
Profiles GB - Build 2 SAAF MiG-21SA(M) **painting and decaling done**

Started by Damian2, July 22, 2008, 03:05:51 PM

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Hi All!

I'm not building the F-1AZ camo, there I've said it and now Overkiller's head can explode :P

The reson is that when I "salvaged" my second Mig box and opened it I was greeted with an assembled fuselage from a year ago where I had nipped off the back end and inserted the burner can from a Hornet to make a Super-21 :) Now no money means no new MiG kit so i'm making do. This means that I'll be going for the grey scheme or if I can twist Richard's arm a MiG-21SA(M) in the air superiority scheme worn by our F-1CZs.

Here's an example of the scheme I'm talking about

My background story is that after the Atlas Aircraft Corporation reversed engineered the Mig-21MF to make the Mig-21SA in the late 70's they set about an improvement program to keep the machines in the front lines. Flash forward to the 90's and the MiG-21SA is starting to show its age. The SANDF want to keep the plane in service as it is fairly rugged and good at zoom climb intercepts. So with this in mind a requirement is handed down by the SANDF for a point defence interceptor using the MiG-21 as a core design. Denel comes up with a modernisation plan with the MiG and is awarded the contract. They strip out the Tumanski engines and replace them with F404s. The radar set is scrapped in favour of a cut down AN/APG-66 dubbed the AGP-66SA, a newer HUD is added and a mil-std data bus and transmitter/receiver are added for data sharing. Added to this is the "MiG combat wing" which gives the MiG tip rails and the ability to launch AIM-9s and AIM-120s. This resulted in the MiG-21SA (M) (M= modernised) which wore grey air superiority schemes befitting its point defence role.

My A/c will be based out of FAPE for local interception duties :)

Pics will be up tomorrow of my doings :)


ps. Sorry Overkiller, but I will build one as soon as I can get my hands on a MiG-21MF :)
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Cool, so this MiG-21SA will be sorta like the IAI MiG-21-2000, just with a new engine? :wub:


wow its been a long time. Anyway, you may consider looking towards the southeast for inspiration. The Mig-21 bison upgrade used by the Indian air force looks soooper cool.

take care,

Holy poo-poo I'm in the Army

Bryan H.

Looking forward to some update pics! 

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


Quote from: Joeisamonkey on July 23, 2008, 11:42:34 AM

wow its been a long time. Anyway, you may consider looking towards the southeast for inspiration. The Mig-21 bison upgrade used by the Indian air force looks soooper cool.

take care,


Hey Joe!

Damn thats a good idea. I love the canopy and windshield! Looks like I've got a LOT of sanding of clear part ahead of me!!

Just so that everybody can see here's the Bison's canopy and windshield, and what I'll aim at :0

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Jeffry Fontaine

Considering the shape of that windscreen and canopy, you may want to try and source the parts from an F-5 kit in the same scale.  Less work on sanding and more spare parts for your future projects.
Unaffiliated Independent Subversive
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg


Quote from: Joeisamonkey on July 23, 2008, 11:42:34 AM
Anyway, you may consider looking towards the southeast for inspiration.

Hehe, sorry for a bit of nitpicking, but lookng southeast from South Africa will get you to New Zealand if you are lucky...;D

I do like your thinking of a Bison upgrade for the SA MiG-21 :wub: :thumbsup:


This one is now officially on hold. The sandinf went well with prestick used to bolster the clear parts while the various bits were sanded off. The problem was when polishing the front windscreen disintegrated into 4 parts because it was damn thin to begin with and I made it a wee bit thinner. After 2 hours of trying to build a solution I've binned all the atempts.

The only way this sucker will get built is if Academy or a fellow modeler sends me clear parts...

Now for a language I rarely speak...

- Afrikaans though a wondefully expressive language should not be used as a blunt intrument by and Englishman...

Don't ask what it means, it expresses my sentiment well though  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


*edited for bad Afrikaans, both the language and the syntax...
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

John Howling Mouse

Oh boy, I just translated your Afrikaans: you is not a happy modeller right now.   :blink:
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


After sleeping it off I'm a wee bit calmer now. Still mad at myself though :)

Here is how the MiG-21SA (M) will look like once complete

Now to find another MiG :)


ps. Thanks Richard!!!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.



My little bro working in a toy store and is bringing a 1/48 Academy MiG-21PF home for me  :drink:

I'll use the clear parts (possibly front fuselage too) off of that kit revitalise the MiG-21SA(M)...

Pics to come soonish...

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Bryan H.

I've had a brain-f*#t for the last day...  I might have MiG-21 clear parts left over from a MiG-21MF to MiG-21F-13 conversion I did a few years ago.  Hopefully, I didn't throw them out & I can find them.  Your address is local - right - Damian?!?!  ;D

:cheers: Bryan


Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk

Bryan H.

Found 'em!  Academy 1/48 MiG-21PF 'Fishbed D' clear parts sprue...  If you still need them, I've got them Damian.  You could always take them and you'd now have two more MiG-21's to build!  :blink:

:cheers: Bryan

Miscellany (that effects modeling):
My son & daughter.
School - finishing my degree

Models (upcoming):
RCN A-4F+ ArcticHawk


Ok some progress at last!!

Here are some of the things that's different between the two Academy MiGs:

* Front fuselage halves, including the area where the hump joins up' internal moulds of installing the 'pit and the profile for installing the clear parts;
* IP and its coaming;
* Clear parts...duh  -_-

1. Overview shot of what i've done so far. I need to repaint the new 'pit and the IP but thats getting modded :)

2. Building up the MF hump to join up with the PF front end, I want the bulkier humpbacked look and doing it this way will allow me to build a Franken MPF once I've sourced MF clear parts. Perhaps a RAF or CAF machine will be in order for that one?

3. Putty is on the spine hump and curing and the IP is being modded. I'm going to try and cut the MFD and JTIDS (smaller screen on the right) frames out so that will be fun :S

4. The only part coming over from the front of the MF for now, the seat. Still need to do a bit more weathering and painting of placards :)

Phew...a long way to go but at least there's a destination now!


Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Hi All!!

Some progress shots from today :)

1. I like how the enlarged hump looks on the plane :)

2. Wings together with "filling" for my gear doors

3. JHM dooromatic(tm) process used here to scratch build some doors. Going to add a small bullet fairing to each...

4. Just got to figure out which is going to be the easiest way to blend this in...

5. Another closer look at the join

6. Slightly head on view, will be adding an IFR probe to the stb side of the hump ala Cheetah C IFR :)

All for now! All comments and crits welcomed!!

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.