
canard delta F-16 weapon suggestions plz

Started by PanzerWulff, June 12, 2008, 08:41:53 PM

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I'm starting my reverse delta F-16 and was wondering on ideas for arming the forward canard rails

I was thinking of AMRAAM's on the main wings and some Sidewinder variant on the canards
any ideas opinions etc???
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


There would be an awful lot of stress on weapons mounted on a moving control surface, especially in hard maneuvering.

Love the layout though.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Sidewinders are boring. I'd go for ASRAAMs, but any modern short-range missile would do.


Quote from: r16 on June 13, 2008, 12:05:56 AM
ı am not into engineering that seriously , but I think the main wingd are too back for carrying stores and You would have to use many pylons on the fuselage itself .
With the kit I have available (The Italeri F-16C/D in 1/72 ) the main wings will be a bit farther forward than in the concept drawing,and the forward canard weapons are for use in a close range dogfight primarily. where the ability to track the target in a tight turn would allow the pilot to put weapons on target ehile pulling slightly less Gees than his adversary.Besides I think it would just look cool ;D
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


Do the canards have to be all-moving? You could say they were like mini-F16 wings, with a fixed core and BIG leading and trailing edge surfaces. That would them make it feasible to mount small missilies on the tips.

As to the missiles themselves, why not "engineer" a Western equivalent of the R-60 (AA-8 Aphid) by shortening a Sidewinder and sticking extra fins on it?
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If your just looking for cool and the canards are going to be moving so you can sort of aim how about a pod full of mini rockets :wacko:
I amuse me.
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Quote from: Weaver on June 13, 2008, 05:00:13 AM
Do the canards have to be all-moving? You could say they were like mini-F16 wings, with a fixed core and BIG leading and trailing edge surfaces. That would them make it feasible to mount small missilies on the tips.

As to the missiles themselves, why not "engineer" a Western equivalent of the R-60 (AA-8 Aphid) by shortening a Sidewinder and sticking extra fins on it?

I think you'd get a lot of aerodynamic interference from a weapon mounted on such a small flying surface, even if they weren't all moving.  I think you'd need more of a tandem wing if you were going to go with that approach.

I like the idea of modified missiles.  I'll chuck a more modern version of Red Top (or Blue Dolphin, the proposed radar variant) in to the mix, just because it looks different.  Smaller seaker head, small changes to fin shape, maybe a third set of fins near the nose?
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


If you're going for an extremely maneuverable missile for use at close range in dogfights, have a look at the Taildog/SRAAM.


AIM-9X wouldnt hurt. . . but I'd saw the canard tips to get rid of the trailing edge "notch" & I'd move the wings fwd a tad so you wouldnt have any clearence issues w/t externals on rotation.

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Brian da Basher

I'd put the rocket tubes from a P-47 on the wintip rails.

Brian da Basher


How about fitting something else than things that go whooosh on the wingtips? Such as LGBs? :drink: Would need something that can shove it away from the wing, when it is dropped though...


LGBs would be different, but wingtip pylons can rarely carry more than ~250 kg (or the weight of an AMRAAM). So anything more than an SDB is out of the question.


Hmmmmm maybe an advanced longer range stinger variant,I mean the Apache can haul em???
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


Quote from: PanzerWulff on June 14, 2008, 09:25:33 AM
Hmmmmm maybe an advanced longer range stinger variant,I mean the Apache can haul em???

Stingers are tiny, and really only look like a peice of sprue, when in the launch tube. How about Hellfires?


Too heavy again. . . IR guided ZUNIs perhaps? the Army/USMC is working on a laser-guided version at the moment.

Shas 8)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.