Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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Second shot of the you can see, the tailplane has also been swept forward, and reset higher on the tail. With the como, I like that snake patern like on the Ju-52 from the movie, "Where Eagles Dare" only with mine, they've used more paint.


OK, back with the US Bombers with 3 of 4. This is a XB-56, four engine design of the B-47. The engines were to be more powerful but it only got as far as plans and a model...too bad!


Designed to take on the USAAF 'Box formations', this Lippisch 'Ram' fighter began operations in Aug. 1947 attacking a squadron of B-32 bombers. Designed to take off under its own power, convert to 'Scram-jet' at speed and climb to intersept. Note the stainless steel leading edges to the backbone and leading edges of the wings, it would hit the bombers from below and scream through the formation causing havoc.
Number built : 53
Company : Messerschmitt/Lippisch
Est. Speed : ram speed 850 mph
No more details available.


Quote from: Glenn on July 03, 2009, 07:47:17 PM
Number built : 53
Company : Messerschmitt/Lippisch
Est. Speed : ram speed 850 mph
No more details available.
I have ONE more detail: among the 53 pieces, 52 were built in Germany and 1 (the first) in Australia. Yes, I swear. ;D
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Second shot of 3...Tophe, what did I use to make it?


[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Thanks Tophe, but there is a kit in there somewhere! Anyhow, this is 3 of 3 and the last shot for a while. I only have 8 frames on the camera, shooting weather hasn't been that good so I'll have a little break.


Glenn, your model looks a little like the PM Lippisch P.13A
but more beautiful, more streamlined, and twin-jet-powered instead of single-jet?
At first guess, I would say: scratchbuilt (with putty and sanding, and talent...), no?
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Hi guys, remember me? Well I'm that gay modeler who builds all those weird things no one has heard of.....well, this is the next in line. Remember, a while ago...I said I was building 4 US bombers and 2 German ones...well, this is the first German one. We'll call it, Luft '36 #1 and all I'll say about it at present is that its prop driven and is 1/48th scale.


Quote from: Glenn on July 25, 2009, 12:46:38 AM
those weird things no one has heard of.....
its prop driven and is 1/48th scale.
a bigger version of Me 329? do you have a drawing of your project?

[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Yes Tophe, I have plans of my project and it looks nothing like that photo. I'll give you a clue, it has a 'crank wing'. Now, that should start something!


Quote from: Glenn on July 25, 2009, 06:09:55 AMI'll give you a clue, it has a 'crank wing'. Now, that should start something!
Lord, something like that?:
That did not exist in 1946! Hey, I suspect you are a "what-ifer", yes!
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Tophe, look again on the age of these projects....Luft '36, not '46! Today, the second German bomber.
Starting with an Airfix 1/72 A-10 for the fuselage and inner wings and connecting the outer wings of a 1/50 Lindberg Me-262A. This project is now 1/48 and should (?) be finished at the end of the year.

Ref: P.136.



Ok, we're back with the Lippisch...last two shots. Tophe, (and everyone else) you can work out what I used by the shape of the cockpit glass and the long intakes. I can tell you it was a Revell model, 1/69th sc.


LIPPISCH Analysis update: I tried to ask Hannants ( ) what are the 1/69 models (of Revell) and the answer is: 1/69 does not exist! So your Lippisch cannot exist, Glenn, that's proven... ;D
So, the debate seems over: an airplane that does not exist, a kit that does not exist, this is double what-ifism, this will be double penalty. Glenn, you are condemned to enjoy us again AND again, forever! >:( Justice is great...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]