Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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It's funny that you imagine a fake that did not exist, like a what-if what-if...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, I've never seen a T-6 made up to look  like a Dauntless....have you?

Father Ennis

You are quite correct,Glen !!!!   I once had a modeling mag that had a step by step article on just how to do it. Wish I still did,but alas ... no .....  Didn't they turn some T-6's into other planes in that movie,too ?


Yeah mate, good and bad! Zero/ Val in PT 109. Just painted up, but the Val had trousers. Repainted in winter scheme for "Where Eagles Dare", as Zero's in 'In Harm's Way' as a Typhoon and P-47 in 'Bridge too far', but best of all a Dutch movie made the same time an 'Bridge too far', making a couple up as Fokker DXXI's.  The Typhoon was horrible...looked as much like a Typhoon as my car looks like a mini!


This recently restored Thomas Morse Scout, seen this season at the US airshows has been finished off in the colours of the pre-war Hollywood epics.

Scale 1/48 butchered from a Revell Sopwith Camel'


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


As you can see... port wing, undercart and prop to go to finish the construction ....then painting and decals. Then in a couple of years, maybe converting her into a Val or Kate!


You are a courageous worker, Glenn :bow:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

Father Ennis

The only thing I remember from that article was he began by cutting the cockpit out and reversing it.  Can't remember how or why ...  I like what you got going there,Glenn.


Back to the 'boat' from 'The Broken Ear'. The other side wing is almost ready to be fitted so things are progressing.
I will modify the nose as it is too 1930~40. The nose should look more like a boat as it is 1920~30's.

Father Ennis

Sorry but I don't get your references. I do however, think your work is very impressive and I'm anxious to see more ...


'The Broken Ear' is a story from 'TinTin'!

Father Ennis

That explains it then. I know little of the Tin-tin series.  Looking good though.


Remember I showed you the Russian truck as 1 of 3.....well this is 2 of 3.
It started off as a 1/48 Revell GM 6x6 carrying an Honest John missile, now it will be 1/35 and something completely different!


OK, second shot of the Ki-187.............enjoy!