
How not to make a fuselage

Started by Hobbes, July 09, 2008, 07:26:55 AM

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Hadn't thought of that. Normal CA doesn't work?


Depends what you are trying to bond, CA has little strength and is poor for butt joins to ABS or acrylic, fuggedabout it on butyrate ( I speak from painful experience), the CA can be OK for pinned joints on the ABS or acrylic.

The correct solvent cement is best, especially when bonding dissimilar plastics i.e styrene to acrylic, styrene to ABS etc.



Looks like Plastruct has the correct stuff: Plastruct Plastic Weld Liquid Cement, "will bond Styrene, Butyrate, ABS & Acrylic materials. "


But it's not quite as good as Ambroid Pro Weld,  but it is easier to find :thumbsup:
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


The attached model is made from components bought in a local DIY store, plumbing components etc? you may well find a suitable diameter of plumbing tubing that is near to what you require. I know its not an aircraft fuselage and its not a genuine Space 1999 model as far as i am aware but it was built by one of Scotlands top Sci-fi modellers/photographers and displayed at the Perth show in recent years, he did a talk on how and what it was made with, cannot recall his name TSR joe knows. Plastic pipe may be a better starting point for the fuselage.