
Profiles GB - Build 2 SAAF MiG-21SA(M) **painting and decaling done**

Started by Damian2, July 22, 2008, 03:05:51 PM

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Hi all!

Got more cap so I can now show off my progress! Only a little was made as the CAA exams I wrote took up alot of my free time...

1.  JHM dooromaticâ„¢ doors installed! Went ALOT easier the second time around :)

2. F404 burner can grafted into place and the PSR on it done!

3. My patriotic pilot! Tried something a little different here with the helmet, still need to work on my fine brush skills as I smudged the red a little...

4. Top down view of his flag helmet...

5. His new "office space" added to this is the unseen upgrades for fly-by-wire controls and a side stick controller instead of a center column

6. PSR work on incorporating the enlarged spine continues, once done the bottom seam will be tackled!

What I don't have a pic of is the intial "weapons trials" I don't know whether to mount the AIM-9s on tip launchers ala F-16 or over wing ala Jaguar. The tip launchers look different while the overwing ones keeps the "slim" Mig profile. Well still got time to make a final decision!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Okay..... now you have my attention !

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


You'll all be glad to know that I've gone overwing for the mounts. Thats all I got done with my CAA exams this week :)

Pics will come once I'm done with my PSR on the fuselage...

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Well after the exams and the flying got a little model time today :)

I've managed to get the PSR on the fuselage and tail done and the tail piece installed. I've mocked up the wings with the 'Winders I'll be using to show you the overwing launchrails!

1. Overhead shot:

2. Port side:

3. Front 3/4 shot:

4. Head on (mostly):

The rest of the loadout will be gasbags under the wings along with either AIM-7 Sparrows, AIM-120 AMRAAMs or Meteors and some form of gun.At this point I don't know whether I am going to install the GsH gun that is to be installed on the MF, go with the gun pod for the PF, install the a gun pod from a Hawk or scratch buils my own vulcan style cannon just yet.

Still to add to the kit is the fuselage mounted u/c doors, IFR probe, ECM blisters, GPRS antenna, blade areials for the updated coms suite and chaff/flare launchers.

All coment and crits welcomed with open arms as always!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


This construction is going higher and higher :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Will die without understanding this world.


Hi All!

Have been a little side tracked this last week. But have gotten a little building in tonite :)

1. To the left you can see the new larger air scoops for the F404 engine. Wings with their over wing launchers, ADEN cannon pack and the fuselage itself. I'm done with fairing in the enlgared hump extension :)

2. The load out, 2 gasbags, 2 AIM-120 AMRAAMS and 2 AIM-9M 'Winders. A2A all the way :P

3. Got the fuselage doors installed and made good, you can now see the fit with the scratch built JHM Door-o-matic(tm) wing doors. Looks good enough to me!

4. Couldn't resist loading her up and zooming around the lounge with her :D

5. Here you can see where I intend to install the new scoops:

As always comments and crits are most welcome :D

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Well chipped a litt more away on this build :)

1. Picked up my freshly printed SAAF "Cookie Cutters" courtesy of Mav Decals, hmmm I need 4 for this build but there's 10 wonder whats coming next :D

2. I've installed the wings, new engine and avionics scoops, the IFR probe and ECM blisters underneath the wings

3. And a closer look :) Nearly time for paint!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


Great build so far - I like the way that simple mods like the overwing pylons and large airscoops make such a big difference to the appearance. :thumbsup:


Looking good! Never thought of having over wing missles on a Mig-21. Inspired :cheers:
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


HA! Building is complete! WooHoo! After my earlier setbacks she is as of tonite ready for the paint shop. Not seen in the pics are the weapons and gasbags she'll be carrying.

1. Gun pod added. Due to the difference in shape between the MiG and your average Hawk I've needed to fill in the sides with my clear drying glue.

2. Changes the tube on the Aden-ish pod for something a little more detailed :)

3. Here you can see something else i'm trying, clear part masking with some prestick for those difficult curves...lets see if it works! Also another shot of the new AVulc pod :)

As always comments and critiques welcome!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Hi all!!!

Got up bright and early today to start painting my SAAF MiG.

1. Over all shots, note unlike the profile I've gone for a larger 3sqn badge rather than the 2sqn badge as depicted. I've also brought the darker colour up onto the fin too:

2. Weapons and pylons:

ps. yes I did paint that set of fins on the AIM-120 after seeing the pic :P

3. Close up of the Sqn badge and "cookie cutter"

Here I forgot I was using a decal sheet with a continuous surface so the first flag's clear film is HUGE, don't want to change it now 'cause I know I'll screw up!!

4. A/c number:

Now for the gripes: Gloss surface? YES
                             Mirco Sol/Micro Set? YES
                             Silvered Academy decals? YES

I don't know what it is but Academy making shockingly bad decals, seriously folks nice kits but for the love of Krom please print better decals!!!

Well now its just a touch of weathering and a matt coat to seal all the goodness in :)

Crits and comments always welcomed!!


Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


 :wub: Looks great! Love the pilots helmet, the detailed missiles and the overwing 'winders. excellent job. :bow:
"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." -Jules de Gaultier

"My model is right! It's the real world that's wrong!" -global warming scientist

An armor guy, who builds airplanes almost exclusively, that he converts to space fighters-- all while admiring ship models.


Get this Cheese to sick bay!