
Whiffers ultimate (insane) challenge: 1/144 aircraft carrier

Started by Spey_Phantom, June 22, 2008, 07:21:03 AM

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The boy is kookoo in the coconut.  ;D :wub:

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion for your 'Tooms...
how about tilting tailpipes as used on the original A2F-1 Intruder prototype?

Perhaps with blown wings ala the Bucc?



thats a good idea, im might concider that, allong with the extending nosewheel.
anyway, i made a profile of the proposed scheme for the Belgian Phantoms  ;D

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


Quote from: joncarrfarrelly on July 07, 2008, 07:08:41 AM
The boy is kookoo in the coconut.  ;D :wub:

If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion for your 'Tooms...
how about tilting tailpipes as used on the original A2F-1 Intruder prototype?

Perhaps with blown wings ala the Bucc?


hey Jon, thanks for the pics - that first one is the best diag I've seen showing the original tilting exhausts. :thumbsup:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I never could work up the courage to tackle this project, I am so glad to see someone stepping up to the plate !

:cheers:  Awesome work so far, this should be a real stunner.


its been a while, but i have some good news and bad news.

first, the bad  >:(

i recieved an E-mail from revell today, telling me that they can send out the missing parts as soon as i PAY €20.
as i personal policy, i dont pay for anothers mistakes, im not paying for something i schould be getting for free in the first place  >:(
so screw that, way to go revell, dont expect me to buy another ship this size from you guys if the support is that louzy.

Good news  ;D

i decided to continue with the construction. as for the hull, im gonna build it the same way Iran kept its F-14's flying, by building the missing parts indigenously.
im gonna modify the other rear hull into a front hull, the good point is that hereby the ship will be longer  :mellow:
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



That seems ridiculous...20 pounds for a replacement part(s) ?  Hells bells, you can get another kit for just a bit more !  I am shocked at Revell's response...you'd think in this day and age, they would be bending over backwards to help out a hobbyist.  Definitely a black mark on their record.


Quote from: cthulhu77 on August 04, 2008, 12:28:13 PM
That seems ridiculous...20 pounds for a replacement part(s) ?  Hells bells, you can get another kit for just a bit more !  I am shocked at Revell's response...you'd think in this day and age, they would be bending over backwards to help out a hobbyist.  Definitely a black mark on their record.

You'd thin so wouldn't you Greg, but althiough revell is a modelling company, they are a company and we as customers have to pay for stuff. Nothing like the old Airfix parts service.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die



after the dissapointing service by the JMN's of revell, i decided to modify the 2nd rear hull into a front hull.
the assembly of the hull has now begun.

the parts for the front hull have recieved a small modification, witch can be seen by the 2 styrene strips on the sides, this is to make the hull look straight  :mellow:

here a shot of the rear hull, still need to do some work on it  :mellow:

and here the hard part,
to make the connection-parts for the 2 halves, i went out to get a 2mm thick sheet of Styrene.
here are the first to connection pieces, made toprecicely fit in the sinkholes at the end of the halves.
i will post another pic once there fitted to the hull  :mellow:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



the hull has been completly build  ;D
ive been having some problems with some of the styrene strips that they would not stick, but there's nothing a little ducktape cant fix  :lol:

the rear construction is the original 1/72 snowberry contruction cause i needed the center to keep the deck from sinking into the hull. a lot of work still needs to be done, but its a step in the right direction  ;D

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


 :cheers:   Fantastico!

Revellogram used to send out replacement parts without a whimper...I am surprised that they have changed their tune so much.


I was wondering what this carrier project of yours is......  :thumbsup:

I was inclined to wonder if the Phantom should be Spey-powered (because it looks in the same league with modernised British armoured carriers......), but I don't recall there being a 1/144 F-4K/M......
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


Current Hobby Priority...... Sigh......

To-do list here



after 3 months of gathering dust, work has finally continued on the Dendermonde.
not much for an update, the Antenna Mast has recieved some structural details (still need to sand it off a little).
this was done last night, took me about an hourto fiddle it together, i used some fine flexible styrene straws (about 0.5mm thick) that came with the swowberry.

also ingraved in the deck is the elevator (not to vissible on the 2nd picture).
but im gonna let the pictures do the talking  ;D

vissible here is the main tower with the mast, sitting on the ground are the life rafts, another antenna, the plate for the radar dish and the mirror landing aid (witch was made from parts from an incomplete revell USCG Cambell kit, costed me only €0.50 at a rumage sale, good for scratching parts)

a close up view of the mast  :mellow:

got some additional styrene sheets to thicken the deck and hide the "plank" look of the deck.
also ive been experimenting with Humbrol "Glow in the dark" paint, witch im gonna apply on the deck for night landings  :lol:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.



last update for today, managed to get some work done this afternoon :mellow:
it looks alot different now, the deck has now been glued onto the hull, and i managed to place "sideskirts" on the sides of the deck, just to make it a bit more realistic (note that the underside is still open, it takes to much work to close it)
also, the railing has been fitted on boardwalks on some parts of the island.
a small platform has also been fitted next to the rear deck, this will house the optical landing system (or mirror landing aid).

not visible in the pictures are the flags i printed out for the mast, also, i forgot to take a walkaround shot  :blink:
guess i'll show those in the next update.  ;D
OK, picture time  :mellow:

1: a full view of the carrier as it looks now, a Belgian Navy F-4B is on the deck for landing and deck tests.
2: a view from the front, shows the end of the catapult, sorry for the bad quality, it gets dark earlier this time of year.
3: a side view of the "Island", clearly shows the new railing (made from ladder parts from the snowberry)
4: another view of the "balcony" on the side of the ship

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!