Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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OK, today we are back with Thunderbird 2, woops...sorry, the XB-53. this is the last you'll see of her until our winter when I can take some 'ground to air' shots.


This magnificent! But hey... why do you dump such beauties, my friend? They would deserve to be preserved in a glazed cabinet! Given to a local museum, even!


Hey Stargazer, most of the things I build were never who'd want them? Last shot of the MiG and last post from me for a while.


There we are, the Kingbird with tail assembly. Haven't added the struts as yet, next time.


Back with US Fighter 4 of 5 for 2010.....Stargazer...worked it out yet?


Looks amazingly like the Martin XB-51... but was it THAT simple??

The Kingbird is a beauty!!! But please, when you're fed up with your model, don't dump them, other forum members might be interested!


Stargazer....thanks for that, from now on, I'll give the members that option. I really hate seeing them destroyed, so if anyone wants them after I've shot them, just let me know!
Anyhow, no it ain't a B-51 'cause that would make it a Bomber and she ain't a bomber!
Now for know the rest!!! This is the D.B. Project K, manned flying bomb. Used an Airfix Hawker Hunter as the basic model and then 'butchered' it.
There won't be any other shots in this batch as I'm awaiting our colder months to get more 'finished' model shots, when the sun is at a lower angle. There will be a few 'under construction' photos in a couple of weeks, proving that I'm still with the living, but until then, buy for now!


Congratulations for your DB K :thumbsup:
For the saving of old models, should we PM you or say it here? And can we Paypal you for the envoice price after?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe.....the problem is, I don't have a credit card, and I believe I need one to start an account with Pay-Pal. What ever you want, just send me what you think it's worth in bank notes..$1.00~what ever and I'll get it exchanged this end into Aust$, Or a cheque...either way, or on the other side of the coin, send it back 'cause it's a load of crap....your choise!
Nothing will be finished for a while.


I'm back with the P-52, and we now have tails! At present, the tailplane is in place, bogged and sanded awaiting the spinner. We have a little way to go yet.


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Back with the Barkley Grow as I make up the engine narcells. At present, the top has been sanded to shape and have glued the lower section in place.


OK Stargazer......civil 4 0f 5. With the cockpit marked out, it should be easier to work out which country she belonged to?


This is a Guillow 1/18sc Fokker D VII. designed for flight using rubber band power, mine will be static. The funny thing is, it's the same scale as the Veron D VIII/ I can put them together on the same airfield....that is, after I build that 1/18sc airfield!!!


Glenn: an off-the-wall guess at your Fighter 5 of 5. Might that U-2 fuselage be the basis for a Bell D-188A/XF-109?