (there's a link within this thread that also shows in detail how I cut up the dissimilar kits:  http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,9157.0.html

Ian: I just might have to make a THIRD one to capture all those ideas of yours....mmm....

B777LR:  It's kind of a carpenter's hammer & sickle, eh?  But I would cheat and simply and print the decals.

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Quote from: John Howling Mouse on February 10, 2008, 07:05:52 AM
B777LR:  It's kind of a carpenter's hammer & sickle, eh?  But I would cheat and simply and print the decals.

Hmm, never thought of it like that, more like a swastika, but ive just noticed that it reminds of the soviet hammer and sickle too! :wacko:
Would look nice on the aircraft anyway! :wub:


Quote from: John Howling Mouse on February 10, 2008, 07:05:52 AM
Thanks for all the ideas, folks.

kitnut617:  I was thinking of a larger engine.  I'll look up the R4360 you've mentioned but I think the forward fuselage extension plug will be inserted just behind the cowl.

A quick reference would be the difference between the P-47 and the XP-72, JHM. 28 cylinder, four row, air cooled.  I think it has the same diameter.
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike

John Howling Mouse

New Prop:

And I liked Ian's idea of replacing the fifties with 20mm cannon so much that I've spent the morning just reaming out the holes in the wing's and converting some spare sprue to the two-stage cylinder cannon look of later Spitfires.   Guess I should fill in the unused ejector ports now, too.  And I don't know if it's "correct" to do so but I think I'll stagger the cannon on the wings:

Now, I'm off to make SIX more of these &%$#@* cannon barrels!!!  <hint, hint>  :banghead:
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

Wow looks great Mr Howling Mouse! I like the modified prop. It's attention to little details like that which take a model to the next level.

I re-read Ian's wonderful suggestions and you only need two more cannons. Unless you're going for total overkill, which might not be a bad idea.

Seeing your progress on this one is better than watching cable TV!

Brian da Basher