
Gunship ideas

Started by philp, July 19, 2008, 10:25:03 PM

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Quote from: Daryl J. on July 31, 2008, 05:10:51 PM
QuoteWhat did you have in mind Daryl?

It would take quite a few impossibilities together to make this work, but since it's Whiffworld, why not stray a bit from the possible:

Trimotor, early WW-II Atlantic coast USA and Canada patrolling for U-boats.  Gunned up with a gun from the A-10 Warthog (see what I mean  :blink:), strengthened enough to withstand the forces from firing the weapon without dismembering the airframe and enough power to lift it airborne in the first place.    Grey/White/White with roundel Stars.    Wicker seating removed as to protect the crew from grass shrapnel upon firing.    If one gun won't sink a U-boat, then make it two.    That's the gonzo version.

One could also take a Trimotor and outfit it with 4 upward or downward firing schrage-musik style 50 cals depending on whether the machine was on antiaircraft or antipersonnel patrol.   Scab on some armor for the crew.   

Daryl J.

GAU-8 gun alone
Length: 112.28 " (9.35')
Weight: 620 lbs
As installed in A-10 with ammo system
Length: @ 20 ft (ammo drum alone is 71" long)
Weight: 4,029 lbs
Recoil force: 10,000 lbs

Ford Trimotor 4-AT-E and 5-AT-C
Fuselage width: 54" (4' 6")
Useful load: 3,630 lbs(4-AT-E); 6,000 lbs(5-AT-C)
Houston, I think we have a problem.

The 37mm M4 cannon used on the Airacobra was available from the late 30s and would be more than adequate to use against an early war U-boat, as they were not heavily armoured. Plus the M4 was relatively light weight and with the oval 30-round magazine looks pretty cool.
Plus they are available in 1/72 from White Ensign Models. The M4 was a common barge-busting upgrade on US PT-Boats.


Another option (as stated) is the old reliable 20mm Oerlikon, and for that true flying tin shack look...

the water-cooled Browning M2 .50 MG.

The oblique gun mounting would work well, as was shown by Allied and German experimentation in the First World War and afterwards.



I like the idea of strapping a rocket pack from either a Wurfrahmen or Katyusha onto one of these ideas.  Again the recoil thrust/weight may be a slight issue, but it sure would scare the **** of the target!!!!

Something like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wurfrahmen_40
or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Katyusha_rockets_closeup.jpg


Daryl J.

OK, we'll go with the 37mm suspended between the MLG with a few extra shells channeled in from the passenger compartment.    The wicker still needs removed unless Starbucks is served mid flight.   :wacko: :wacko:

That would also convert "BURP"  to Bang-bang-bang......pause......splashsplashclank....glubglub no more sub.

Ain't'cha glad it's Friday! :party: :party: :party:

Daryl J.

Daryl J.

How about a Curtiss C-46?   How would that work?

Daryl J.


AC-46 in SEA color scheme, 3 miniguns on the side.

Yeah, I think that would work.
Phil Peterson

Vote for the Whiffies


QuoteThe 37mm M4 cannon used on the Airacobra was available from the late 30s and would be more than adequate to use against an early war U-boat, as they were not heavily armoured. Plus the M4 was relatively light weight and with the oval 30-round magazine looks pretty cool.

Or one of these bad boys (minus the chassis of course) on a long recoil mount



There was the 57mm in a Mosquito and what about the 75mm that was put in B-25's plus the 40mm the Hurricanes had, these were tested in a Beaufighter too
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


There's always the various German heavy weapons trialled or operational.  37mm, 75mm, etc, etc.


Quote from: Daryl J. on August 01, 2008, 10:45:10 AM
How about a Curtiss C-46?   How would that work?

Daryl J.

The Curtiss C-46 Commando was a much more capable and powerful design than that of the Douglas C-47.
But it was larger, and more expensive to build.
But it would make a great gunship :thumbsup:


Jeffry Fontaine

Quote from: Burncycle on August 01, 2008, 06:41:52 PMOr one of these bad boys (minus the chassis of course) on a long recoil mount http://www.robertsarmory.com/how.htm

As much as I love that little 75mm pack howitzer (one of my favorite artillery pieces), it has no business being mounted on an airplane.  The 75mm cannon that was used on the B-25H and proposed for the A-26 was far more effective and had much higher muzzle velocity than the 75mm pack howitzer would ever hope to achieve.  As a side firing weapon, where low recoil is your desire it would still not be an effective weapon since it was such a short range weapon and with such low muzzle velocity, it would not be advantageous to use as a direct fire weapon unless you were trying to repel a boarding party  ;D
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


QuoteThe 75mm cannon that was used on the B-25H and proposed for the A-26 was far more effective and had much higher muzzle velocity than the 75mm pack howitzer would ever hope to achieve.

Yep :)

QuoteAs a side firing weapon, where low recoil is your desire it would still not be an effective weapon since it was such a short range weapon and with such low muzzle velocity, it would not be advantageous to use as a direct fire weapon unless you were trying to repel a boarding party

nah it'd be fine as an HE thrower considering their operating altitudes (~3,000 feet)

*edit* just realized we're talking about U-Boats here. It would of course be less than ideal for trying to penetrate pressure hulls! ;)


I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier.
What about a Boeing AC-14A.
After all if the Boeing YC-14 had of won the USAF's 'Advanced Medium STOL Transport' (AMST) competition, and replaced the venrable Lockheed C-130 Hercules.      An AC-14A would have been a natural successor to the AC-130 Spector.



Adcanced Tactical Laser

Currently under development for use in the AC-130.  It's being touted as a precision weapon able to targets in urban areas & also as a 'less than lethal' weapon, although I'm not sure how this would be the case.  I find there's something ironic about mounting Star Trek style weaponary in a fifty year old design!  Also, there's when you read the bumf on the net there's a lot of talk about it being used for humnaitarin purposes.  Not to kill people, then. :banghead:
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


To be honest, all this guff about 'less than lethal' weapons (that's the current PC spin they like to use) is hogwash.  Weapons are designed to harm, whether by killing, injuring or incapacitating and anything that can do one is more than likely capable (intentionally or otherwise) of doing the other.

To suggest a weapon that is designed to burn (eg: laser) can be used for anything other than harmful purposes is ludicrous but quite in keeping with our political masters aims of keeping the vast majority of the populace in blissful ignorance.  Some will say "oh, but it will only 'dazzle'"... which means overloading the retina with potential permament damage.

Just another excuse for boffins to play with their toys & get big dollars in doing so.

Oh and before someone starts trumpeting data or examples to discredit what I'm saying or thinks that I don't know what I'm talking about or haven't 'researched it', think again.  I've played the "less that lethal" game in real life, not theorised about it's use or application & have followed pretty much all and any attempts to produce these 'tools'.




Quote from: Maverick on August 03, 2008, 06:38:49 AM
........  Some will say "oh, but it will only 'dazzle'"... which means overloading the retina with potential permament damage.

Which is why some guy just got done here for shining a small laser at the local Police helicopter.