Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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Thanks MartinbaYer for the children play explanation... sorry for the mispelling (like I am oftened called Trophe or else here or elsewhere ;) )
Well, I should not have typed the play name in the translator to confirm but on Google, simply, you are right.
And the link to the picture works again, a few hours later, Internet is not always easy working.
Now, the last point is: Glenn, which number is classified the RF-1 on your "to be achieved" list? (if this is 3 or 5: marvelous, if this is 23 or 49, I am going to cry... ;) )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: martinbayer on October 16, 2011, 10:08:40 PM
And since Glenn's mum, this is what "pin the tail on the donkey" is all about

Before Tophe asks (or forever wonders...) martinbayer wasn't refering to Glenn's mother here...

"Mum" means "silent", "mute". Glenn doesn't utter a single word to answer your question, so he is mum. A colloquial English phrase is "Mum's the word!" which translates as "Motus et bouche cousue" in French... ;)


Oh thanks for the explanation, I really believed this was "mum for mother", and I felt surprised... Thanks again :lol:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


All I have to do now is the panel the undersides, add the spinning props and spinners and the underwing decals.



Quote from: Glenn on October 06, 2011, 08:25:02 PM
Today I'm back with the original design for 'The Wing' from "Raiders....". Only things left now are the props, spinners and decals...oh yeah, the forward machine gun. (above the cockpit) Iwon't worry about the undercart, as she'll be in flight, so the props will be clear disks.
Is this a 5-jet version of the source (which had 4 propellers)?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, the original design for the Nazi transport in "Raiders of the lost ark" was to have five inline prop pusher engines. It would have cost far too much, so five was redesigned to four and finally the twin pusher seen in the movie.


Thanks for this "History" of an unreal plane :lol:
Concerning the RFB RF-1, a member of SecretProjects directed to this family site
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thanks Tophe, I've added that page to my favourites.


Douglas Globemaster 11 now with it's fuselage and tail in place.


1/144 Scratch built.


Scratchbuilding looks so easy when you perform it, Glenn! But I have tried without much success, and I conclude: your skills are fascinating :thumbsup: :bow:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, you see the successes, you don't see the ones that don't work.....they are in the rubbish bin!

Today, the French 'Battle-Axe', designed in the late 1940's and last used in Algeria in 1961. Starting as a private venture, the Battle Axe was soon used by many French Colonial countries.



Glenn, I admit we don't see all tries, but there is a tremendous amount of successes among your built ones... :thumbsup:
For the Battle Axe:
- is it a dream drawing that you want to build? or a plastic/balsa model transformed into art with your Photoshop skills? (tremendous as well) :bow:
- is it a derivative of Fairey Battle? (I don't see something in common) or of a Curtiss P-40 (or two to get two fins) or else?
- the Battle-Axe name does not sound French, we would rather say "Bataille" or "Anti-Axe" or something, what would other French-speaking ones propose? (even if the designer/manufacturer Glenn will be the one to decide)... :rolleyes:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, I was looking (on Google) for a 'Norman Battle-Axe' only to find that at Hastings, the Normans didn't use them. The Brits had Battle-axes as did the Vikings, so I naturally assumed the Normans would have, as they were Vikings who had settled along the Normandy coastline. Also, as I only speak and write Australian, I didn't want to look a fool, trying to write French.

The model is Airfix 1/72 P-40 Kittyhawk and as the RAF called them Tomahawk, (a native American axe) I thought Battle-Axe sounded more agressive. The tailplane is from the kit, the tails are plasticard.

PS.....Best of luck for tonight in the Rugby World Cup.


The French word for both Axe and Battle-Axe is Hache (pronouced Ash). Click on the loudspeaker on the right at|fr|battleaxe you will hear that (thanks Google). I was misdirected by the fact that in French Axis (Germany-Italy-Japan) is called Axe, so I thought you were meaning a French battle agains the Axis :blink: Shame on me :angry:

I am glad this is an actual model with a fin touch of scratchbuilding, congratulations. :bow: And your Photoshop skills made art of it, great!

For Rugby, the "Real" final was NZ-Australia, the brilliant Tonga Islands having "like" elimininated my bad country. So Australia got a Silver medal in my opinion, congratulations. ;D ;)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Last shot of the Firebolt.......and you missed by one point! Bugger!
