Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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Tophe, I used the 1/48sc model and made it as a 1/35 glider....I mean, the designers didn't use an actual P-38 to make it, they used plans and built it to their required size.
Now, this started off as a late 1920's Packard Boat-tail Roadster and I converted it into a Packard/Morgan. I know, it will be the most unstable car, especially turning corners....but this is a 'what-if' group, well....isn't it?


Quote from: Glenn on August 08, 2009, 07:06:35 PM...think of a swedish sea bird and please re-name it.

How about Lunnefågel (Puffin) to match those big yellow 'feet'  ;D

BTW, the Boli turret didn't turn 180 degrees. Glad to see you;ve rectified that Glenn  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Tophe on August 11, 2009, 10:56:57 AM
to try a drawing, for my fantasy Lightning site.
This is the try* of mine, from Glenn's picture above (quite far). Mainly, this is pure imagination: what-if Glenn remove the engine but not the booms, and not the tailplane? ;D What-if he had a P-38 1/35 canopy? :blink: Thanks Glenn to have inspired these dreams, now the actual result, plastic and with maybe different choices, will be your own... We will wait and see... :unsure: ;D
(* : for my site )
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, you can turn 'anything into anything', all you need is the guts to do it!
This is the last shot, for a bit....the Bristol (SAAB) Puffin floatplane which entered the Swedish Airforce in 1946 and finished it's service in 1953.


Hi guys.....this is the last shot of the Seamew for a while! After working on her for three months, 'enough was enough'! Notice the wing, cranked to the fold join, and then flat to the tip.


Back with the tank from 'Night of the Generals', and as you can see, it looked as much like a Tiger as a Tiger Moth looks like a Spitfire! This would have been the first time I'd seen any movie company actually bother to make something look like something else, besides putting decals on it!


Remember this? This is how I see the RAAF for the future! Why did we have to buy the F-18 Hornet, when the best aircraft was close at hand! I mean, practically every country in Asia is flying them, why not us!
As to the camo., well as I've said before....the RAAF don't change colour schemes, they just change the decals.
Anyhow, I love the camo.....beautiful!

Model : ENCORE 1/72 Su-27 Flanker.
Decals : Roo. (F-18 squadrons RAAF)


Back with the with it's 88mm. I didn't bother buying a Tiger, just for the gun, just used E'green. The muzzlebreak took a bit of time though. It's finished now, less decals and it's commander.


Welcome to Glenn's Cooking, one would think I'd have made the Grumman Goose, as a Goose.....but thats not me! I could have made the German transport from 'Raid on Rommel' or the Goose from the TV series 'In Search of the Gold Monkey' or the one I had the joy flight in, in NZ in 1976.....but no, we are going to 'cook a Goose'!
Using the Lindberg 1/48sc model, yeah, I know 'it's not that good', I hear you say....doesn't matter, as it won't be a Goose when finished!
So, settle down, open a good wine, and enjoy.....the wine I mean, it has nothing to do with the modeling!


Glenn, you make me dream... What will this become? Single-engined asymmetric Goose? or biplane Goose? or what?
We will see, of course, no need to discover immediately, just decide when, but this may be pretty interesting, yes. Thanks.
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, great to hear from you....with this shot, the pen marks forward of the cockpit and aft of the float are for the fuselage to be lengthened. The Goose had a length of 38' 4", what I'm building had a length of 46' 4". So, the nose is about 1" longer and about 3/4"at the rear and then the rudder is a different shape.
This is the last of 'it' in this batch of photos, sorry about that!


This is one of the vacform models I bought at this years' PX. It's a Falcon NZ Beaufighter TFX.....and that's how I'll be building it. The guy who buys some of my stuff said he liked it as is in RAAF squadron markings, torpedo and rockets....talking off! That will mean, undercart down, flaps down and spinning props. Oh well, at least he pays me well!


Right, back with the Luft '36 #1. Should give it a different title, Luft '36/81, as it was designed in 1981. Think of a sci-fi/fantasy movie made in that year.....well, one scene was to have an airfield full of experimental aircraft but it would have cost too much and the idea was axed....pitty! Anyhow, this is one of the axed designs.
Now comes the hardest part of the model, finding a 1/48sc pilot to fill the cockpit.


LOL!!!  I had an idea for an A-10 Lite almost exactly like that.
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Hi, guys...the idea for this comes from the movie "History of the World Pt. 1". As there were only two parts of this movie I liked, the sail on the ship that took them from Rome and the last bit, 'Jews in space'!
I thought of building the spaceship, but freezing the video was impossible, so decided to build my own design. Look out, the rest of the world, this is the Israeli StarFighter!
Scratchbuilt Star of David.