
Tiger, Panther, and King Tiger

Started by PanzerWulff, October 15, 2008, 07:34:36 PM

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This is photoshopped, right?  I can't see the advantage,  but I can see an overcrowded turret with one of those guns having no room whatsoever on the loader's side.

Kim M
The Leng Plateau is lovely this time of year


Yes it's photoshopped - notice the way the second gun actually overlaps the side of the turret on that angle, how it's so directly eraser-cut on the side, it doesn't look completely right to a sharp eye, but it's close enough to be believable at a glance.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


The Panther turret on the PantherII hull was done in the US after it was captured and brought over for analysis. The Panther II was never put into produced nor the test hull ever fitted for combat. And regarding improving the basic type, while the P.II introduced the improved armor shape and had a somewhat simplified suspension system, it still used torsion bars and the same marginally adiquate engine and drive train. The E-50 suspension would have had entirely external suspension hardware.


Sure it was crowded but it looks cool :) Did this one a long ways back.

Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


There is a project involving a Panzer IV armed with two 75mm recoilless rifles and one 30mm spotting gun (mounted between the RRs).
To the individual soldiers, *everything* is a frontal assault!


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dy, you wouldn't happen to have any pictures or source for them would you?


Something I quickly knocked up:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Iam not a great fan of armour,  but these topic about evolved nazi tanks is very interesting. I was thinking about some kind of MBT for the fatherland 64 vintage, one idea that would be cool is a Jagdleopard II, with a Jajdtiger chasis and the 120mm Rheinmetall gun of the Leo 2.  A Leo 2A5 in Afrika Korps colours is another option  :wub:


Quote from: gunfighter on January 24, 2009, 02:15:11 PM
Iam not a great fan of armour,  but these topic about evolved nazi tanks is very interesting. I was thinking about some kind of MBT for the fatherland 64 vintage, one idea that would be cool is a Jagdleopard II, with a Jajdtiger chasis and the 120mm Rheinmetall gun of the Leo 2.  A Leo 2A5 in Afrika Korps colours is another option  :wub:

Try looking here for my take on a JagdLeo.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


A few people mentioned upgrading some of these to carry a 105mm main gun - FYI there was a real world proposal by Krupp to re-arm the King Tiger with a 105mm Kw.K. L/68 main gun:

and for comparison, the standard 88mm Kw.K. L/71:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


One of the apparent problems encountered with the Panther's interleaved suspension was that it could freeze up in the Russian winter, so what if this was changed to something more conventional:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Continued - this time with Schmalturn turret sporting 75mm main gun:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


And finally a version with Schmalturn turret sporting 88mm Kw.K L/71 main gun + NVG +Anti-Aircraft cupola fitted with 30mm cannon:

Might do a Gas Turbine powered variant next.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Very nice, especially the Panther neuer Art are interesting