Hawker P1083

Started by Lazlo Woodbine, December 03, 2003, 03:45:01 PM

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Lazlo Woodbine


Here's some pics of a conversion of the Airfix Hunter using some cut down Horten wings, lengthened the nose and put in an afterburner, its going to be armed with Blue Jay missiles
"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett

Lazlo Woodbine

"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett

Lazlo Woodbine

"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett

Lazlo Woodbine

"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett


That's pretty neat Lazlo, and the green wings make it look like a Matchbox kit!

Amen to your signature BTW.


Nice shots Gaz,

What did you do to the nose and tailpipe for the 1083's as conversions might be intersting conversions for all these Hunters we have around. Its certainly a conversion kit to consider as the Maintravk one has now disappeared.

Now that should go to the RAuxAF Sqaudrons for the 60's & 70's until replaced by some Jag like aircraft (Wonder if they ever drew plans for a twin engined version.

JoeC or Wooksta if your listening, have you got 1083 wing sets available or are they a still to be done line at the moment ?


Geoff B B)


Looking great lazlo...

funny story about old spice...we drank a shot of it  once as a toast to kick off our post match rugby drinking (the mark of a man was keeping it DOWN!)

even now the smell of it reminds me of dry heaving....

now THEY were the days...also consumed (on other occasions, not all on the same night) were TCP and parker quink - TCP was horrid and i think everybody hurled, and the quink made us all poo olive drab for a while....


sorry, you must all think that i drank with cheggers....

again lazlo, great looking hunter so far...can't wait to see the finished result...also, as i recall, you did a great looking VG lighning a while ago...any chance of reposting the pictures at some future date?

all the best,

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.

Captain Canada

Another beauty !

But what's a Blue jay missile ?

I've heard of the bird, the baseball team and the sprinkler company.....but not the missile ! B)  
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Lazlo Woodbine


Thanks for the comments, Geoff, I chopped the nose off as TSR Joe said to do it as it may have had radar aadded for the firestreaks.  It was cut  along the line of the front end of the wheelbay and a 2-3mm plug added and filled.  The wings were from a PM Horten kit that Lee had and were cut off with scissors(shame!).  The tail pipe was cut at an angle to match the plans and an afterburner ring was made from plasticard.  Stll undecided about the scheme probably going to be late 50s RAF or maybe TWU at Brawdy in the 70s with red spine and tail and wing tips over camo.    
"Ladies and gentlemen, England will be playing four-four f&*$£*^g two"

Mike Bassett


Interesting model indeed. Horten wings is probably a perfect option. :thumbsup:
A question: Must fuselage be lengthened?

Will die without understanding this world.


Martin H

we now have an easy option to built a 1083. its called freightdog models :). Colin now does a conversion for the Revell Hunter.

And the P1083 in this thread is currently in my care as part of the what if? SIG reserve collection.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.