
Huge Model Show at the Museum of Flight in Seattle this weekend

Started by braincells37, February 12, 2008, 11:08:07 PM

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This weekend is the huge model show at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. A chance to "show the flag" as it were for Pacific Northwest modelers. Last year there were over 2000 models on display! It's going to take me 3 nights just to pack the 50 or so models that I'll be able to cram into the back of the truck. Some modelers will be bringing well over 150 models. If you are in the area, don't miss this event. And there's gonna be a whole section devoted to what-ifs!
IPMS Seattle 'President For Life'

Howard of Effingham

Quote from: braincells37 on February 12, 2008, 11:08:07 PM
And there's gonna be a whole section devoted to what-ifs!

that's what we like to see! have a good time in seattle. take some photos if you can.

Keeper of George the Cat.