Fw-190D-12/R.....What Would You Like To See?

Started by K5054NZ, August 09, 2008, 10:44:12 AM

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Hi all!

Yup, I've got a nearly-completed Tamiya 1:48 Dora and I want to make her as a hypothetical version of the real-world 190D-12 "Yellow 10". Apparently, sometime in the 60s/70s an unnamed pilot looked at acquiring the then-derelict aircraft in hopes of racing her! So I'd like to pick up on the concept he never took up, but what to do?

I'd like this to be a real whif effort, so I'd appreciate it if you all could come up with some ideas of modifications, paint scheme, civil rego, ANYTHING!!!!

All I want to state firmly is: she is an Unlimited Class racer in the present day, competing solely at the National Championship Air Races at Reno-Stead.

Gentlemen, start your brains!



The ''yellow 10'' you are thinking of is a Fw 190 D-13/R11 W.Nr. 836017, it was brought to the United States after the war for evaluation and was later sold to a civilian. It is now fully restored and is in a museum in Seattle Washington.

It would take some work to make the Tamiya Fw 190 D-9 into a D-13, you would need to add a larger supercharger intake, replace the gun cowl with a smooth flat panel (the D-13 did not have the guns mounted in front of the windscreen like the D-9) and add a Ta 152 style paddle blade prop. There are other differences between the D-9 and D-13 but that will not matter if you are making a Reno air racer out of it.

The Fw 190 D-13 was very fast and would have made a good racing aircraft.



Thanks Matrix! I'm a big fan of Yellow 10. One interesting thing I read is that she for some reason had the wing from the NMUSAF D-9 installed, something not fixed until the D-13's second restoration a coupla years back. Tamiya based their kit of the D-9 on the Dayton bird so has a D-13 wing! Something which has given JMNs much to rant about.

Also, after the first restoration - supervised by none other than Kurt Tank! - Doug Champlin, owner of the D-13, had its engine run on several occasions. I'd love to see some video of that. Apparently it was on the cards second time around once GossHawk Unlimited was done with her (and a TAXI!!!), but there wasn't enough time before she was installed in the museum :(.



You could always build your Tamiya Focke-Wulf as a D-9 racing aircraft instead of doing the D-13 conversion, just remove all the weapons and sand down the bulges and you would have a very sleek looking racer.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!



Quote from: matrixone on August 09, 2008, 12:19:24 PM

The ''yellow 10'' you are thinking of is a Fw 190 D-13/R11 W.Nr. 836017, it was brought to the United States after the war for evaluation and was later sold to a civilian. It is now fully restored and is in a museum in Seattle Washington.

The former Champlin Collection D-13 was only on loan to the Museum of Flight in Seattle, it has since been sold to Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and is part of his Flying Heritage collection located at Paine Field in Everett, Washington about 30 miles north of Seattle.

Paine Field is also the location of the Stormbirds Project, the new build Me 262s, and the 109 Project that is restoring two Me 109 F-4.\

The Museum of Flight restoration Center is also located on Paine Field, of course the biggest tenant is the Boeing Co.  ;D




Thanks for the information on the status of the Fw 190 D-13, its good to know its in good hands...Paul Allen is the owner of the Portland Trailblazers an NBA basketball team you will be hearing a lot about this next season.

Go Blazers!



Well I'm so, so glad you guys have come up with so many items to change on my Racing Dora. I knew it would be like unleashing a flood of ideas  :rolleyes:.

I'll just play around and post the end result. Thanks for the ideas Matrix, I may just do that - weaponless but otherwise stock.