
Quick Scalefest Report (caution, contains Twiglets)

Started by Scooterman, May 31, 2008, 06:20:08 PM

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Sentinel Chicken

You all are pussies, I tried some Twiglets for the first time and they weren't all that bad. But then again, I'm Filipino and that means that as a matter of routine I eat cuisine that would literally scare the crap out of most folks' intestinal tract.

Roger the Cabin Boy got a rather amusing shot of me with Twiglets earlier in the morning. I had my table just across the hallway from the Whif Table, so Twiglets were easy to come by. I suspect my smart-arse mug will now be spread throughout cyberspace complete with Twiglets.

"Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. And if I don't see you later, good night."

It was a blast meeting everyone and thanks to everyone that came buy and willfully parted with their hard-earned money to buy some prints from me. I did a lot better sales-wise than last year, that's for sure. Some amusing anecdotes from the day-

I was telling sotoolslinger that when he first signed up on this forum, I though his name was "stoolslinger" and I thought that was the funniest damn screen name I'd seen in a while.

This one guy walks up to my table, takes off his glasses and puts his face an inch from one of my prints, saying "Hmmmm...this printing is all out of register, the lines aren't right and it appears you have surfaced defects on this print. I wouldn't buy it." And I'M STANDING RIGHT THERE. This guy must be a JMN or something, his friend with him rolls his eyes and shoves him along saying "C'mon, let's go find you ANOTHER vendor to piss off."

Two engineers come up to the table and one of them points to the A/FX art and says, "See? I told you it's the A/FX!" They seemed genuinely surprised that information on the A/FX was now open source. We had a very interesting conversation about their time on the engineering team working on wind tunnel models of the A/FX.

The stuff on the Whiff Table I'm sure caused many a JMN to suffer a migraine, perhaps a blown anuerysm. This one guy comes to the table and starts expounding in detail about one of my Tigershark profiles how it's got the markings for the 318th FIS out of McChord. After he finished, I pointed out the "MASSACHUSETTS" on the tail flash. "Oh" he says "Those are fictional markings. That's what threw me off." "No, it's the tail markings for the 101st FIS out of Otis ANGB in the early 1990s that they used on their F-15s."

I shoulda offered him some Twiglets.


So did the JMN froth at the mouth? Cause as we all know, it's not worth it unless you manage to get the JMN frothing!
There are no good kits, bad kits or grail kits, just kitbash fodder.


Quote from: Sentinel Chicken on May 31, 2008, 09:23:17 PM

Actually, that picture kind of says:

"Welcome to Chicken Works, profiles of everything AND the kitchen sink!" :lol:
My Blogs:

Pickled Wings: http://pickledwings.com/

Beyond Prague: http://beyondprague.net/


Hi JP ... nice to meet You at least in that little picture !!!

Can we get some additional pre-views of the Rockwell TFX, the Crusader III and whatelse is lying in front of the table !!!

So long with best wishes, Andreas   ;D
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one:
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods:
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
W.H.Auden (1945

Howard of Effingham


thanks guys! looks like you 'ad a great show.

twiglets? should've had lets see..... jaffa cakes, pork pies, those awfully nice dutch biccys hobbes brings to SMW
and some cockles and then you mighta have a wif food stand but i admit twiglets are nice. tell me, do they go
with 'dew ok?  :huh:

some truly great models too and for once a nice mugshot. anyhow......

calling RtCB on the blue courtesy phone!

your story mod'ing skills are needed. see the 2008 story in the everyday chat section.

that SAAF P-7A is  :wub: :thumbsup: :cheers: :bow:

Keeper of George the Cat.

Brian da Basher

Wow thanks for posting those pics, gents! WHat a treat it is to put faces to such well-known names (hey Scooterman, tell Roger he's missed 'round these parts!). Toolslinger, you look like you should be wearing a pair of six-guns to go with that hat! Love the really well-done models and the mighty fine way you all represented Whiff-World!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher
(passing on the Tiwglets)


A few more images, no Twiglets in these though.....


Roger the Cabin Boy reporting here.  Scooterman is still pushing out the Zzzzs.

Thanks for all the positive feedback - it was a great show - our SAAF / WIF displays were very well received.

On Mr Bashers' point re Toolslinger - not only does he look the part, he sure does sound it too, dudes.  It was a real pleasure to meet a genuine Texan - a real talented artist, and a true gentleman.  Not to mention Mr Chicken and Rotorhead TX - thanks for supporting the WIF stand.    :thumbsup:  

The P-7A in brief- we checked references in our WAPJs and online.  The main conversion is to the wing centre section, stretched out 4ft each side, with a flat brass spar running through it to maintain the structural integrity.  We were going to graft the C-130J engine nacelles inverted, but it turned out a lot easier to merge the rear halves of the Orion spinners to the 6-bladers instead.  The exhausts were squared off using stock plastic tubing, faired in with bomb halves and milliput.  The tail was chopped, the MAD boom omitted, and a third inner weapons pylon was added.    The bomb bay was a late addition caused by me dropping the model while spraying,  :o :o :o -it pancaked ever so slightly on the heavy side on the concrete garage floor.  As a result, I had to to the surgery to get in to refit the cockpit which had fallen out from the impact.  Making up a square box bomb bay with a few ribs and stringers added was straightforward.  At least it was good to see that the stretched wings survived the destructive testing phase OK, though...  :thumbsup:  The scheme is an anniversary for 35 Sqn SAAF, based on the Shackleton.  Decals were from my spares or sourced from the www.ipmssa.za.org website, and printed on ALPS.   Weapons are 4 x Rb15s (?) from 2 Gripen kits, with Pythons (from a J-10 kit) and Mavericks on the outer pylons.  This model will be TX-based, but there's enough spares left for me to to do a clone of the model back home, so there will be a second one on the UK scene before too long.   Collaborating on planning and building this model was great fun - we both learned stuff from each other too.        

The really good news is that there's now a nucleus of displaying WIF guys here in TX, with a good variety of models, ranging from subtle/sane to outrageous/insane, so there should be a few more WIF display / show reports regularly appearing from this part of the world.

Howard - regarding the 2008 story - of late, I've been content to lurk over on the Profiles and CGI, but will try and post a little more often now.   So, making his appearance in a few days, Lt Col (Retd) Paddy Stench-Trench RAMC and the Green Bucket O' Twiglets.    



Scooterman back.  Amazing what 12 hours of sleep will do.  Since RtCB pretty much summed up the show, I'll just get on with the rest of my pics.  Here's RotorheadTX 'enjoying' his first Twiglets.





sotoolslinger moseyed on down and gobbled up his first of many bags.


"Hey look at my stash!"

Bah.  Show virgin........


THIS is a stash!   RtCBs haul on the left, mine on the right.