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P-47 SuperBolt

Started by John Howling Mouse, February 08, 2008, 05:02:41 PM

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Looks like she's coming along just dandy John, should be a super build by the end, if you'll forgive the pun. ;D



Brian da Basher

Very nice work, Mr Howling Mouse! I really like those cannons! Your attention to detail on the shell ejector ports is espeically impressive.
Brian da Basher

Ed S

Looking good, JHM.  I can't wait to see them with paint and markings.

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.


How abou adding some wing bulges for those cannon?  Like on the Typhoon and Spitfire.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

John Howling Mouse

PW: The masking tape-plasiticene combo is just for a painting mask.

Nev: CALL me (collect) next time you have an idea that good!  It's too late now as I'm in painting mode already but those bulges would've been the icing on the cake.     :o

Primer (sorry for crappo pics but my digicam was kinda dying.  I now resort to banging it, Han Solo-style, and it comes back to life).

Initial paint is Tamiya "light gun metal."  Funny, for all my expectations of visible flaws in all the areas I modified, the only noticeable flaw is actually along the top fuselage seam line behind the canopy on one of them.   :huh:

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

Frickin' incredible work, Mr Howling Mouse! They look like they were cast fom molten metal in that last shot! IF that dinky little seam line is your idea of an "imperfection" then perhaps it's about time the rest of us finally went and got some knitting needles.

I'm just stunned at the insane level of your craftsmanship!
Brian da Basher

John Howling Mouse

Heh, heh, thanks, Brian. It looks worse in person.  I should really fix that.  We won't even mention how I did not accommodate the slight sweep of the leading edge on the starboard wing of the model on the right (when drillingn the holes for the cannons, resuling in the pair of cannons on that wing pointing outwards like Marty Feldman's eye!)
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

Yowsa now you go and pull a Marty Feldman reference!

I am beyond impressed, Mr Howling Mouse.

Gentlemen, we are truly in the presence of greatness!!!

Brian da Basher

John Howling Mouse

Here they are with a light dusting of Tamiya silver.  The idea (read: "hope") is that this will produce a subtle yet discernible contrast between panel shades later.

Okay, here are the flaws I noted earlier.  Each model has the same poor joinery along the top seam (my fault, not the kit's, but I hadn't noticed until the old trick of silver paint showing up every possible imperfection).

And, to think, only about 5 or 6 years ago, I did not even own any kind of putty!  Was a local modelling friend of mine who got me doing that.  Thanks, Bob, ya bahstahd!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.



I'm getting excited now.  Considering the amount of work you have done correcting those little seams will be five minutes work.

Get this Cheese to sick bay!


You are just entirely too good at this  :blink: I think I hate you now... but I freaking love those models ;D Gee whiz :bow: :bow:
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Looking great Baz!  Now am I right in thinking you've got USAAF paint jobs lined up for them?  I'm throwing in a late curve ball here, but to me they look quite Japanese.  Maybe one in green squiggles over NMF with Meatballs???
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


realy awaiting the finished kits....


Quote from: puddingwrestler on May 18, 2008, 05:34:39 PM
Excellent sir! Your skill and insanity knows no bounds! (makes mental note to by 10 thou styrene sheet for filling things with)

The plastacine and masking tape - is that just to mask areas from spray, or is it actually to fill the wheel wells?

Yes, tell us more of this plasticine/masking tape technique. I quite like wet tissue paper for masking wheel wells but it takes a long time to get them completely and accurately full.

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


Well, with the addition of the silver paint they suddenly look very real, very plausible, and very 1946.

And since you got the filler out, you may as well add those cannon bulges now ;)
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May