Converting Civil Aircraft to Military use

Started by kengeorge, November 01, 2008, 08:19:34 PM

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Hi there,
    having some time on my hands got me thinking. There are some commercial aircraft out in the real world that have been converted for military use, the usual, tankers, AEW, Maritime patrol, that sort of thing. But what else is there? How about a 747 flying hospital? an Il-96 AWACS? An RN Shorts 330 COD? That sort of thing. Or better still how about some designs that never made it beyond the drawing board,'What if"......
    I suggested this as I have been reading a book called 'Stuck on the drawing board' unbuilt British commercial aircraft since 1945, by Richard Payne. It has a lot of three view drawings in it, and some look worthy of whiffing, though not through my limited drawing talents.
    I've scanned a number of these designs in and as soon as I can re-size them, I'll post them so you can see what I mean. If there is a topic like this already started somewhere else, then I apologize in advance.
    PS, I have a three view of the Bell Model 5 XFL-1 Airabonita, a proposal from Bell in answer to a US Navy Spec for a carrier fighter. The XFL-1 is basically a Tail dragger P-39 with a hook. I'll post this too if anyone is interested.



I think there's plenty of civvy stuff out there that deserves whiffing, just as some mil-spec ships don't look out of place in less 'warlike' schemes and fits.  Given the amount of civ ships out there of all breeds, sizes and purposes, it's a goldmine in my opinion.  I'm particularly a fan of 'bizjets' serving in a military role, whether as a maritime ship, strategic recce or spec ops support.  Even the little Jetstream (a brill kit from Airfix) makes a nice conversion as has been shown here as a gunship & I did one decades ago as a spec ops transporter.




Wasn't there a Ploughshares Into Swords GB proposed some time ago?
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Evening guys,
    Yes I agree with you Mav about what you said, being a goldmine of civil stuff out there just waiting to be whiffed. Does anybody have line drawings of the Bristol Britannia, Vickers Vanguard, HS Andover / 748? As I think they could be ideal conversions for MPA's or gunships perhaps?
     I had an idea for a UN rapid response humanitarian relief force, or UNRHRF. Two squadrons of aircraft funded by the UN to reach any natural disaster, i.e, earthquakes etc within 12 hours of the disaster occurring. The squadrons would comprise of 4-6 medium sized bizjets, like citation X's or BBJ's carrying disaster relief rapid response teams. Between 2-4 Boeing 747 LCF's, or A380's kitted out as flying trauma ships, holding at least one complete MASH, carrying nurses, surgeons, search teams, cadaver dogs etc.
     1-2 An-225's or C-5B's carrying heavy equipment like JCB's bulldozers, 4x4 ambulances, helicopters, that sort of thing. The two squadrons would be initially be stationed in, say western Australia to cover the Pacific and the far east, the other sqn stationed in say Spain to cover Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, etc.
     The colour scheme, would be the usual UN white, with a sky blue cheatline with UNRHRF titles and Un flag on the tails, the hospital aircraft would have the IRC emblem on the sides.
      If anyone out there has line drawings of a C-5B or a citation X as well that I could use, I would be grateful. Or perhaps another member could whiff up something?



I haven't found a decently sized C-5 blank around and I think the Citation will be another level of difficulty with the empahasis being on mil types in 3-views as a general rule.  Still, the Cit would be an excellent choice for the conversion.  I do however have a Ruslan blank you can use.  PM me with your email and I'll forward it along.



The Rat

Quote from: kengeorge on November 02, 2008, 04:21:14 PMI had an idea for a UN rapid response humanitarian relief force, or UNRHRF.

Got something like that on the bench right now, a Revell Convair Tradewind being done up all white with UN markings. I've already picked up a (nearly) matching scale jeep which will be shown coming down the ramp onto a beach. Decals are going to be difficult, might have to go steady with a fine brush.

And welcome to the loony bin Ken, sounds like you'll fit right in!
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection



I'm still trying to find a 72nd scale 747 to make that missile destroying version they keep flashing about.


Quote from: cthulhu77 on November 03, 2008, 07:38:08 AM
I'm still trying to find a 72nd scale 747 to make that missile destroying version they keep flashing about.

kitnut aka robert has a copy of the AIM-Transport Wings 747-100/200 kit, maybe if you talk real sweet?  ;D

'twould require several modifications as the ABL is built on the 747-400F platform.



Hi Rat,
    Would love to see the finished article and to see I'm not the only one thinking this way. I used to do loads of aero modeling in a previous life, but stopped some time ago. Consequently I have a pile of kits stashed in my Ma's attic, should get them out and check on their condition and get round to selling / giving them away to good homes.
    The missus cannot stand the smell of the paint and I tend to be a little untidy when I did my modeling, so instead I prefer to spend time trying to master some sort of CGI or at least MS Paint now, a bit less messy, but never say never.
    And we got a mutt who gets her face into everything, so my kits had a very limited lifespan (wife breathes a sigh of relief)
    Got to get on with these CGI whiffs.............

Brian da Basher

I'm in the midst of converting a 1/144 Jumkers G-38 airliner into a military version. It's quite a bit different than the bomber version license-built in Japan.
Brian da Basher

P.S. The RoG 1/144 Junkers G-38 is a honey of a kit. If you're thinking about getting one, it's good value for the money and ripe with possibilities.


An AWACS A-330 / E-330 / E-45 would be sweet. What would be sexier would be an E-330 with the IAI Phalcon radar system :wub:

I love A330s :wub: :thumbsup:


   B777LR, An A330 AWACS, sounds good, how about an RAF A330 R.1 as the RAF seem to be hell bent on buying a trio of geriatric Boeing's from the USAF to replace their equally old Nimrod R.1's. I'll have to get hold of an A330 blank and start doing something. Got a A340 Blank I'm trying to whiff into a Phalcon system at the moment, I'll post my doodling's as soon as I finished.
    I had drawn a few designs from this book I have been looking at give you all some idea as to what I meant, not just real world stuff, but also designs that existed only as paper planes. However my drawings are not as good as some of our members as you will see, but I would like to read your comments.
    Be back soon,


I suspect that one reason they're buying the Rivet Joint aircraft is that the engineering is already done and  they only need pay for the conversion; besides, the conversions are being done by the same folk who fitted out the Sentinel R.1's for Raytheon (L-3 Communications, Integrated Systems Div. in Greenville, TX - I worked, once upon a time, for their operation in Waco, TX).
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin

The Rat

Quote from: The Wooksta! on November 05, 2008, 05:11:58 AM
I'm considering an AEW Lancastrian, York or Tudor.

Do I win £5?

Nope, but you've got my undying interest. Sounds like a great idea!
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection



Morning all,
    Rat I Like the idea of an AEW Lancastrian, with turboprops perhaps? Where would you place the radar dome, ventral or dorsal, like the EC-121? or a rotodome maybe. Been toying with an AEW BAe 146 profile and converting it to a tail ramp transport.
    Wooksta, a York gunship? What armament? How about 2-3 Hispano 20mms and a 17 pounder or 25 pounder? Just a thought. What scale are you going to do it in?
    Got some profiles to finish off, so
    bye for now