Maverick's Proposed Builds

Started by Maverick, June 09, 2008, 09:18:11 PM

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G'day Gang,

I'm glad this GB finally kicked off and have a rather large list that I'd like to get done, but given time, etc, this will be a shade smaller (that's not to say I won't eventually complete all that I want to do).

For starters, I have two planned builds.

The first is the Antarctic Typhoon (ie EF-2000) in 72nd scale with the Italeri kit as a basis.  Minor changes here will include no AAMs with tanks instead & a unit change from JG 74 to JG 71.

Second up, a Royal Navy F/A-18B.  Changes to the original profile will include unit change to 899 NAS & a complete loadout with the base kit being the rather regrettable Hase -18D, also in 72nd.

I"ll update this thread with more profiles & completed builds as they come along.

(Mods: if these builds somehow contravene the rules as posted, please let me know & I'll sort the profiles accordingly).




A third planned build is a twin-tub Cutlass in Marines markings.  The only deviation here is an earlier VMF(AW)-232 rather than VMFA as the latter decals (for the F-4) are considerably larger than the F7U's frame.


A fourth in progress build is the A-14C of the USMC.  This should go fairly close to the profile using the rather plain IDEA kit as a basis in 72nd.




Can't wait to see the last one.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


G'day Gang,

To save on thread & forum space, I'm adding my builds here once they are completed.

First up, the RN Hornet, based on the rather ordinary Hase 72nd kit.

Another couple for the 'to do' list in progress are the A-14C Strikecat & JASDF Harrier, although the Harrier won't be in the same unit markings.




G'day Gang,

Here's my JASDF FV-8J.  The original kit was an Esci AV-8B (Thanks Steve) which has had it's nose replaced by a radar unit & FLIR. 

In addition, here's a WIP shot of the twin tub on my F-7B Cutlass and another addition to the list, a Radial Hurricane in USAAC markings.




G'day Gang,

With my A-14C nearing completion and major work progressing with both the Eurofighter & Cutlass, I've decided on another for the GB.  This time it's a Wild Weasel B-58, using the Italeri kit as a basis.  I'm adding a pylon between the engines to hang one of the supplied bombs (not sure what the hey it's supposed to be.  I'm assuming a nuke of some description, but I'm using it as a mega CBU).  Using the kit's supplied wing-root pylons, I'm hanging four AGM-78 Standard ARMs and I'm also adding a flank pylon either side of the lower nose for an ALQ & a RHAW pod.  For the centreline, I"m using the smaller of the two tanks supplied, altho I'm moving it back a few notches to clear the new nose flanks.  The squadron involved is the 561st TFS.




G'day Gang,

Whilst my work on the B-58 is moving along well enough (mind you, it would have been nice had they made a choice of gear up or down!!! :banghead:), I've managed to finish off the A-14C Strikecat.  Considering it uses on of those Idea/whatever dodgy knockoffs as a base, it didn't turn out too shabby.




Hi Mav,
Boeing Hurricane and B-58 in SEA camo are superb

BTW the RN Hornet is a perfect idea. I like this model :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Will die without understanding this world.


Looking good so far, I like the Hustler.


Sweet builds John!! I especially dig the JASDF Harrier!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.