
Latest UK Defence Select Committee report

Started by Aircav, April 15, 2008, 04:50:08 AM

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 Defence Select Committee report, published here


grim reading
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader

Howard of Effingham

as you say aircav, grim. particularly i think for the nimrod MRA4 program.

is there anything good about this report? its certainly thorough.

hmm, i'll shut up now as this thread is borderline political.

Keeper of George the Cat.


Makes for some interesting Wif subjects on future cancelled projects
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Things like this quote (about the carrier program) are just painful.

QuoteWe asked what the commercial issues were. CDM told us that he did not know and "could not answer it". We were surprised to hear that he did not know given that this was such a key programme. We asked if it suited CDM not to let the contract now. He said "no, it is not me". We asked if it suited the MoD not to let the contract now. He said "no". We asked what the impasse was about. CDM told us that "we do not know".


The whole thing is the usual catalog of waste and incompetence but it's the MRA.4 that stands out as epic fail. 700 million quid over budget and 92 (!) months late. Nice work boys! The end is nigh now, surely...

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


Nothing will happen - the Govt only listens to Select Commitees when it suits them. At the end of the day, they are just a chance for backbench MPS to think they are doing something.
It's not an effing  jump jet.


Which is a real shame as a lot of the Select Committees do some good work.

Had to appear before one once, a bit frightening I must say, and I was on the side of the "Good Guys"  :unsure:

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Bloody HELL, Chris, that means you could have appeared LIVe on TV, the Parliamentary Channel!! :wacko:

Meanwhile, noted in a mag that the US are paying slightly more (but only SLIGHTLY) for 700 H-60 derivatives for what HM Gov't are paying for 70 Lynx variants.
700 versus 70= UK taxpayers funding enormous salaries for someone!!

Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Quote from: The Wooksta! on April 16, 2008, 03:40:45 AM
Yes, but a larger production run brings the unit cost down.

And the H-60 has already passed break-even point ages ago. The Future lynx needs development, first flight, even more development before entry into service, and even then it cant be assured that Westland will sell more.