
DFW area-SCALEFEST 2008: 31 May 2008

Started by Scooterman, February 09, 2008, 08:32:47 PM

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So anybody planning on attending?  If I can get enough takers, I'll see what I can do about getting a table for a SIG display. 

However since I'm sure I'll be working the show at some point (if not all day) I don't want to leave it unattended and need some of you locals to help man the stand.  And of course bring stuff to fill the table!  If we're really smooth, I can get power to the table and run my laptop with a slideshow of profiles that I have saved to represent our CGI brethren.

The sooner we can get this together, the better.  C'mon guys, with so many of us in this area, this is a great opportunity to put a nice Stateside SIG showing.


Barring an unfortunate demise, I don't see why I wouldn't be able to make it.
I might even get a model or two finished in time.....  :banghead:


Sounds interesting. WHERE will it be held and what does SIG stand for?
Likes to re-invent the wheel


SIG = Special Interest Group.

Most IPMS (International Plastic Modelling Society) are branches based upon location and cover a broad range of subjects and scales. A SIG is a group of modellers from within the country who also focus on a particular topic aka a Special Interest. In the UK we have the What-if SIG which is promarily based around this website, but we also have TSR2, R&D, Harrier, Soviet, F-4 Phantom, South African who also have member involved in this site.

Brads actually a member of some of the UK ones, but it sounds like he wants to do a Texas Chapter of the What-If SIG at the show (Leigh and the west coast crew did one for the US nats last year )

Project Cancelled SIG Secretary, specialising in post war British RN warships, RN and RAF aircraft projects. Also USN and Russian warships

Martin H

at this rate ill be chargeing royalties for the use of the SIG's good name on the other side of the pond LOL.
As for putting on a display stand, Brad is just the guy to sort it out...after all hes seen how the Brits do it first hand LOL.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


Is there another show up that way on/around March 22nd??

I saw this listing on the RarePlaneDetective site:
DALLAS, TX - Saturday, March 22, 6 - 9PM
Rare-Plane Detective ModelMart @ Mesquite Holiday Inn Express

EDIT: Emailed RPD for clarification.....
"I just had a couple of quick questions about your new ModelMart sales stops:
1) Am I reading the time listings correct? 6PM-9PM, or should it say 6AM to 9PM???
2) Are these sales stops solo activities, or are they associated with shows and/or contests??"

The reply reads as follows:
"6 - 9PM is correct. Although the ModelMart stop in Dallas is on a Saturday, most of them are on week nights after work. I am actually leaving Las Vegas on the 20th, so I wanted to make sure I gave myself enough time to get to Dallas and set up.

As of this moment, they are all solo activities. I will be set up with about 6 - 7 tables worth of kits, decals and aftermarket (and whatever else I can throw in the van). The room in Dallas is a little small, so it will probably only accommodate me. I have a couple of other stops that have larger rooms, and might invite a few dealer friends to join in to make things interesting.


SO......one of the best sources for old models and supplies is taking his shop on the road as a solo effort!!  :wub:


Quick update.  Roger the Cabin Boy is going to be here for the show, so I put a request in for tables for SAAF, What If and Harrier.  Since I left a few whifs in England last trip I need some to fill the holes........

Here's a link to the show-

Sentinel Chicken

I'm hoping to have a vendor table for some of my prints....but trying to coordinate between work and kid stuff. Will know more in the next two weeks or so as Brad has been providing some useful vectors........

Sentinel Chicken

All right, I've got two tables at Scalefest and the prints I'll have either on display as previews (many whiffs with those) and for sale (real world stuff and whiffs) are on their way to me from the printer. I'm slated to be in one of the auxillary/overflow rooms instead of the main room like last year.

I'll be at the Squadron Open House on Friday, not sure when that day but I'll have Chicklet 01, 02, and 03 in tow, so this should be interesting........


I will be there, more than likely.  I will try to bring some Luftwaffe What-if stuff I have.  Hope to see ya'll there!

"I do this hobby for fun not to be nitpicked, and that's one reason i love this place (What-If) so much, its not necessarily the quality, its the 'spirit' of the build or idea that's important..."-Beowulf

Martin H

Make sure u get plenty of photos mate, The SIG news letter could do with another show report :)
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


SC-  Roger the Cabin Boy and I plan on making Squardon at doors open so we can get over to the Alliance Fly In in the afternoon on Friday.  Be on the lookout!

Tuck-I'll be busy at the reg tables during the show but Roger the Cabin Boy will be manning the SIG tables so look him up.  Tables will be just inside the main entrance, on the right.  Don't worry, it will be properly marked! 

Glorious Leader- SORTED!  :thumbsup:


DAMMIT >:( It looks like I am finishing up a job in Austin around the middle of the week, so I will probably be home next weekend but I bet my dang company sends me some where else before Scalefest. Any DFW modelers want to meet me next weekend to get the F-7 T , the F-5 V , and the P-55 F Ascender for the display?
I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


I think I can work something out sotool.  PM me with details please.

Oh and the fly in is at Meacham not Alliance.


Roger the Cabin Boy filling in for Scooterman-

The Alt. SAAF made it over OK in the hold luggage, and a couple more are being worked up in joint combat modeling (one L) sessions.   Along with the rest, about 20 models.

Scooterman back.  Sounds like we'll have a nice showing.  Hopefully a few area whiffers will come thru and we'll get a group piccie or two.  Oh and RtCB brought 18 bags of TWIGLETS! (ACK! FECK!) to spring on the unusual suspects.  It's all good!