Glenn's Current Modeling Projects

Started by Glenn, September 02, 2008, 12:58:57 AM

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Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


One more shot to look over......


Today I'm back with the Ago 192A. At this point, all I had to do was to add the tail wheel and the props to finish her off before painting. Well, in the next shot you'll see all that is needed is a colour scheme, and props...but what colour scheme is the question? All the photos I could find (on the web) show it in a one colour scheme overall with white reg lettering. It's got me stuffed...RLM 02, 70/71? Then again, I could put it in Lufthansa couldn't I?



oooo cant wait to see the neiuport! wheres the lanc?
the plastic gods demand sacrifice


The Nieuport will be a while....with the Lanc, do you mean the 1/32 sc model I started a while ago? If the answer is 'yes' then I'm still plowing through it. At present, the undercart.....I could scream, but no body could hear me!

Back in the start of the war, when the US were sending their bombers to Canada, a Hudson was damaged in a forced landing and left in a hanger to be repaired. One of the bases' pilots was an ex-bush pilot and wondered how it would fly if converted to a floatplane With words in the 'right ears', floats were found and married to the airframe. With successful flights it was decided to convert a few more and the Hudson Bay was born.
This photo shows one of such aircraft, belonging to a Brazilian freight service post war. There is one on display in the Canadian Aviation Museum in B.C.



All hail the God of Frustration!!!


A Lanc on floats, now there's an idea!!


I did build a Lanc flyingboat once and it was the most ugly thing ever. Like me in a bikini! YUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!


That bad, might try a P-3C Orion with floats.


Last shot of the Finnmark as it is now hanging from the ceiling.



Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


This is the other shot of the Ago with it's windows showing. As I'm not sure of the colour scheme, I'll do it in RLM black green overall and add the white reg letters.



About 10 weeks ago, a new model was seen on tv to be available at the newsagents, (to go with the Lancaster and HMB Endeavour) just to keep me broke! This 160 part weekly series of building a Pzkw VI Tiger 1 H. Well, at the same price as the other two, ($14.95 per week) how could I resist? The model is the one from Bovington Camp, and comes with Zemmerit (spelt wrong...I know!) and extra track armour on the turret, so I can't make Whitmann's, pity! The interior is plastic, like PVC and the external parts are all metal. This is the basic turret, less top and floor supports. (long way to go!) Although it doesn't show any weathering, I have only seen clean tanks in it will be weathered!

Oh yeah, scale 1/16


All hail the God of Frustration!!!