Japanese Heinkel/Aichi-119 Torpedo Bomber

Started by sequoiaranger, September 30, 2008, 04:41:28 PM

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It's a stunning model!
Allan in Canberra


>I like the way the camo blends into the background.<

Ha Ha! Yes, but what you THINK is "background" is really a secret German cable-cutter attachment to the plane!  :rolleyes:

To Allan, EdS, BdB, Captain Canada, and Logan---Thanks for the encouragement.

joncarrfarrelly--Yes, the Gunter Bros designs had a "style", didn't they? Semi-elliptical wings with a reverse-gull, similar tails, and a "sleek" look to all of them.

I'm off to a D-Day themed (though not mine) model contest and air show at Gillespie Field. I'm one of the contest judges and a contestant/exhibitor.  **FUN**!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


I *MIGHT* even have it finished by the end of today. I had some problems with flat-finish frosting, decals being ruined (LUCKILY I had a spare of that particular one), a finished part set aside earlier just simply VANISHING (I know that has never happened to you!), and many other disappointing delays.

I'm not going to extol this as my best work---WAAAY too many f'n problems unsolved and just accepted as a cost of production. Though I have had mild success in contests, I don't BUILD FOR CONTESTS, and would enter the Aichi 119 simply for the eye-catching appeal of it. It still is a culmination of a several-decades-long desire to make this model, and I will enjoy it regardless.

Pics to come sometime in the next few days, anyway!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!

Brian da Basher

Quote from: sequoiaranger on June 14, 2009, 10:14:18 AM

I'm not going to extol this as my best work---WAAAY too many f'n problems unsolved and just accepted as a cost of production.
Pics to come sometime in the next few days, anyway!

Every one of my projects has a flaw, some more obvious than others but all glaringly apparent to me. I have no doubt I'll be delighted and inspired by your finished project, SR and I look forward to seeing pics!
Brian da Basher


I amuse me.
Huge fan of noisy rodent.
Things learned from this site: don't tease wolverine.
Eddie's personal stalker.
Worshippers in Nannerland


At Last! Done with the Aichi 119! Or so I thought! While proudly taking pictures for this forum and my own satisfaction, the large, black cardboard sheet used in the background caught a gust of wind and fell on the plane, crushing the propeller and antenna, and taking out a landing gear. Back to the "shop"!

At any rate, I did get a couple of pics before aforesaid disaster:

Here is a "shadow knows" aerial. You may remember Mad Magazine's "The Shadow Knows" in which the shadow of the character describes what the reality WANTED to be in the situation. Here, the already-fast He/Aichi 119 dreams, in its shadow, of swept wings and additional speed! Or, for the less imaginative, it was just early-morning light (I tried to photograph while it was still cloudy to soften the shadows, but the sun came out just as I was taking the pics:

Then, here is the front quarter, showing the pilot sitting in his seat (the sliding hatch outlined in pen). Also notice the "red star" gun marking, like the Ki-61 Heins sported later in the war:

Now here is the rear gunner's station (and the intact antenna prior to the "attack" of the cardboard):

And finally (for now), the ground-level view (minus "Fliegenfische" glider torpedo) with the nefarious black cardboard background about to fall and crush my new "baby":

I hope the long wait was worth it. **WHEN** I get the plane repaired, I will photograph the "Fliegenfische" and the "loaded" Aichi 119.
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


well worth the wait, she's beautiful, Craig!  Sheer coolness, by and large.  Pity the gunner if a coolant leak happens on the radiator, but aside from that she looks mean.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


OOOOHHHH so nice I need a new word for the niceness of it  ;D  ;D  :wub:
Everything looks better with the addition of British Roundels!

the Empires Twilight facebook page


"My country, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; and if wrong, to be set right." - Carl Schurz

Ed S

Looking good.   Hopefully the repairs go well and we can see this with the glider torpedo.   :thumbsup:

We don't just embrace insanity here.  We feel it up, french kiss it and then buy it a drink.

Brian da Basher

Your Aichi 119 is an absolute What-If wonder, SR! I love the camo schemes and unified Axis markings and the cool little details like the stars around the guns! This beauty is a winner all the way!!!
:wub: :wub:
Brian da Basher



Must, then, my projects bend to the iron yoke of a mechanical system? Is my soaring spirit to be chained down to the snail's pace of matter?


Hot damn that is nice!! :thumbsup:

If there any flaws I can't see them. :mellow:
Get this Cheese to sick bay!


OK, here are the last of the pics. Some have the "Fliegenfische" glide torpedo; some don't.

First is a comparison photo of a real (experimental) He-119 and my Aichi 119. Note larger tail, and of course the "hump"for the radiator (notice no lower bulge, however, like the He-119!), but essentially the Aichi version is the "operational" equivalent.

Next is the fully-loaded Aichi 119 warming up on a Marshall Island base (note jungle background!), ready to strike at the American fleet headed its way.

Here is the Fliegenfische mounted under the Aichi 119. I took suggestion to spray a little RLM 65 on the wings to help it blend in for the long flight to the fleet.

Just a quick look at the Fliegenfische poking out under the Aichi 119. Note squadron badge and gunner. Incidentally, when the nasty black cardboard fell on and crushed the Aichi 119 the other day, I noticed dozens of pinholes in the cardboard as the rear gunner desperately tried to defend his aircraft from the falling "sky".

Lastly, the view (approximately, if you substituted water for the background) the American fleet would see after the Aichi 119 had released its torpedo. I got the prop spinning (it does that well) and snapped the photo, hoping it would be a blur. It was. The view is just SLIGHTLY off-center (note position of antenna and vertical stabilizer) but you get the idea.

A "backstory" is in the making, but that's all for pictures, Folks!
My mind is like a compost heap: both "fertile" and "rotten"!


Lovely piece of work - congratulations!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot."
 - Sandman: A Midsummer Night's Dream, by Neil Gaiman

"I dunno, I'm making this up as I go."
 - Indiana Jones


Excellent stuff indeed!... :thumbsup:
You know what? Even though there are a whole bunch of things just to love about this one, the best bit for me is the altered exhaust units...for some reason they look so right with this version!... :wub:
It's a big, wide world out there...so if it's all the same to you I'll just stay indoors!