Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, no joke....while on the road here in Brisbane a couple of years ago, I saw a very strange truck going the other way. The chassis was a 4x4 with off road tyres, with a pick-up back, and a Rolls Royce bonnet and cab. The RR bits were painted in a light blue/grey with a silver tray. On the cab doors was a logo of some Plumber and I thought, 'now, this guy has a sense of humour'.


As you can see, its no longer a Tomcat.


Remember a couple of years ago, I was working on a MPM 'Fireball', well now its finished. Rather than try and build a part US carrier in 1/72 I decided 'on finals' was a better approach. So here she is....


Is this a model or a true life picture?
(sorry if, as what-ifer, you take this question as an insult >:(... I mean, as modeller, take it as congratulations... :thumbsup: )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thanks for that Tophe.....this next shot is the last of the Fireball photos. Lets say its a process, as the only modification (so far) is that the photo has been cropped. Shooting on HD and cropping the shot from 650KB down to around 110KB, then reducing the image to 600px wide, (45~75KB)
The next photo I'll start using Adobe step by step.



Tophe, background worked on and rod removed.


OK, then making (Photoshoping) the propeller turn... thanks for the explanation dear.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, prop turning.....only one to go.


Last one Tophe, promise! Noise, about 4~8%...this gives the look if a high speed film, say 100ASA as were used by the IJN and US forces during WW2.
Next time, 'something completely different!'


After WW2 some of the lesser powerful nations looked elsewere for combat aircraft. One such nation was Holand, where our story begins. On the island of Java, in the Dutch East Indies, they found five C6N1 light bomber/recon aircraft of the former IJN. These aircraft were in better condition than first expected and were shipped back to Holand. Re-fitted with the new Mamba turboprop engine, these aircraft joined the new Royal Dutch Navy in 1948 and served until 1954.  Seen here, back where they were found, the new Fokker ASW 11.
Model AOSHIMA IJN C6N1 (with modifications)

Captain Canada

Two beauties in a row.......awesome ! Thanks for the wee photo tutorial....gotta try that someday !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Back with the Drahk Raider from 'Babylon 5'. With the head finished and now the engine/ will be the tails, all five of them.

Brian da Basher

Your Fokker ASW 11 is truly inspired, Glenn! Many Japanese aircraft were "recycled" by the victors at the end of the war and you've taken this to the next level in a very believable manner indeed!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Brian da Basher