Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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 :huh: Such (rather) big air intakes are surprising, in 1936 (with no jet yet). Is this a radial central engine, thus air-cooled, needing big air intakes? IIRC, the Northrop XP-56 Bullet was like that: with a rear radial engine and big central air intake... Is it the explanation for your model?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, this is a 'movie aircraft' and is not a real design. I have this book on the stuff made for and by IL&M. In the 'Raiders' section, there is a half page plan of the 5 engine wing that I am using. Each of the five engines have large intakes, and I'm just making it 'as per plan'. I'd love to make the 4 engine as well, but this won't happen, as the jet that is like the A10 was also a design for the movie.


OK, this is the jet from 'Raiders...' that was also never built. In the sketch, it appears to be in desert sand with green blotches...(it's a black and white sketch) At present, I'm working on the canopy....this should be easy, as all the panels are flat.
In the next batch of photos, I'll show you a shot of the 5 engine plans and the sketch of the jet.


Funny design ;D (and great model :thumbsup: ) - the fins should be "HOT" with a so short distance to the jet exhaust axle... ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]



Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


This is the Little Draken's undersides. I've built her, wheels up. With that A10 look-a-like from Raiders....Tophe, if it had been built, you wouldn't have to worry if the engines had burned through the tails.....they're only actors, and there are plenty of those around!


In my AERO book on US Bombers, this aircraft is shown as a three engine bomber, but other mediums describe it as a twin engine bomber...either way I don't think it could have carried enough fuel and bomb load to clear the runway!
The model I used was an old Revell B-58, and this will finish my 5 bombers for this year. Four more coming out for 2010.


Interesting... while I hardly recognize a B-58 there. Mixed with a Mirage III fuselage somehow? Congratulations artist/engineer! :thumbsup:
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Quote from: Glenn on September 27, 2009, 07:20:40 PM
OK, this is the jet from 'Raiders...' that was also never built. In the sketch, it appears to be in desert sand with green blotches...(it's a black and white sketch) At present, I'm working on the canopy....this should be easy, as all the panels are flat.
In the next batch of photos, I'll show you a shot of the 5 engine plans and the sketch of the jet.

Looking forward to seeing more of this one!!!! :thumbsup:
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


Sorry guys, but I'm back with the Su-27 over the coathanger. It's just the aircraft, the curved lines....did the designer work for Chevy....sure looks like a Stingray!

Captain Canada

Nice're right, they are super sexy aeroplanes !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Hi Captain, haven't seen you on this page for a while!
Photo today is my work area.....yeah, I know it's a mess, but I know where everything is. (?) From the right, you see the XB-68 still under construction, with some of my reference books below it. Centre top, is the Drahk Raider finished less the resin coat. To the left, top the Falcon Beaufighter and behind it, the Thomas Morse being rigged.
Below, (thanks that you can't see) is everything else being worked on.


Back with the Wasp, or should I call it, the Heinkel Wespe....didn't exist anyhow! As you can see, the intake is in place, as is the pilot, (poor bugger) and the vertical support. At present, both inner wing supports are in place, and am now working out how to make the ring that encloses the prop.

On the previous photo, near the Beaufighter, you can see a 'pink' box....this is the female mould I used to make the two fibreglass halves.


A simple question, Glenn: how many models (still unfinished) are you working on?
I know that many of us do the same, starting another before finishing the previous one, and your pictures proove you do finish some ones too, but you seem to break the record of the maximum models on the work bench in parallel... No? How many? 10? ;D (for me: it is currently 3, you are far better I know, but the count would be great... :thumbsup:)
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, tomorrow I'll print out a list of my current projects. Also a list of what I've finished lately. Recently, last two weeks, I've finished the Drahk Raider, a 1/72 A6 Texan/Val from 'PT-109' and the tank from 'Night of the Generals'....all awaiting photos. My problem is that I'm impatient and can't wait while something is drying, or the fibreglass is curing. I'm not going to watch it happen, and play cards, I just work on another model. The other thing is, once big projects have been on the go for a couple of months, I 'shelve' them, as my interest slips. If you continue on large projects, you make mistakes, and then have to do it all over again. Not worth it.
So, 'til tomorrow......

PS....Can't make the list now, as it's 7:05 PM.