
Tiger, Panther, and King Tiger

Started by PanzerWulff, October 15, 2008, 07:34:36 PM

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My take on a Panther APC - with 20mm cannon:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


It is known the Germans planned on a Flak Panther with twin 55mm cannon like this:

But what about a SAM vehicle to accompany it:



All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Quote from: The Wooksta! on October 16, 2008, 11:31:59 AM
The Japanese apparently were interested in the Panther and *might* have got one.  There is some circumstantial evidence to support that.

Japan's problem of acute shortage of strategic materials would have made the production of the very capable Panther difficult.
Also I do not know how Japanese infrastructure, the likes of bridges would have handled the weight of the Panther?
In saying this the Japanese would have found the stopping power of its 75mm gun and its effective ballistic shaped armour like a gift from the gods!
Not to mention the initial physiological effect the Japanese Panther would have had on the American's, Australians in the Pacific.



I read somewhere that the Germans were working on a simplified and lighter variant of the Panther tank, which would have allowed faster manufacturing.
I think its dimensions in the length of its chassis were shorter, with the reduction of one roadwheel either side.
Does anyone know anything about this program or was it a 'what If'???



Mind you, even some German 75mm Pak40s shipped to Japan would have been a useful, scary prospect...


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Who said the Japanese didn't have Tigers???


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Re Panthers and Tigers!

QuoteThe first production Tigers were ready in August of 1942 and from July of 1942, Henschel and Wegmann manufactured only 1,355 Tigers until as late as August of 1944 (chassis number 250001 to 251346). Henschel produced the chassis and Wegmann assembled the turrets, while Henschel did final assembly. Tiger's production reached its highest point in April of 1944, when 105 were produced.  The main reason for the number produced was Tiger's difficult production and its cost. Out the entire number produced some 500 saw service with sSSPzAbts.

On June 7th of 1943, Japanese ambassador in Germany, General Oshima was shown a Tiger from sPzAbt 502. Single Tiger was then sold to Japan in 1943, but was never delivered due to the war situation and was loaned by Japan to the German Army (sSSPzAbt 101). Henschel charged Japan 645.000 Reichsmarks for fully equipped Tiger (with ammunition and radio equipment), while the regular price for the same Tiger was only 300.000 Reichsmarks. Only 3 Tigers were sold to Hungary in July of 1944 and small number was handed over to Hungarians by sPzAbt 503 or 509.Also some sources state that Spain was interested in acquiring a number of Tigers but the transaction was never finalized.

Quote1943, single early Panther Ausf D along with PzKpfw VI Tiger was sold to Japan, but both were never delivered due to the war situation and were loaned by Japan to the German Army.

Left: Japanese Military Attache Colonel Ioshida inspecting purchased Panther at Henschel plant.
Photo provided by Dmitry Pyatakhin.

A small number of Panthers, probably five, and probably G models, was sold to Hungary in 1944, while a single Panther was apparently sold to Sweden in 1943, though this is unconfirmed.

In February of 1943, MAN allowed Italian Fiat-Ansaldo to licence produce Panthers but production never took place due to the Italian surrender in September of 1943.


Quote from: GTX on October 19, 2008, 12:06:06 AM
Mind you, even some German 75mm Pak40s shipped to Japan would have been a useful, scary prospect...



Why, yes indeed.

Another project I need to complete:
Type 1 Tank Destroyer (Modified) Kariudo(hunter).
The backstory is that it is a Manchurian theater modification, with the gun mount and recuperator assembly of the Japanese 75mm gun modified to handle the gun tube and breech of the Pak 40. The tech story being that the Japanese received a limited number of Pak 40 tube and breech assemblies, sans mounts and carriages, along with a small supply of ammunition. However in this scenario the sub carrying the full technical information for the gun and ammunition does make it to Japan unscathed and a crash program to build copies is put in hand. Among the companies assigned production was the Manchurian Industrial Development Company (Manshū Jukōgyō Kaihatsu Kabushiki Kaisha, or Mangyō), a zaibatsu with huge holdings in Manchukuo including the Showa Steel Works, which produced high-grade steel using state-of-the-art equipment purchased from Krupp in Germany. Mangyo engineers conceived of the Kariudo modification as the fastest way to get the new weapon into the field, first using a few of the German made examples that survived the trip to Japan, later vehicles using the home produced examples.

The paint is Tamiya acrylic, Khaki. The vehicle will have a disruptive scheme applied over the khaki basecoat.

This vehicle and my, also to be completed Ki 51 tankbuster  :banghead:, both tie into a post-1945 independent Manchuria alt. history I've been developing. Slowly developing I hasten to add.


p.s. Yes, Panthers do figure into the story.  ;D


I just got a Dragon 1/72 Tiger 1 P (Prototype) and it looks a bit different than the usual Tiger So I'm going to make it into a Japanese army tank based in the Phillipenes does anyone have any color profiles of japanese armor cammo from WWII??? there are plenty for japanese aircraft but armor is scarce so far
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


Quote from: PanzerWulff on October 23, 2008, 06:04:38 PM
I just got a Dragon 1/72 Tiger 1 P (Prototype) and it looks a bit different than the usual Tiger So I'm going to make it into a Japanese army tank based in the Phillipenes does anyone have any color profiles of japanese armor cammo from WWII??? there are plenty for japanese aircraft but armor is scarce so far

Here you go - I hope these help:

Plus here's a little montage of photos I put together:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Some more profiles here (scroll down).


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Is It me or do most of the japanese WWII light tanks resemble the Vickers and Hotchkiss light tank designs???
Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


I still think it would look interesting to see Schurzen and the turret-walls on a Tiger.  I'll have to get stuff together and do one up eventually, because it's just too interesting of a thought.
Putty-fu, Scratch-jutsu and Bash-chi, the sacred martial arts of the What-If. Mastering them, is Ancient Chinese Secret.

Just your friendly neighbourhood Mad Scientist and Ship-whiffer.

Overkill? Nah, it's Insurance.  So are the 20" guns.


Now that would be an interesting configuration, especially if the skirts were made to look like an over-scale PanzerIV. True, Allied tankers tended to see "Tigers" everywhere, but to add confusion, camoflaging a Tiger wouldn't be the wierdest thing to happen.


Something I just found:


All hail the God of Frustration!!!